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A family lost their daughter in tsunami ten years ago found their girl

A fourteen-year-old Indonesian girl whose town was seriously damaged by a crucial tsunami reunited
with her family after ten-year being separated. Her uncle found her in a crowd. In the days following
media bulletin of her survival, a boy who also was swept away to the sea at age seven with his sister
came back to his family.

Advanture: Diver faces deadly eight-metre anaconda as she explores underwater cave system

When Karina Oliani dived into a cave system in search of underwater cave monster, she was surprised
because of the eight-metre anaconda after four-day search. The snake was one of the biggest ever seen
underwater, weighing an estimate 400 kg. The diver said that she could just have seen a huge head and
couldn’t have seen the end of it’s body and the snake could move fast underwater and could killed her.

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