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: KEMENTERIAN AGAMA RI SEKOLAH TINGGI AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI (STAIN) SYAIKH ABDURRAHMAN SIDDIK BANGKA BELITUNG NAMA TUT DAMARWATI NIM ost 3028 TEMPAT/IGL LAUIR BANGKA, 13 MARET 1990 JURUSAN TARBIY AIL PRODI TADRIS BAHASA INGGRIS (Ty NOMOR DAZAI Su 32 11.3 PPO! 1/000102012 TANGGAL LULUS OKTOBER 2012 No. MATA KULIAT Rope [t_[ aw _[eeeoni] st 1 [Pancasila = sti-or] 8 3 2 6 2 [Bahasa Arab 1 suo |B 3 2 o | 3 Bahasa Indonesia sit-03 | A 4 2 8 4 flapappiso 4, stl-o8 Jo .B 3 3 ° 5 [Utumut Hadits sti-os | a 4 2 8 6 [Utumul Quran sti-o6 | A 4 2 x 7 [Tahsinul Qiroafit si-o7 |B 3 ° 0 8 [Ilmu Pendidikan \ rAR-o1 |B. 3 2 6 9 [communicative English | sti-os |B 3 2 6 10 |Psikotogi Betajar | TaR-02 |B 3 2 6 11 [civie Education | sto |B 3 2 6 12 [Bahasa Arab I sno | c 2 2 4 13 frasir i ston | A 4 2 8 j 14 |Hadits . Pens sti-i2 | A 4 2 & 16 faetodotgi Stu tslam , : stieta | c 2 3 6 17 [communicative English 1) sti-is||) B 3 2 6 18 [TFansinut Qiroah tt ee sie} B 3 5 o 19 |Reading for General Communication ~~ | PBI-o1 | C 2 2 4 20 |Wnting for General Communication pai-o2 |B 3 2 6 21 {or General Communication par-o3 | c 2 2 4 i 22 |ahasa Arab IM sia} B 3 2 6 | 23 |Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian sneis |B 3 0 ° | 25 |limu Kalam sti-20 | A 4 : 8 26 [Administrasi dan Supervisi Pendendidiksn Tar-o3] A 4 3 2 27 [Pronunciation Practice vorot |B 3 2 6 28 |Sejarah Peradaban Isarn staf oa a 3 2 29 |Reading for Academic Purpose polos |B 3 2 © 30 | Writing for Academie Purpose patos |B 3 2 6 31 [Listening for Academic Purpose por-o7 |B 3 2 6 32 [Communicative English tt st-2 |B 3 2 6 33 |Reading for Professional Contents poi-os |B 3 2 6 34 | Writing for Professional Contents pm-o9 | a 4 sl 8 35 [Listening for Professional Contexts pot-to | a 4 2 8 36 [leoduction to Linguistics por |B 3 2 6 37 [Bahasa Arab IV sui-23 | ¢ 2 2 4 38 [communicative English 1V stat |B 3 2 6 29 fintoduction to Literature pore |B 3 2 6 40 |Researen Methodology in Language Education | p1-13 | _B 3 3 9 No MATA KULIAH KODE _[_HiM_[_AM_ [KREDI Mt 41 [Psikologi Perkembangan TAR-0F |B 3 2 6 42 [Introduction to Discourse Analysis pol-14 |B 3 2 6 48 [Phonology pBl-16 | A 4 2 8 44 [Curriculum Development in English Education | PBI-17 |B 3 3 9 45 | Statistics in Language Education pales | a 4 3 2 46 |TEFL Methodology Pal-19 |B 3 3 9 47 | Teaching and Learning Evaluation in English PBI-20 |B 3 4 2 48 [Teaching and Learning Media in English Education| PBI-21 |B 3 3 9 49 |Instructional Design in English Education PBI B 3 3 9 50 |Sejarah Pendidikan Islam TaR-05 |B 3 2 6 51 {Semantics par-23 | A 4 2 8 52 introduction to Functional Grammar par-24 | 2 2 4 53 |Socio/Psycholinguistics pal-25 |B 3 2 6 54 [Translating pBl-26 |B 3 2 6 55 fInterpreting pal-27 | A 4 2 8 56 Syntax pal-28 |B 3 2 6 57 |Research Project in Englist Education pat-29 |B 3 4 2 '58 [English for Specific Purposes pal-30 | A 4 2 8 59 |Morphology pales} | A 4 2 8 60 |Micro Teaching pol-32 | A 4 4 16 61 [Teaching Practice / PPLK Il ppi-33. | A 4 4 16 662 [Prakiek Ibadah Kemasyarakatan sti-25 | A 4 0 ° 63 |Kewirausahaan poi-34 | A 4 2 8 {64 [Teaching English to young Leamer ppl-35 | A 4 2 8 65 [English Proficiency Test pai-36 |B 3 2 6 66 |Cross Cultural Understanding pei-37 |B 3 2 6 67 |Second language aequistion par-38 | A 4 2 8 68 |Komprehensif sm1-26 | B 3 o ° 69 |KKN sm-27] A 4 4 16 70 |SKRIPSI | sri-28 | 4 6 24 [umiah 155 su 1 Jumlah Index Kumulatif si 2 Index Prestasi Kummutatif 29 3. Predikat Ketulusan 2 AMAT BAIK 4 Judul Skrips HE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS. VOCABULARY MASTERY AND READING COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT AT THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS OF SMP N | PULAU BESAR. eax Pangkalpinang, 27 Desember 2012

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