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As an enthusiastic student of Karachi University Business School (KUBS) I have been an active participant of majority of extra-curricular activities being

conducted in the Department. Being a very social and friendly person, I am a proud Senior in my department respected by my juniors, and well known among seniors. However, my friendliness and charm wasnt limited to my inter-departmental fellows. Gathering my friends and class fellows, I immediately setup for Badin (an area in Pakistan) when it was strongly hit by floods in the previous year 2010. Flood relief services were conducted by me sometimes in form of mere planning and resourcing, while sometimes personally handling the flood victims and distributing rations. I later went uphill in the Punjab province with rehabilitation team and coordinated our teams in Sindh and Punjab provinces. As a result of my untiring services I received Flood Relief Excelence Award by the Vice Chancellor of University. However, I think my self to have contributed very little to the well being of flood effected areas with mountains of water over them. With the growing crimes and law in order situation in Karachi, hundreds of people go missing every year. As a social worker/volunteer I participated with Edhi Foundation in its Finding Missing Person Services in the city. Please note that this voluntary service included those who went missing as consequences of the floods as well as terrorism. From the deep rivers in Punjab to darkest corners of Karachi, I contributed towards the cause of finding peoples loved ones. Sadly, me and my team managed to secure a very meager number of missing people alive. Mostly had already died or were never to be found. From 2008 to present, I have also been as a volunteer in Edhi Ambulance service as First Aid Para Medical Staff. Karsaz Road Bomb Blast, Karbala Bomb Blast, 11th May killings and random Sundays, I would go to the Edhi Centre at Meetha Dar (a place in Karachi) and sign myself up for volunteering. I must write here, that being the volunteer in an ambulance taught some very cruel facts of the life. Women have never been awarded equal rights in Pakistan. In an effort to raise voice for womens rights and their equality, I worked as an Event Catalyst at Ladies Fund Women Awards 2011 and successfully attained some basic levels of self actualization. Although not involving any physical efforts, I offered a speech on the stage and presented a resolution for the better being of women in Pakistan and them being granted equality in all aspects of life, to the Governor of Sindh, Dr. IshratulEbad. At an overall level, I, in my individual capacity, try my best to be a supporter for International Human Rights and work to my best to have them appropriately implemented in a country like Pakistan. IF these rights are once established, no country would cease to prosper without getting in any religious or secular issues. Human Rights, I consider, is the key to all rebellions.

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