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Hello Honey,

all the words you are telling me are just making me going crazy,because you speak
the truth and i so much love that from you, i also so much want and need you, and i
also do promise that i will love you on till the end of my world.

what we are about to do now is all about swearing an Oath before the Lord. our
heart will still bind together and nobody will leave each
other, the Oath is an evil thing that can easily kill when one disobey
it, but because of the strong love we have for each other and for the fact that we
will never cheat on each other in this world we agreed to go into it with passion
of the heart,

even the Bible says in the book of Matthew 5:34-37 "But I say unto
you, swear not at all; neither by heaven, nor by the earth . . .
. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head . . . . But let your
communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than
these cometh of evil

Honey I'm ready to go into this Oath with you also as i will be the one to start,

Oath Words.....................
I Have cut my right hand with a blade little blood that drop on the bible page and
cup of water and throw it outside the window and my finger on the bible and i swear

I swear by Almighty God that this is my name Adams smith from

United State Of America i have hereby join my heart and my soul as a
Deal of truth and love an as a Covenant binding the heart of Me and my
Love Together as one, to love and to cherish, for richer for
poorer till death do us Apart, and if any one of us should disobey the
rules of the Oath, he or she will have no peace, so Help me God
Heb. 7:21 "The Lord sware and will not repent

Honey i have sworn mine and you have to also swear your use a bible if
you cannot use a blood from the hand drop inside the water and trow
away, that is exactly what i did, just as the same way i did, and send
it back to me then we can move peacefully to our world ok.

Nothing i repeat Nothing will ever make me depart from you, not in
this world not in the next world to come, you are made for me as i'm
made for you. i love you so much more than my life itself. take good
care of yourself for me, have a nice day i love you byee.

Forever Your

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