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RTT) ) iy mess LESSON 2: COUNTRIES 7 1. (Track 1) Listen to the short conversations. Mark the sentences T(true) or F (false). (Nghe cdc doan héi dap ngan va danh dauT (true - diing) hoc F (false - sai) cho cdc cau sau) 1. I'm from Russia. T 2. Hamburg is in Poland. 3. She's from Mexico. 4, He isn't from Argentina. 5. 6. I'm Brazilian. . He isn’t Italian. 2. (Track 2) Listen to the difference between he and she. (Nghe dé tim ra su khdc biét gida he va she) 1. a, Is A@ from Egypt? b, Is BAG from Egypt? za from Turkey. b, |H@S from Turkey. 3. a, Where's fi from? b, Where's She from? 4. a, SHES nice b, [H@S nice. 5. a, Where is fi? b, Where is SHB? 3. (Track 3) Listen and tick (,/) the sentence you hear in 2. (Nghe va tich vao cau ban nghe duge & bai 2) URS TUN caf 1. Where are they from? Complete the sentences with a country and say it out loud. (ign vao ché tréng cdc tén nude va doc to céc cau sau) BRisiSH Al Ws from Ws from SE (ELS ARENA es Se 2. Look at the photos. Go round the class to ask and answer question with others. (Nhin anh duéi day. Bi xung quanh Iép, hoi va tra ldi vé cdc nhan vat/ dé vat trong anh) Example: He's from Brazil 3.Work in pairs. Ask and answer the names and nationalities of 6 people in the photo. (Hi va tra Idi tén va quéc tich cua 6 ngudi trong anh) Example: Number 1 : What's her name? Her name's ; : How do you spell it? Isshe ? No, she isnt. : Isshe 2 : Yes, sheis. PPPS PreE SE (ELS ARENA Name: Nationality: _ 4, Work in pairs. Listen to your partner and complete the gaps. Then tell the class what he/she said. (Nghe ban cén lai néi va dién vao ché tréng sau dé néi lai cho ca lop ban ay a ndigi) Student A: Listen to B and complete the gaps. (Nghe hoc sinh B ndi va dién vao ché tréng) Hello, I'm tm but I live in Ispeak and «My teacher is from Tell the class what B said (N6i Iai cho lop nhitng gi hgc sinh B da n Student B: Listen to A.and complete the gaps. (Nghe hoc sinh Andi va din vao ché tréng) Hi, my name's . I'm from: im a teacher and I live in Iteach . My students are and 5 Tell the class what A said (N6i Iai cho Iép nhitng gi hoc sinh B dé néi) HOMEWORK: WRITING Wie 1.Make © or ces or questions @. Use we, you or they. (Hoan thanh cdc cu khang dinh, phi dinh hodc nghi van sir dung we, you hogc they) SE (7S ARENA es = Example: Luisa and | / Brazilian © We're Brazilian, You and Henry / Swiss © Youaren't S / Liz and Tom / from Egypt @ Are they from Egypt 1. Anaand1/ Mexican ° 2. You,Max,andJohn/inclass4 3. /Mike and Peter / English e 4, /Linda and |/ from France ° 5. Lucy and |/ students e 2.Write questions. Then answer with the information in brackets. (Viét cau héi dya vao tit goi y sau dé tra Idi cdc cau hai nay theo théng tin # trong ngoac) Example: 1. Matt Damon / American? (v) Js Matt Damon American ? Yes, heis. ; 2. Tiramisu / from Japan? (x Italy) 4, Taco / from Mexico? (/) 1s Tiramisu from Japan ? 2 No, it isn’t Its from Italy ; : 3. Taylor Swift / Polish? (x the USA) 5. Tom Holland / from Canada? (x England) 2 ? 3. Complete the conversations. (Bién vao ché tréng dé hoan thanh doan héi thoai) Example: A: Are you from Turkey? B: No, !'mnot .|'m from Egypt. 1 A:(1)__ you from the United States? B:No, we (2)__ American. We (3) English. 2 A:Where (4) ‘Alex from? (5) he from Mexico? B:No, he (6)__. He (7)__ from the USA. 3 A:Where (8) you from? B:1(9)____ from Cambridge. 4 A:What (10)____ yourname? B: My name (11) Anna. I'm from Chicago. A:You(12)____ from Chicago! | (13)___from Chicago, too! It (14)_a great city. 5 A:(15)____ they Spanish? B: Yes, they (16) They (17)___ from Madrid. 6 — A:(18)___ Adidas American? B:No, it (19)_, it (20)__ German.

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