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Using the vocabulary seen in class, body,

pain, pages 144,143

Clinical History
Name: John Doe
Age: 35
Marital status: Single
Job: Police man
Address: Carambuchita 2054
Phone: 09*******
Symptoms when the patient arrives:
o Numbness in his left arm
and lack of air

Main symptoms:
o Headache with vomiting
o Trouble with seeing in
both eyes

Clinical tests:
o ECG and thorax x-ray
o Complete blood count
with enzymes.

Results: High level of glucose in blood

Elevation of the SUPRA-ST

Diagnose: Heart failure

Treatment: Oxygen, catheterization

Prescriptions: aspirin, nitro glycerin and

warfarin and must see a cardiologist

Evolution: Must return to the cardiologist

practice in a month.
Normal blood pressure
All exams were normal

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