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Tunic-dress from Heirloom Knitting.

by Tatiana Tatianina
Size 32-34
You will need underdress.
Gauge: approx 32 sts*32 rows in 10cm*10cm
All dimensions in cm.
Needle 2,0mm. The diagram does not show edge sts.
The skirt is knitted from waistline to bottom. Repeat 24 shown stitches 14 times in
round. Finish last row with crochet.
Upper part is knitted from waistline to the top. Back and front parts are made
separately. The diagram shows only half of front/back piece so do hidden part
symmetrically. Make some folds/gatherings on the top line to fix the dress more
precisely to your body. Use crochet for shoulder straps and crab stitch for top line.
Insert elastic into waistline. Do not forget lining.

O - “make 1” (yarn over - y.o.; increase).

/ or \ - both mean “knit two together” ; when you knit 2 together, you make slanted
decrease - the direction of slash shows the direction the slanted decrease lies. Usually
this symbol pairs with “make 1” (O/) the O “sits” on the slash.

triangle^ means “slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over” (s.1, k.2tog.,
p.s.s.o.). This double decrease makes a triangular block of 3 stitches. Usually, it has a
“make 1” on either side: O^O so the two new stitches replace the cast off ones.

Hasegawa KARIN yarn:

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