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High yielding varieties

We have to select high yielding varieties for production of seeds, because they respond well for
high fertilizer application, short duration and resistant to pest and disease. Thus to get higher yield and
profit, selection of high yielding variety is important.
Selection of land
The land should be fertile, red sandy loam with aeration and good drainage facilities. The selected
land should not have deficiency of micro nutrient such as calcium and boron as these micronutrient
deficiencies will impair the quality of seeds.
Deficiency Implications
Boron Reduction in total number of pods in plants; increased number of one
seeded pods; more incidence of fungal disease; production of seeds
with hollow heart
Calcium Darkened plumule which affects germination of seeds.
Obtain seed from healthy pods; shrivelled, broken and disfigured seeds have to be discarded.
Seed rate (for an acre)
Small seeded varieties : 50-55 kg, Large seeded varieties : 55-60 kg
Variety Habit Duration Av. Yield Shelling Oil content Special character
(days) (q/ha) (%) (%)
AK 12-24 Bunchy 105 16.00 70 48 Resistant to leaf spot and rust,
seeds rosy in colour having no
Kissan (OG Bunchy 110 16.00 68 50 15 days dormancy, seed rosy
13-3) colour
Smruti (OG Bunchy 110 25.00 72 51 Kernel bold, red in colour,
52-1) resistant to collar rot and stem
rot, no dormancy
TAG 24 Bunchy 110 25.00 72 53 Resistant to bud necrosis, leaf
TG 3 Bunchy 110 18.00 68 51 Drought resistant, seed rosy
in colour, dormancy absent
TMV 2 Bunchy 115 16.00 70 51 Seed salmon in colour,
spheroidal in shape,
moderate resistant to early,
late leaf spot and rust,
dormancy absent
TG 38 Bunchy 110 20.00 70 47.5 Plants semi dwarf, kernels
rosy in colour, tolerant to stem
rot, stem necrosis and dry root rot.
Seed treatment
Seed treatment refers to the application of fungicide, insecticide or a combination of both to seeds so as to
disinfect and disinfest them from seed borne or soil borne pathogenic organisms to maintain the required
plant population in the field. It also refers to subjecting the seeds with treatment of bio-control agents and
Fungicide treatment
Treat one kg of seeds with 2 gm of Thiram before sowing. Keep the fungicide treated seeds for 24 hrs and
use for sowing.
Trichoderma treatment
Treat the seeds with biocontrol agents of Trichoderma viridi @ 4g per kg of seeds just before sowing.
If the seeds are treated with biocontrol agent of Trichoderma, such seeds should not be treated with
Rhizobial treatment
It is better to treat the seeds with specific Rhizobium of TNAU 14 and phosphobacteria for groundnut
Material requirement (for an acre)
1. Rhizobium : 1 packet (200 gm)
2. Phosphobacteria : 1 packet (200 gm)
3. Rice gruel : 1 lit4. Good seeds : 55 kg.
 Mix thoroughly the rhizobium and phosphobacteria into the rice gruel with constant stirring
 Spread the seed kernel on a gunny bag
 Then the rhizobial mixture as prepared with rice gruel is sprayed over the seeds using a twig.
 Care must be taken by constant stirring so that all the seeds get treated with rhizobium.
 Dry the seeds under shade for 1-2 hrs and use for sowing within 24 hrs of treatment.
Advantages of Rhizobium inoculation
 Plants uptake more amount of nitrogen.
 Increase the root nodules of plant and fix atmospheric nitrogen to make available to the plants.
 The phosphobacteria converts the non-available form of phosphorus in the soil into available
form to the plants.
 Helps for the better root development.
 The rhizobial treatment increases the yield.
Enough care must be taken for rhizobial seed treatment that the seed coat should not be removed as
it may reduce the seed germination
Always use freshly prepared Rhizobium packets
Fungicide seed treatment must be done 24 hrs earlier to Rhizobium seed treatment.
Do not use Rhizobium packet if the content is dried.
Preparation of land
The land selected for seed production of groundnut is to be ploughed 4-5 times and prepared to
fine tilth. It is better to have deep plouging rather than wide ploughing. In the last ploughing ten cart load
(5 tonnes) of well decomposed FYM is to be applied for an acre. Then the land can be prepared either
with beds and channels or ridges and furrows based on the nature of soil and water flow for irrigation.
Seeds should be sown within 15 cm each in 30 cm spacing between rows. Seeds are to be sown
within 4 cm depth in the soil.
Population maintenance
In groundnut field observed some gap in the plant population which leads to poor yield. But it is easy
to maintain the required population so as to get increased yield. The following are some useful tips to be
followed to maintain plant population in groundnut.
 Use required quantity of seed kernels for sowing.
 Obtain seeds from healthy pods. Shrivelled, broken and disfigured seeds have to be rejected.
 Fully matured graded seed only have to be used.
 Follow seed treatment before sowing
 Seed management technique is to be followed to utilize sprouted seeds for sowing.
 Care must be taken for proper preparation of land
 Sowing to be done with proper spacing
Fertilizer management
For better growth of plants, root development, increased flowering, for resistance of pest and
disease and to increase the yield in groundnut adopting integrated nutrient management is important.
Farm yard manure: 2 tonnes of FYM is to be applied to an acre and incorporated in the field by
ploughing 4-5 times.
Inorganic fertilizers
o By applying macro nutrients the yield could be increased
o Applying nitrogenous fertilizers help in the better growth of plants.
o Phosphotic fertilizers improve the development of roots and pods.
o Potash application develops resistance in the plant for pest and disease and also for
o Application of micronutrients helps the plant growth without any nutrient deficiency and
also in the absorption of other nutrients.

Basal dressing (kg / acre)

Nitrogen P2O5 K 2O

8 16 16

4 kg of Borax and 5 kg of micronutrient mixture are to be applied on the soil after sowing.
Weed Management
To get increased yield in any crop, weed management is an important aspect. To avoid wastage of plant
nutrients, soil moisture, to facilitate the availability of sun light to crops, to prevent the spread of pest and
diseases and to realize increase in yield weed control assumes greater importance. Since the crop-weed
competition is more in early stages of crop growth, control of weeds within 45 days of sowing is critical.
Before sowing
1. Summer ploughing may be taken up.
2. Deep ploughing, collection of weeds and destroying them.
3. Crop rotation and keep cleaning the bunds of the field.
4. Monocot grass weeds could be controlled by using herbicides.
After sowing
Herbicide application:
Pre-emergence application of Oxyflourfen 35% EC @ 200 ml/ha through flat fan nozzle with 900 ml of
water may be given followed by irrigation. Herbicide can also be applied by mixing with sand. Herbicide
has to be applied within 3 days of sowing. After 35-40 days one hand weeding may be given.
 Herbicide is to be applied when there is enough moisture in the soil.
 It is better to apply during evening hours.
 To be irrigated within three days.
 Herbicide is to be sprayed by walking behind in the field.
 Requires less labourers for manual weeding
 Avoids wastage of plant nutrients and reduces cost of production.
 Increases seed yield by better crop growth.
 Shortage of agricultural labourer is managed.
Important operations in Seed production field

Earthing up
It is an important operation in groundnut. Earthing up is to be done within 40-45 days after sowing as it
helps for the penetration of pegs in the soil and also facilitates for increased pod development.
Gypsum application
Application of gypsum is very important. It contains calcium and sulphur. Calcium helps for the
development of bold pods with increased weight. Sulphur improves the oil content in the kernel. For an
acre 160 kg of gypsum is to be applied on 40-45th day after sowing and earthing up is to be done.
Irrigation Management
In order to prevent the spread of weed growth, to control the spread of pest and diseases and for better
formation of pods, better water management is important for seed crops.
Irrigation is to be regulated based on physiological growth phases. Pegging, flowering and pod
development phases are critical for irrigation during which period adequate soil moisture is essential. The
important stages are:
 Sowing (or) pre-sowing
 Life irrigation, 4-5 days after sowing.
 20-22 days after sowing.
 Pegging stage
 Pod formation and development stage.
Plant protection
Plant protection measures are important to control pest and disease and to get increased yield. Integrated
plant protection measures are necessary for the production of quality seeds.
Pest management
Generally, the pest attacking the groundnut crop can be classified into three categories.
 Sucking pests
 Leaf eating pests
 Pod and root borers
Sucking pests
1. Thrips

 A white crust on the upper side of the leaves may be seen. The lower side will be changed to
purple colour.
 Cup shape leaves facing upward.
 Dried margin of leaves
 Shrunken leaves without development
2. Green Jassides
Symptoms :
 Galls on the leaves
 Yellow leaf margin
 Plants turn yellow in colour with stunted growth
Control Measures: By spraying any one of the following insecticides the sucking insects may be
controlled: Monocrotophos 300 ml / chlorpyriphos 300 ml / Dichlorvos 250 ml/acre.
Leaf eating insects

Leaf miner: Lives on feeding the chlorophyll of the leaves. The plants will dry. At the initial stage it
enters through the mid-rib and at later stages it rolls the leaves and feed.
Control measures: This insect can be controlled by applying either 10 kg phosalone 4% dust (or) 10 kg
Endosulfan 4% dust (or) Chlorpyriphos 500 ml per acre.
Prodinia and Heliathis

Prodinia also is an important pest in groundnut crop. It will feed totally on leaves. Greenish Heliathis
larvae feed on young developing leaves and cause damage to the crop.

Control Measures
1. Light traps can be set up to attract the moths
2. Pheromone traps can also be used to attract the moths
3. For an acre Endosulfan 10% dust 10 kg (or) Dichlorvos 300 m (or) Endosulfan 400 ml could be
applied for the control of young larvae. To control fully developed larvae 400 ml Chlorpyriphos
can be sprayed.
Red hairy caterpillar

These caterpillars in mass cause heavy damage to the crop. The affected field seems to have been grazed
by sheep or goat. This can be controlled by setting up light traps. Also by collection, the gregarious early
instar larvae can be destroyed. By spraying Dichlorvos 300 ml (or) Chlorphyriphos 500 ml (or)
Fenitrothion 300 ml for an acre this pest can be controlled.
Root and pod borer

1. White grubs
The roots of the plants are damaged. To control this pest, summer ploughing can be done. At the time of
the last ploughing 10% Phorate granules @ 10 kg/acre can be applied an incorporated thoroughly into the
Pod Borer
Pod borer can be controlled by applying Malathion 5% dust 25 kg/ha (or) Endosulfan 4% dust 25 kg/hg to
the soil prior to sowing in area where the earwig is endemic. Soil application of any one of the above dust
formulations on 40th day of sowing and incorporated in the soil during earthing up can also be done.
Disease management

Leaf spot
This disease may appear in all stages of crop growth. Black spots on the leaves can be seen conspicuously
and leaves will dry. When the disease intensity is crossed grade 3, Carbendazim 500 g / ha (or) Mancozeb
1 kg/ha can be applied, 15 days later second round can be given, if necessary.


This disease also appears in all stages of crop growth. Yellow boils on lower surface of the leaves can be
seen. When the intensity of disease is increased the damage will be heavy as all the leaves are dried. To
control this disease any one of the following fungicides can be sprayed when the disease intensity crosses
grade 3. Mancozeb 1 kg/ha (or) Chlorothalonil 1 kg / ha (or) Tridemorph 500 ml. If necessary 15 days
after another round can be given.
Root rot
A white fungal mass on the portion of the plants indicates the presence of this disease. If the plants are
pulled, only foliage will be coming up leaving the root portion in the soil. To control this disease seed
treatment can be given with Carbendazim @ 2 gm per kg of seeds. Drenching Carbendazim @ 1 g/lit can
also be given.
Harvesting and storage
To obtain good quality seed harvesting at optimum / correct maturity stage is very important.
The fungus infestation will be more if harvest is delayed; in situ germination may also be a problem.
Hence the importance of harvesting the pods at correct stage is an important operation in quality seed
Optimum stages of harvest and Harvest techniques
 Tip of the leaves turns yellow
 Drying and falling down of lower leaves
 Colour of the inner side of the pod shell turns black
 The field may be irrigated prior to harvest, if the soil is dry as this will facilitate for easy
 The pulled out plants should not be heaped before stripping of pods.
 Strip off the pod from the plants by engaging manual labourers or groundnut stripper may be
For maintenance of seed quality proper drying is necessary. The Pod moisture at harvest will be
around 35-40%. The pods are to be dried under sun for 2-3 days to bring down the moisture content to 10-
12%. The pods are to be stirred regularly.The rattling sound will indicate proper drying. The easy removal
of testa when the kernel is pressed between two fingers will indicate the proper drying of the pods. The
mechanically injured and discoloured pods are to be removed. After drying the pods may be processed
using processing machine.
Seed storage
After processing, the processed pods are to be collected in gunny bags are stored. Before storage,
the pods can be treated with Thiram @ 4 gm per kg of pods. The gunny bags are to be stacked on wooden
pallets. The bags should not be stacked on cement floor and they should not touch the walls of storage
godown. Aeration in the storage godown is also necessary.

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