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Let`s test your memory

I. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your
answer on the space provided

TRUE 1. Consumption has a negative connotation; however, it`s positive side is

often neglected.
TRUE 2. Consumers are often portrayed as ‘’victims’’, exploited by companies,
however, every person has ‘’free will’’.
FALSE 3. Consumption would never become an addiction.
TRUE 4. Shopping nowadays has turned into a lifestyle for most people.
FALSE 5. Free will is not important when it comes to shopping.
FALSE 6. Conscious consumptions is about practicing buying habits regardless of
price and relevance.
TRUE 7. Consumption is important because of production.
TRUE 8. Consumer culture is medium for building persona identity and status.
TRUE 9. Consumerism is one of the strongest forces affecting modern people’s
lives, specifically their behaviors and thinking processes.
FALSE 10. Consumerism does not restrict our choices and lives.

II. Application
I’m not really fun of shopping, I just do shopping if I have time, and budget.
When I go shopping, one of my purpose is to by some clothes and some
personal hygiene. Sometimes also I go shopping with my friends, this is to treat
ourselves and have some bond after a long time, since we can’t meet every day
because of or classes.

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