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Normal behavior is defined as “any behavior or conditions which is usual, expected, typical, or conforms

to a preexisting standard.” This is behavior that follows the social norm and expectations of human

actions. A psychological disorder is a syndrome marked by a “clinically significant disturbance in an

individual’s cognitions, emotions regulation, or behaviors.” This may also involve actions of deviance nd

abnormal. It involves disturbed or dysfunctional, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that interfere with

one’s daily life.It is maladaptive, meaning they do not adjust to the environment appropriately. A disorder

is only applicable if it interferes with your life, anything else may be counted as just abnormal.

Abnormality is a term that must be People suffering from a disorder are often in distress from their

thoughts, emotions, or behaviors. Persistent emotions, signs, thoughts, and distress may be a sign that one

has a disorder. The diagnostic of disorders has changed over time The variation from culture to culture

and, through, time change. For example, in 1973 mental health workers believed that homosexuality as

disfunctional, but later dropped this from the list of disorders by the American Psychiatric Association.

On the other hand, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder began being diagnosed in the 1970’s when

they were thought to have just been energetic, wild children. They have found a way to systematically

classify abnormal symptoms by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders. The DSM has

been altered 5 times with categories in essential features, associated features, information on different

diagnosis, and diagnostic criteria. Drawing the line between normal behavior and psychological disorder

is becoming clearer as time goes on, as it alters along with society and it’s people.

PTSD stands for post traumatic stress disorder. Typical symptoms include recurrent haunting memories

and nightmares, numbness of social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, and trouble sleeping. Many veterns,

victims of sexual assults, accidents, violence, and more had been diagnosed with PTSD. There is a

correlation between one’s level of emotional stress and risk for PTSD. About half of the popukation will

experience at least one event that is tramatic. Some people develop emotion-processing limbic systems

that flood the system more sensitively. Women seem to be more susceptible to PTSD, as opposed to men.

It is seen that 1 in 10 women are diagnoased with PSTD and 1 in 20 men are diagnosed. A few

psychologists have suggested the overdiagnosis of PTSD. Due to the term ‘trama’ and ones recollection

of bad dreams, many disagnosis this with PTSD. The procedures used to treat PTSD tend to make one

feel worse than how they started with. Usually, making someone vent and revisit the traumatic event is

ineffective and possibly may harm the individual. It is seen that 25 percent of returning veterans were

diagnosed with a psychological disorder.In afghanistan, 7.6 percent of combatants and 1.4 noncombatants

have developed PTSD.


Substance use disorders is a self harming behavior that abuses the use of psycoactive drugs. There are

three major categories; there are depressants, stimulants, and huccinagines. They do their work in the

brains synapses and mock the behavior of the brain’s natural chemical releases and messengers called

neurotransmitters. This can only be considered a disorder is one is significatly disrupting their life with its

usage. These alter one’s perception and mood, and may cause them to do reckless activity while “under

the influence.” Symptoms may me moderate or severe. This depends on someone’s psycological

expectations, not just biological effect. Every user’s cultural and personal expectations may be different,

yet all fulfilled by using the substance. Along with the use of substances and its symtoms, one can build a

tolerance to it. Tolerance changes from person to person. One may have a higher tolerance for the

substance compared to another so the onset of symptoms may not always be at the same time. Buildign a

tolerence may also build one’s need to feel that same feeling again and may crave it. This is called

addiction. It is the use of a substance despite it’s harmful effects because your body wants it. Even

behaviors can become an addiction like gambling and hoarding. Addiction is something a lot of people try

to fight. When one cuts their body off for fulfilling the crave and satisfaction, undesirable side effects of

withdrawal may result. Tolerance, withdrawal, and addictiona re all resuts of substance disorders.

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