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1, JANUARY 2016

A System-Theoretic Approach to Modeling and

Analysis of Mammography Testing Process
Xiang Zhong, Jingshan Li, Senior Member, IEEE, Susan M. Ertl, Carol Hassemer, and Lauren Fiedler

Abstract—Mammography is the standardized testing process screening and early diagnosis of cancer [2]. Lot of efforts
for early detection of breast cancer. In this paper, a system- on mammography have been devoted to cost-effectiveness
theoretic method based on a Markov chain model is presented studies, such as economic evaluation of health technologies
to analyze such processes. Specifically, the general testing pro-
cess in a single exam room is formulated using a Markov chain (see [3]–[8]). Such work mainly focuses on modeling for eco-
model. To resolve the dimensionality issue, an iteration method, nomic evaluation of health technologies, and is contingent on
referred to as shared resource iteration, is introduced to analyze the expected prevalence of resource utilization and equipment
the scenarios of two or more exam rooms. Formulas to evalu- failures. To ensure effective use of mammography testing pro-
ate the patient length of stay and staff efficiency are developed. cesses, patient flow analysis and work management are of
The extension to non-Markovian scenarios is also investigated
and an empirical formula is proposed. The experimental results significant importance. However, the research related to it has
indicate that such a method results in a high accuracy of per- not received enough attention. To the best of our knowledge,
formance estimation. A case study at a breast imaging center except for a simulation study [7] in a mammography clinic of
of the University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation is presented the Brazilian Cancer Institute, no such research is available.
to illustrate the applicability of the model. In addition, the In this paper, we introduce a system-theoretic approach
impact of patient volume increase is also studied, which shows
that a capacity increase is necessary to accommodate the high based on Markov chain analysis to study the patient flow of
demand. mammography testing. To accomplish this, the general mam-
mography testing procedures are described. A Markov chain
Index Terms—Length of stay, mammography test,
Markov chain, patient flow, shared resource iteration, staff model of patient flow in a single exam room is developed
utilization. first. Then an iterative method, referred to as shared resource
iteration, for evaluating the scenario of two exam rooms is
introduced. The convergence of the recursive procedure is jus-
tified. The method is then extended to the case of multiple
A. Motivation exam rooms. Furthermore, the non-Markovian scenarios are
REAST cancer is the most common cancer in women
B worldwide, with nearly 1.7 million new cases diagnosed
in 2013 (the second most common cancer overall). In the
investigated. An empirical formula is presented to estimate
the patient length of stay with general distributions of service
time and interarrival time. Finally, to illustrate the applicabil-
U.S., it is estimated that in 2014 there will be 232 670 ity of the method, a case study at a breast imaging center of
new cases of invasive breast cancer and 62 570 new cases the University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation (UWMF) is
of in situ breast cancer ( introduced. It is shown that the method provides an accurate
statistics.html). With the rapid growth in health service estimation of system performance. What-if analysis is then
demand, the efficient and safe use of radiology services carried out to evaluate the impacts of demand increase and to
for diagnosis and treatment is of the utmost importance identify the most efficient way to accommodate more patient
for the wellbeing of both patients and healthcare providers. arrivals.
Mammography uses low-energy X-rays and allows the visu- The remainder of this paper is structured as follows.
alization of fine details in the breast tissue, and is regarded as Section I-B reviews the related literature. In Section II, the
the most effective tool for routine breast cancer prevention operations in the mammography testing process are described
and an analytical model is formulated. Section III presents
Manuscript received September 16, 2014; revised December 23, 2014;
accepted February 15, 2015. Date of publication June 23, 2015; date of cur- the analytical method to evaluate patient length of stay and
rent version December 14, 2015. This work was supported by the National staff utilization. Section IV introduces a case study at a breast
Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant CMMI-1233807. This paper was rec- imaging center at the UWMF. Finally, the conclusion is given
ommended by Associate Editor S. Das. (Corresponding author: Jingshan Li.)
X. Zhong and J. Li are with the Department of Industrial and Systems in Section V. All the proofs are provided in the Appendix.
Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 USA (e-mail:;
S. M. Ertl, C. Hassemer, and L. Fiedler are with the University B. Related Literature
of Wisconsin Medical Foundation, Middleton, WI 53562 USA
(e-mail:;; Patient flow in hospitals and clinics has attracted sub- stantial research effort, in which simulations and queueing
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at theory models have dominated the quantitative studies (see
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMC.2015.2429643 reviews [9]–[12]). Emerging methods in economic modeling
2168-2216 c 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Fig. 1. Mammography patient flow in the breast imaging center.

of imaging costs and outcomes using discrete-event simula- to evaluate the decision time and its variability [18], [19]. To
tion (DES) have been summarized and reported in [13]. It is study the general care delivery services within patient rooms,
concluded that DES is playing an increasingly important role Wang et al. [20] modeled the process using closed, paral-
in modeling of annual screening programs, diagnosis, and lel, and reentrant network and limited resources. Formulas
treatment of chronic recurrent disease and modeling the uti- to evaluate the patient length of stay and staff utilizations
lization of imaging equipment. Specifically, Coelli et al. [7] are developed and system-theoretic properties are discussed.
developed a discrete-event computer simulation model to sim- Moreover, a three-level strategy model to design a hospital
ulate changes in patient arrival rates, number of equipment department is presented in [21] with three basic elements:
units, available personnel, equipment maintenance scheduling 1) modeling module; 2) optimization module; and 3) simu-
schemes, and exam repeat rates in a mammography clinic of lation and decision module. Reference [22] introduces a new
the Brazilian Cancer Institute. In [8], a DES model is devel- modeling methodology to address organization problems of
oped to estimate the unit cost of mammography examinations health care systems using Petri nets-based metamodel.
at clinics by considering simulated changes in resource utiliza- In spite of these efforts, analytical models addressing the
tion rates and in examination failure probabilities. Moreover, breast imaging test processes in clinics and hospitals are not
the radiology testing (CT scan) process is studied in terms of available. The goal of this paper is to contribute to this end.
patient scheduling and resource allocation to improve patient
access to care and medical resource utilization in [14].
While simulations are widely applied and can provide
detailed analysis, many of them are case study based and A. Process Description
may suffer from long model development and simulation A typical breast imaging center consists of mammog-
time. Increasing variance has also brought a mounting aware- raphy equipment, exam rooms, receptionists, technologist
ness of the limitations of conventional simulation techniques. assistants (TA), radiology technologists (Tech), and imaging
Queueing theory model, as an analytical tool, can provide radiologists. The capacity of these resources varies according
quick analysis and more insights. Reference [11] summarizes to test center size, demand, and purpose. However, the general
queueing theory applications in healthcare, such as waiting procedures are usually standardized. Screening and diagnos-
time and utilization analysis, system design, and appoint- tic imaging are performed at designated exam rooms. Usually
ment systems, at different scales, from individual departments the receptionist deals with all types of patient visits at the
(or units) to healthcare facilities and regional healthcare sys- reception desk, not limited to mammography patients. The TA
tems. Reference [15] introduces an M/M/s queueing model is responsible for bringing patients from the reception area
to estimate the number of providers needed in an emergency to the changing room, preparing patients’ paperwork, deal-
department. To determine bed capacity of maternity facilities ing with schedule changes, and all other miscellaneous work.
in a perinatal network, a queueing theory model is used in [16] The radiology technologists are usually dedicated to their spe-
to evaluate refused admission probability and such a model cific exam rooms taking images. The imaging radiologist is
is embedded into a multiperiod mixed-integer optimization required when working with a diagnostic patient. The radiol-
algorithm for necessary capacity decisions. ogist is not dedicated to the mammography unit. He/she also
In addition to queueing models, other analytical methods works for other radiology departments and is seldom consid-
have been introduced to conduct flexible analysis and gain ered as a constraint in this system. Thus in this paper we view
insights. For example, in [17], a Markov chain model is devel- TA, Tech, and exam room (equipment) as the primary con-
oped to analyze the work flow and staffing level in a CT straints of interest. A work flow in a typical breast imaging
division of the UWMF. In the study of rapid response pro- center is shown in Fig. 1. The sequential stages of screening
cess to improve patient safety in acute care, the response and diagnostic visits are described below.
process is modeled as a complex network with split, merge, 1) A patient checks-in at the reception desk, fills
and parallel structures and an analytical method is developed basic information form and is seated in the

arrive ahead of their appointment time, a finite capacity of

waiting area can be assumed for these patients.
For the imaging procedure, diagnostic patients have to wait
for results and comments from the radiologist which leads
Fig. 2. Mammography patient flow model. One exam room. to a longer stay comparing to screening patients. Thus, the
radiology technologist’s service times among different types
of patients can be significantly different. Except this the other
lobby (waiting room). The receptionist notifies the
service times for different types of visits are relatively similar.
TA (through electronic system).
In addition, although the technologists work independently, all
2) The patient walks from the waiting room to the changing
the exam rooms share only one TA, which may introduce an
(sub-waiting) room escorted by the TA, and changes into
availability issue.
gown and waits to be called.
Based on these discussions, an analytical model is formu-
3) The Tech reviews basic information of the patient,
lated below.
sets up mammography equipment, and performs the
mammography procedure.
4) For a screening patient, after the procedure, the Tech C. Notations, Assumptions, and Problem Formulation
reviews the pictures to make sure they are technically
The following notations are introduced to address the
acceptable. If not, the procedure will be repeated until
services, resources, and their interactions.
the images are satisfying. Then the images are submitted
1) The work flow of the mammography testing consists of
for interpretation by radiologists. The patient could leave
the following steps, labeled as a)–d), respectively.
directly and the results will be mailed afterwards.
a) Patient checking-in.
5) For a diagnostic patient, after the procedure, the radi-
b) TA rooming.
ologist oversees the study and determines if additional
c) Imaging procedure, where for a screening patient,
images are needed or not. Depending on the mammo-
the image will be taken and reviewed by the
gram results, the radiologist may request the patient
Tech; for a diagnostic patient, the Tech will take
to take additional tests, including physical examination,
and review the image and the results will be
ultrasound, cyst aspiration, etc. Based on the results of
examined by the radiologist (in some cases, extra
the completed diagnostic evaluation, the radiologist will
examinations are needed).
discuss with the Tech about the findings, options, and
d) Patient checking-out.
recommendations for the patient; and provide results in
2) The number of exam rooms in the breast imaging center
writing before the patient leaves the facility.
is denoted as M, and each room can accommodate one
6) Finally, the patient changes clothes and leaves, or con-
patient only.
tinues with other procedures, such as ultrasound test.
3) A patient needs to wait in the lobby (wait room) if she
Then the exam room will be cleaned up by the Tech
arrives early and is blocked by previous patients, or the
and ready for the next patient.
TA is not available. The maximum capacity of waiting
In this paper, we focus on the process from patient checking-
for each exam room is denoted as Qi , i = 1, 2, . . . , M.
in to the end of the mammography test procedure. The possible
Without loss of generality, we start with Qi = 5 and
follow-up processes are not included since some of them are
extend to larger numbers later.
not carried out in the same visit.
4) The number of Tech is denoted as n1 , and the number
of TA is denoted as n2 .
B. Structural Modeling In addition, the following assumptions about arrivals and
As described above, the technologist works independently in services are introduced.
each exam room. Therefore, we focus our study on one exam 1) The interarrival time of the incoming patients for each
room initially, and then extend the scope to the system with room follows exponential distribution with parameter λi ,
more exam rooms. In this case, the work flow can be simplified i = 1, 2, . . . , M.
into a serial process which includes patient checking-in (fill- 2) The four processes a patient has to complete for
ing in forms), rooming by TA (changing into gown), imaging each visit, i.e., patient checking-in, TA rooming, image
procedure (for screening patients, this procedure only involves taking, and patient checking-out, are denoted as ser-
image taking, while for diagnostic patients, radiologist review- vices 1–4, respectively. The completion of each pro-
ing is also included), and finally, patient changing clothes and cess is affected by various resource constraints as
leaving. Such a work flow is illustrated in Fig. 2. described above. The service time for service j in exam
Within each exam room, only one patient is permitted at room i is exponentially distributed with parameter τj,i ,
a time. However, the TA will bring the next patient into j = 1, . . . , 4, i = 1, 2, . . . , M. Then, the corresponding
sub-waiting room for preparation right before her scheduled processing rate is cj,i = (1/τj,i ).
imaging time, even if the exam room is still occupied. So Remark 1: Although each patient has a scheduled
there is a maximum of two patients in sub-waiting room and appointment time, variation still occurs in the arrival
exam room. Typically, the TA could leave once the patient fin- time. The exponential assumption for both interarrival
ishes changing into gown. Moreover, since most of the patients time and service times is introduced to make the

analysis tractable. In Section III-F, such an assumption the aforementioned constraints, we have (Q1 + 1) × 12 states.
will be relaxed and an extension to non-Markovian case In the subsystem model, Q1 = 5, which implies that there
will be discussed. are 72 feasible states. Then the steady state probability for a
3) The resource cannot be released until the correspond- feasible state Sk , k = 1, . . . , K, is defined as
ing service is finished. An ongoing service cannot be  
disrupted before finishing, i.e., if the resource is being Pk = P sk1 , sk2 , sk3 , sk4 , k = 1, 2, . . . , K.
used, the next patient has to wait until the current service
finishes. B. Transitions
4) In the current system, n1 = M, and n2 = 1. Thus, each The state transition can be triggered by one of the follow-
Tech is dedicated to an exam room, while the TA is ing events: 1) a patient arrives; 2) a patient checks-in; 3) the
shared for all rooms. TA rooming finishes; 4) the imaging procedure finishes; and
In an appropriately defined state space, the subsystem satis- 5) a patient checks-out. Note that such events cannot occur
fying assumptions 1–4 is a stationary random process. Let simultaneously. Specifically, for a state Sk = {sk1 , sk2 , sk3 , sk4 },
Ti , i = 1, 2, . . . , M, denote the patient length of stay for the following events can occur.
each exam room in the system. In the framework defined by 1) When a patient arrives, if the waiting room is full
assumptions 1–4, Ti is a function of all system parameters (although unlikely), i.e., sk1 = Q, then the patient is lost
  due to space limit and no transition occurs. Otherwise,
Ti = fT Qi , c1,i , c2,i , c3,i , c4,i , λi . (1)
it can go to state {sk1 + 1, sk2 , sk3 , sk4 } with arrival rate λ.
Denote the staff utilizations as ρTech and ρTA , for the 2) When a patient checks-in, if the exam room and sub-
Tech and TA, respectively, which are also functions of all waiting room are occupied or there is a patient waiting
parameters. for rooming already, i.e., sk2 + sk3 = 2, then no transi-
Then, the problem to be addressed is: under assump- tion occurs and the patient remains waiting in the lobby.
tions 1–4, develop a method to evaluate the patient length Otherwise, the patient goes to sub-waiting room after
of stay Ti , and staff utilization ρTech and ρTA as functions of checking-in, and Sk moves to state {sk1 − 1, sk2 + 1, sk3 , sk4 }
system parameters. with rate c1 . Note that such an event occurs only when
Solutions to the problem are presented below. there is a patient to check-in, i.e., sk1 ≥ 1.
3) When the patient finishes rooming, he/she leaves sub-
III. P ERFORMANCE A NALYSIS waiting room and starts diagnosis test with rate c2 . Thus,
Sk is changing to state {sk1 , sk2 − 1, sk3 + 1, sk4 } and sk2 ≥ 1.
To study this problem, we first analyze the scenario of
4) After the imaging test, if sk4 = 1, then the patient waits
one exam room, referred to as the subsystem. A Markov
for checking-out and no transition occurs. Otherwise,
chain model is developed and the corresponding results are
he/she goes to check-out and Sk transits to state
derived. Then the system with two exam rooms is evaluated.
{sk1 , sk2 , sk3 − 1, sk4 + 1} with rate c3 and sk3 ≥ 1.
By defining a link probability P, which is the TAs occupancy
5) Finally, when the patient checks-out, Sk moves to state
calculated in each room jointly, an iterative method is intro-
{sk1 , sk2 , sk3 , sk4 − 1} with rate c4 . Again, such an event
duced to adjust the efficiency loss due to shared resource
occurs only when there is a patient to check-out, i.e.,
among exam rooms. The convergence property of the itera-
sk4 ≥ 1.
tion method for two rooms is justified. Then the recursive
Let (k, l) define the transition rate from state Sk to Sl ,
procedure for the system with multiple exam rooms is pre-
k, l = 1, . . . , K, k = l, which takes one of the values of c1 ,
sented and validated by numerical experiments. Furthermore,
c2 , c3 , c4 , or λ. In addition
extensions to non-Markovian scenarios are investigated.


A. State Space (l, l) = − (l, j), j = l, l = 1, 2, . . . , K. (2)

Let S = {s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 } denote the states of the subsys-
tem, where si represents the number of patients in stage i, Thus, a transition matrix  with dimension K × K and rank
i = 1, . . . , 4. For example, s2 = m indicates that there are m K − 1 is obtained. An illustrative example of  for two exam
patients in process 2 (TA rooming). The feasible states satisfy rooms with Q = 1 is shown in the Appendix. By taking into
the following constraints. account the normalization condition
1) sj ≥ 0, j = 1, . . . , 4. 
2) s1 ≤ Q1 , queue length constraint. Pl = 1 (3)
3) s2 + s3 ≤ 2, resource constraint. l=1
4) s4 ≤ 1, resource constraint. we construct a new matrix , where
The total number of feasible states is denoted as K, it is a
function of the queue length and the possible allocation of a (l, j) = (l, j), l = 1, . . . , K, j = 1, . . . , K − 1
patients in such a process. When there is no queue, we have (l, K) = 1, l = 1, . . . , K. (4)
the following states: (0,0,0,0), (0,1,0,0), (0,0,1,0), (0,0,0,1),
Following [23], the balance equation can be written as
(0,1,1,0), (0,0,1,1), (0,1,0,1), (0,0,2,0), (0,2,0,0), (0,0,2,1),
(0,2,0,1), and (0,1,1,1). If the queue length is Q1 , then under X = Y (5)

where vectors X and Y are

X = [P1 , P2 , . . . , PK ]
Y = [0, . . . , 0, 1]. (6)
Therefore, the steady state probabilities can be obtained
by solving the balance equation. By summarizing the above
derivation procedure [expressions (2)–(6)], the following the-
orem is introduced to calculate the probability of each state.
Theorem 1: Under assumptions 1–4 (Section II-C), the Fig. 3. Mammography patient flow model. Two exam rooms.
steady state probability of staying at a state k, Pk , k =
1, . . . , K, can be calculated as follows:
dash rectangular indicates that those processes share the same
X = Y −1 (7) resource (TA in this case).
Remark 3: Note that although all the patients check-in at
where  and Y are defined in (2) and (6), respectively, and Pi
the same reception desk, the registration time is short and
is an element of X.
the receptionists are typically available when an individual
Since here we obtain an irreducible Markov chain with finite
patient arrives, so we do not view it as a process with resource
number of states, a unique steady state solution always exists.
By just adding one exam room, the complexity of the sys-
C. Patient Length of Stay and Staff Utilization tem increases enormously. The size of state space increases
Define TP as the system throughput rate, i.e., the rate patient significantly and the transitions are subject to the resource
leaving from the last service, and WIP as the average number constraints. For example, by setting the queue length con-
of patients in the system. By Little’s law, the average patient straint to 5, the number of feasible states will grow to 1892.
length of stay, T1 , can be obtained. Therefore, to avoid the complexity of expanding Markov chain
Proposition 1: Under assumptions 1–4 with one exam room and provide the possibility of further extension to more exam
K  4 l  rooms, an iterative approach, the shared resource iteration
WIP l=1 Pl j=1 sj method, is introduced. First, let pi , i = 1, 2, be the time per-
T1 = = K (8) centage of TAs occupancy in room i during a patient’s length
TP c4 l=1 Pl sl4
of stay. Assume such an occupancy is known and denoted
where Pl is solved from (7) and (0)
as pi . Here the subscript indicates the room number, and the

K superscript represents the iteration number (0 refers to initial
TP = c4 Pl sl4 (9) value). By cause of sharing, the transition rate of TAs service
l=1 in room 1 is decreased due to her occupancy in room 2. Thus,
⎛ ⎞

4 in the first iteration, we have
WIP = slj ⎠. (10) (1) (0)
c2,1 = c2,1 1 − p2 .
l=1 j=1

In addition to patient length of stay, the staff utilizations Then the average length of stay for a patient in room 1 can
can be calculated as be calculated using Proposition 1, denoted as function fT (·)
Proposition 2: Under assumptions 1–4 with one exam room (1) (1)
T1 = fT Q1 , c1,1 , c2,1 , c3,1 , c4,1 , λ1 .

ρtech = Pl · I sl >0 (11) Also obtained is the occupancy of TA in room 1
l=1 (1) 1
p1 = (1)
c2,1 T1
ρTA = Pl · I sl2 >0
. (12)
l=1 Using this new probability, we analyze the TA occupation in
room 2. The transition rate is updated as
Remark 2: The utilization of the TA and the Tech only indi-  
cates the time percentage they spent with the mammography c(1)
2,2 = c2,2 1 − p(1)
1 .
test patients. Typically they have multiple job duties, which
are not included here. Similarly, the length of stay and TA occupancy can be
D. Two Exam Rooms T2(1) = fT Q2 , c1,2 , c(1)
2,2 , c3,2 , c4,2 , λ 2
The above results only consider one exam room. In other 1
words, it assumes that the TA is always available. However, p(1)
2 = (1)
c2,2 T2
when the system consists of two exam rooms, the TA will be
shared by both exam rooms. Such a work flow is illustrated This finishes the first iteration. In the next iteration, using
in Fig. 3, where the rectangular represents the process and the the updated probabilities pi , i = 1, 2, we repeat the procedure

to obtain a new estimate pi , and the process continues. The
iteration terminates when all the differences between pki and
i are sufficiently small. Then the corresponding T1 and
T2 are the estimated average length of stay of the patients
in two exam rooms, obtained through Proposition 1. Such a
process can be represented by the procedure below.
Procedure 1:
(k) (k−1)
c2,1 = c2,1 (1 − p2 )
T1(k) = fT Q1 , c1,1 , c(k)
2,1 , c3,1 , c4,1 , λ 1
1 = (k)
c2,1 T1
2,2 = c2,2 1 − p(k)
1 Fig. 4. Mammography patient flow model. Multiple exam rooms.
(k) (k)
T2 = fT Q2 , c1,2 , c2,2 , c3,2 , c4,2 , λ2
(k) 1 Procedure 2:
p2 = ⎛ ⎞
c2,2 T2(k)


(k−1) ⎠
k = 1, 2, . . . (14) c2,i = c2,i ⎝1 − pj − pj
j=1 j=i+1
with initial condition  
(k) (k)
Ti = fT Qi , c1,i , c2,i , c3,i , c4,i , λi
2 = 0.
(k) 1
The convergence of the procedure has been investigated. pi = (k)
Proposition 3: Under assumptions 1–4, Procedure 1 is con- c2,i Ti
vergent and i = 1, 2, . . . , M
exp (k) k = 1, 2, . . . (16)
Ti = lim Ti , i = 1, 2 (15)
with initial conditions
where Ti represents the patient length of stay at room i under
exponential assumptions of service times and interarrival time, pi ∈ [0, 1)
denoted by superscript “exp.”
Proof: See the Appendix.
Note that the initial condition p2 = 0 is introduced mainly 

for the proof of convergence. For any values of p(0) p(0)

i < 1, i = 1, 2, . . . , M.
2 ∈ (0, 1),
the procedure always leads to the same convergent value.
In addition, it usually takes three to five iterations to The convergence property for such systems still holds, how-
converge. ever, the proof is much more complicated and will be part
of future work. Thus, the convergence is verified through
E. Extensions to Multiple Exam Rooms extensive numerical tests using randomly selected parameters.
Next, we evaluate the general system with more than two Based on the typical range of the parameters, we randomly
exam rooms. The work flow is illustrated in Fig. 4. For select the number of exam rooms M, service rate cj,i (1/min),
such an intercorrelated system, directly developing a Markov and arrival rate λi (1/min) from the following sets:
chain model of the entire system is impossible. For exam- M ∈ {2, 3, 4, 5}
ple, for three exam rooms, if the queue length constraint
cj,i ∈ (0.025, 0.1), j = 1, 2, 3, 4, i = 1, . . . , M
is set to 5, then the number of feasible states is increased
to 69 120. When the number of subsystems is large or the λi ∈ (0.01, 0.03), i = 1, . . . , M. (17)
correlation between the subsystems is complex, one may face
The convergence criterion is met when the differences in pi
a state space explosion. Therefore, the iterative method is
between two iterations are small
 (k) (k+1) 
The recursive procedure for multiple exam rooms is similar pi − pi  < 10−5 , i = 1, . . . , M.
to that of the two exam rooms system. The main differ-
ence is that when the transition rate is updated for one exam In all the cases we tested, the convergence is observed. Thus,
room, it needs to exclude the cases that the TA is serving we conclude that Procedure 2 is convergent and the following
in all other exam rooms. Then the procedure iterates among limits exist:
all exam rooms. Such a procedure can be represented as exp (k)
follows. Ti = lim Ti , i = 1, 2, . . . , M. (18)

For patient room i



qi = pj + pj . (19)
j=1 j=i+1

Then the processing rate c2,i in Procedure 2 will be updated as

2,i = c 2,i 1 − q(k)
i . (20)

The other formulas in Procedure 2 will remain the same.

To investigate the accuracy of this iterative method, multiple
experiments have been conducted. It has been shown that the
Fig. 5. Convergence of pi for three identical rooms.
performance of this algorithm is similar to that of the single
shared resource case.

F. Extensions to Nonexponential Scenarios

In the above analysis, exponential interarrival time and
service times are assumed. However, in most cases, the expo-
nential assumption may not hold. To relax this assumption,
the following adjustments are carried out.
1) Dependence on Distribution Type: First, based on exten-
sive numerical experiments using simulations, we investigate
the dependence of patient length of stay on the distribution
type, when the coefficients of variation (CV) of the interar-
rival time and service times are between 0 and 1. In practice,
Fig. 6. Convergence of pi for four nonidentical rooms. the CVs are most likely smaller than 1 since the probabil-
ity of finishing a service is usually an increasing function of
time [24]. In all simulation experiments carried out in this
paper, results from 20 working days are collected. Each sim-
To illustrate such a property, the iterations of pi (i.e., the ulation experiment consists of 20 replications. The confidence
inverse of Ti divided by service rate) are shown in Fig. 5, for intervals are mostly within 2% of the performance measure.
the scenario of three identical rooms, and in Fig. 6, for the case Dozens of examples have been tested to compare the length of
of four nonidentical rooms. In Fig. 5, the time percentages the stay. The parameters are randomly selected from the same data
TA spent in rooms 1–3 are denoted as broken lines marked set (17). Based on the observed data, all the CVs fall into the
by square, diamond, and circle, respectively. The horizontal range between 0.1 and 0.9. The CVs are selected within this
axis is slotted by iterations. Thus, the dynamic changes of pi range. First, four distributions, triangular (Tri), uniform (Uni),
during each iteration is shown in the figure. As one can see, gamma (Ga), and lognormal (Ln), are assumed for both inter-
all pi ’s converge after roughly three iterations and they all arrival and service times. Then, four mixes of them (denoted
converge to the same value since the three rooms are identical. as Mix distribution) have been established, i.e., each service or
In Fig. 6, broken lines marked by square, diamond, and circle interarrival time follows a distribution randomly selected from
represent p1 to p3 in rooms 1–3, respectively, and the solid Tri, Uni, Ga, and Ln. Identical mean and CV are assumed for
line illustrates p4 . Again all pi ’s converge after about three each distribution. In all the examples we have tested, the dif-
iterations. However, since all rooms are not identical, these ferences in length of stay are small. If we define δ to quantify
pi ’s are not the same. In summary, in all the cases we have the maximum relative difference among length of stay Ts,i
tested, the TA occupancy pi for each room converges only in under distribution i, i ∈ {Uni, Tri, Ln, Ga, Mix 1, . . . , Mix 4},
three to five iterations. then
The staff utilization can also be evaluated using the conver- maxi Ts,i − mini Ts,i
gent pi following Proposition 2. δ= 1
· 100%.
Remark 4: This iterative method could be easily extended 8 i Ts,i

to the scenario of multiple number of shared resources. To Usually δ is within 5% when CV is less than 0.5. The largest
simplify the analysis, assume each shared resource (see TA) is difference is observed when CV is close to 1, but is still
identical and independent. Similar to the single shared resource within 10%. This indicates that, the length of stay is prac-
case, a transition can fail due to that all the resources are work- tically independent of distribution type, but mainly depends
ing with other patients. Then the probability that all resources on the mean and CV. Figs. 7 and 8 illustrate such a property
are not available can be represented by (q(k) )s , where s is for two systems (denoted as systems 1 and 2, respectively) of
the number of shared resources (such as the number of TAs), three-identical exam rooms with the service times and inter-
and q(k) denotes the probability that the resource is not avail- arrival time following triangular, uniform, gamma, lognormal,
able as the only shared resource during the kth iteration. and mixed distributions. Patient length of stay and its 95%


Fig. 7. Impact of distribution type on length of stay. System 1 (δ = 0.2%).

interarrival time and service times are nonexponential

Impact of distribution type on length of stay. System 2 (δ = 4.5%). non-exp
Fig. 8. Ti = CV2arrival,i Ticv − Tifix + Tifix (23)

confidence interval from the simulation results for each distri- where
bution are shown, δ = 0.2% and 4.5% for systems 1 and 2, exp
Ticv = CVeff,i Ti − Tifix + Tifix (24)
respectively. The differences among different distributions are
increasing with CV. Such a result is consistent with the obser- and CVarrival,i is the CV of patient interarrival time for exam
vations in other healthcare systems (see care delivery within room i.
patient room [20] and rapid response process [19]) and in 3) Accuracy: Following the proposed method, the patient
manufacturing systems as well (see [25]). length of stay and the staff utilizations in general sce-
2) Empirical Formula: Next, if the scheduled interarrival nario can be calculated. To evaluate the accuracy of such
time is long enough (longer than the sum of each service time, a method, dozens of simulation experiments have been car-
which is typical in most clinical settings), and there is no ried out using a simulation software package SIMUL8. Define
variability in service time (i.e., CVi = 0), then the patient Tisims and Ti as the length of stay obtained by simula-
length of stay can be calculated using the total service time tion and empirical formula, respectively. Let  be the relative
(since there is no TA availability problem). Thus, we define difference, defined as
such a length of stay as non-exp
Ti − Tisims
= · 100%.

1 Tisims
Tifix = . (21)
cj,i Among all the randomly generated scenarios, the average
of absolute difference || is less than 3%, and the largest one
Then the length of stay under nonexponential assumptions can is within 10%. Illustration examples are shown in Table I and
be adjusted based on Tifix by the CVs of service times and Figs. 9 and 10. Two systems of three-identical exam rooms are
interarrival time. To do this, based on the results of extensive tested here. The mean service times and the interarrival time
numerical studies, define are fixed throughout the tests. The CVs of the distributions
4 CV2j,i of the services and arrival are chosen from [0,1] in ascending
j=1 cj,i sequence from tests 1–9 for each system. In both figures, the
CVeff,i = 4 1 . (22)
j=1 cj,i
results from simulations and the empirical formula are repre-
sented by red crosses and blue squares, respectively. As one
Then the length of stay can be adjusted based on Tifix , Ti , and can see, the differences in length of stay between the results
CVeff,i using an empirical formula. Specifically, we hypothe- from simulation and the empirical formula are within 5% and
size that there exists a linear relationship of lengths of stay the T non-exp is within the 95% confidence interval of T sims in
between CV = 0 and 1 based on numerical investigations. most of the cases. Therefore, we calculate that empirical for-
In other words, there exist empirical formulas to calculate mula (23) provides an accurate estimate of length of stay in
the patient length of stay in the system, Ti , when both most cases when CVs take value from 0 to 1.

Fig. 11. UWMF breast imaging center patient flow model.

Fig. 9. Comparison of length of stay between simulation and the empirical
formula. System 1.

are cross-functional so that they can perform both diagnos-

tic and screening imaging. However, they are dedicated to
one exam room each day. The TA is responsible for bringing
patients from the reception area (waiting room) to the chang-
Fig. 10. Comparison of length of stay between simulation and the empirical ing room (sub-waiting room), preparing patients’ paperwork,
formula. System 2. dealing with schedule changes, and any other miscellaneous
work. A diagnostic appointment is scheduled for every 30 min
while a screening appointment for every 20 min, starting from
IV. C ASE S TUDY eight in the morning. Such a work flow is illustrated in Fig. 11.
A case study of patient flow of the mammography testing Using the method introduced previously, an analytical
process at a breast imaging center of the UWMF in Madison, model has been developed.
WI, is presented to illustrate the applicability of the method
introduced above. In recent years, the imaging center has B. Validation
experienced an increasing demand for mammography testing. To validate the model, the results obtained from the above
In 2012, it conducted around 11 000 procedures, including analysis are compared with that obtained from hundreds of
7400 screening mammograms, 3600 diagnostic mammograms, observations and records from Heathlink database within one
and thousands of breast ultrasounds, bone densities, biopsies, working month in the breast imaging center. Same simulation
and breast MRIs as well. From 2013, the clinic will collabo- setups are used in the case study and the confidence intervals
rate with the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center, are typically within 2% of the performance measures.
which will bring an estimated 1000 influx of mammography Let LoSobserved and LoSmodel denote the average lengths of
patients into the breast imaging center. Therefore, the model stay obtained by data collection and the analytical model,
developed in Section III is used to investigate the impact of respectively. Introduce
demand change and propose recommendations.
= LoSobserved − LoSmodel
LoSobserved − LoSmodel
A. Model Development = · 100%.
The breast imaging center at UWMF performs mainly
The results of such comparisons are shown in Table II. As
screening, diagnostic imaging, and bone density tests. It con-
one can see, the differences between them are very small.
sists of a changing (subwaiting) room, a bone density room, an
Therefore, the model is validated and can be used for further
ultrasound room, a staff lounge and three examination rooms,
each equipped with one mammography machine. Due to the
high demand in screening, two of the exam rooms are des-
ignated for screening test while the third is for diagnostic C. Demand Change Analysis
imaging. There are about 45–60 daily visits total for screen- Using the validated model, the impact of demand change
ing and diagnostic mammography. The staff team consists is investigated. To respond to a demand increase, usually the
of three radiology technologists (Tech), two imaging radiol- scheduled interarrival times are decreased. With a 5% demand
ogists, and one technologist assistant (TA). The technologists increase, the interarrival times are decreased from 20 to 19 min


Fig. 12. Patient LoS with respect to increasing demand.

scenarios (three exam rooms, three technologists, and four

exam rooms, four technologists) in respect to the average
patient length of stay. The results are shown in Fig. 12.
From these results we can conclude that the current system
is running in a relatively high intensity, i.e., the patient length
of stay increases rapidly with respect to demand increase.
and from 30 to 28.5 min, for screening and diagnostic patients, While in the case of four exam rooms, the workload of each
respectively. For a 10% increase in demand, such times room is reduced, the increase in patient length of stay is
are reduced to 18 and 27 min, respectively. Note that with moderate when demand increases. For example, the increase
the increasing demand, there is higher possibility that more in screening patients and diagnostic patients’ length of stay
patients have to wait in the queue. To avoid the scenario that is only around 2 min if the demand is increased by 14%.
patients will be rejected in the analytical model due to limited Therefore, with capacity (room, equipment, and technologist)
queue length, the queue size for each room is increased to increase, the breast imaging center will be able to accommo-
Qi = 10 and Qi = 20, i = 1, 2, 3, for 5% and 10% demand date the surge in patient volumes. The clinic leadership has
increase, respectively. The resulting changes in patient length accepted the recommendation.
of stay and staff utilization in one room are shown in Table III.
As one can see, a 5% demand increase will lead to an V. C ONCLUSION
18.3% increase in length of stay for screening patients and a
13.7% increase for diagnostic patients. The utilization of the In this paper, an analytical model is developed and an itera-
TA and Tech of both patient types is increased by 6% and 9%, tive method is proposed to study the general work flow of
respectively. Although not favorable, such demand change can a mammography testing process. A case study at a breast
still be accommodated with the current clinic setting. imaging center of the UWMF is presented to demonstrate the
However, the breast imaging center does not have the capac- applicability of the method. The model can accurately esti-
ity to accommodate a 10% demand surge. In this scenario, mate the patient length of stay and staff utilization. Using this
the patient length of stay will increase substantially, with the model, demand change analysis is carried out to investigate the
45% and 41% spike for screening and diagnostic patients, impacts of patient demand increase. It is shown that with very
respectively. In addition, the utilization of the TA and the Tech high demand, extending work time or adding more equipment
is increased by 12% and 16%, respectively. and resources is needed.
Although more patients can be served, it will lead to sub- In future work, we plan to investigate optimal control poli-
stantially overloading the providers and increasing the patient cies. For example, the model can be used to determine the
waiting time. Therefore, more capacity and resources are minimum number of TAs required to achieve the desired
needed in this scenario (note that the provider utilization is patient length of stay. The model introduced in this paper can
for one room and only involves the work in contact with the also be extended to study other healthcare delivery systems,
patients, while many other responsibilities are not included). which have characteristics such as multiple stages of ser-
To accommodate such demand changes, several possible vices, limited care providers and multiple patient rooms. The
solutions are proposed, which include extending work time results of this paper could provide hospital/clinic profession-
(either starting work earlier or finishing later or shrinking als a quantitative tool to evaluate current system performance,
break time), diffusing the patients to other clinic sites, or investigate the effects of different configurations, and to pre-
adding extra exam rooms with equipment and technologists. dict care service efficiency for future plans, which are critical
Since the TAs workload in contact with patient is not high, for assisting decision making in healthcare management.
there is no need to increase the number of TAs. In this
case, we test the scenario that one additional exam room ACKNOWLEDGMENT
and one more Tech are added. With the same amount of The authors would like to thank C. Davis, A. Shanedling,
arrival, the new arrival rate is decreased by 25% for each and M. Sommer of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and
exam room (due to adding one room). We compare the two the staff at the UWMF for their help in the case study.

(k) (k−1)
A PPENDIX Proof of Lemma 1: When p1 < p1 , we obtain
Illustrative Example: Let Q = 1, there exist 24 feasible  
(k) (k) (k−1) (k−1)
c2,2 = c2,2 (1 − p1 ) > c2,2 1 − p1 = c2,2 .
states, named as states S1 –S24 below
(0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1, 0) As Ti is monotonically decreasing with respect to
cj,i [26], [27], it can be concluded that
(0, 0, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1), (0, 0, 2, 0), (0, 2, 0, 0), (0, 0, 2, 1)
(0, 2, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1, 1), (1, 0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1, 0) T2(k) < T2(k−1) .
(1, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 0, 1), (1, 0, 2, 0) This leads to
(1, 2, 0, 0), (1, 0, 2, 1), (1, 2, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1). (k) 1 1 (k−1)
p2 = (k)
> (k−1)
= p2
Following the event description and (2) in Section III-B, the  c2,2 T2 c2,2 T2
can be established, which is a 24 × 24 matrix. The elements which follows that
of the matrix (the transitions) are listed as follows:
(k) (k−1)
p2 > p2 .
(1,13) = λ; (1,1) = −λ
(2,14) = λ; (2,3) = c2 ; (2,2) = −(λ + c2 ) Continue such arguments, we have
(3,15) = λ; (3,4) = c3 ; (3,3) = −(λ + c3 ) (k+1) (k) (k−1) (k)
c2,1 = c2,1 1 − p2 < c2,1 1 − p2 = c2,1
(4,16) = λ; (4,1) = c4 ; (4,4) = −(λ + c4 )
(5,17) = λ; (5,8) = c2 ; (5,7) = c3
(k+1) (k)
(5,5) = −(λ + c2 + c3 ) T1 > T1 .
(6,18) = λ; (6,3) = c4 ; (6,6) = −(λ + c4 ) Then, it follows that
(7,19) = λ; (7,6) = c2 ; (7,2) = c4 (k+1) 1 1 (k)
p1 = (k+1)
< (k)
= p1 .
(7,7) = −(λ + c2 + c4 ) c2,1 T1 c2,1 T1
(8,20) = λ; (8,6) = c3 ; (8,8) = −(λ + c3 )
(9,21) = λ; (9,5) = c2 ; (9,9) = −(λ + c2 ) Proof of Lemma 2: The proof is similar to that of
(10,22) = λ; (10,8) = c4 ; (10,10) = −(λ + c4 ) Lemma 1.
Proof of Proposition 3: From p2 = 0, we have
(11,23) = λ; (11,12) = c2 ; (11,9) = c4
(11,11) = −(λ + c2 + c4 ) c2,1 = c2,1
(12,24) = λ; (12,10) = c2 ; (12,5) = c4 (1) (1)
T1 = fT Q1 , c1,1 , c2,1 , c3,1 , c4,1 , λ1
(12,12) = −(λ + c2 + c4 ) 1
(13,2) = c1 ; (13,13) = −c1 p1 = .
c2,1 T1(1)
(14,9) = c1 ; (14,15) = c2 ; (14,14) = −(c1 + c2 )
It follows that
(15,5) = c1 ; (15,16) = c3 ; (15,15) = −(c1 + c3 )  
(16,7) = c1 ; (16,13) = c4 ; (16,16) = −(c1 + c4 ) c(1)
2,2 = c2,2 1 − p(1)
(17,20) = c2 ; (17,19) = c3 ; (17,17) = −(c2 + c3 ) (1) (1)
T2 = fT Q2 , c1,2 , c2,2 , c3,2 , c4,2 , λ2
(18,12) = c1 ; (18,15) = c4 ; (18,18) = −(c1 + c4 )
which leads to
(19,11) = c1 ; (19,18) = c2 ; (19,14) = c4
(1) 1
(19,19) = −(c1 + c2 + c4 ) p2 = (1)
> 0.
c2,2 T2
(20,18) = c3 ; (20,20) = −c3
(21,17) = c2 ; (21,21) = −c2 Thus, we obtain
(22,20) = c4 ; (22,22) = −c4 c(2)
2,1 = c2,1 1 − p(1)
2 < c(1)
(23,24) = c2 ; (23,21) = c4 ; (23,23) = −(c2 + c4 )
which implies that
(24,22) = c2 ; (24,17) = c4 ; (24,24) = −(c2 + c4 ). (2) (1)
T1 > T1
All other (i,j) = 0, when (i, j) does not belong to the above
combinations. and
To prove Proposition 3, the following lemmas are needed. 1
1 = < p(1)
1 .
Lemma 1: Under assumptions 1–4, in Procedure 1, if p(k)1 < c2,1 T1(2)
(k−1) (k+1) (k)
p1 , then p1 < p1 , for k ≥ 2.
Continuing such arguments we obtain
Lemma 2: Under assumptions 1–4, in Procedure 1, if p(k)2 >
, then p2
> p2 , for k ≥ 2. c(2) (1)
2,2 > c2,2 , T2(2) < T2(1)

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Susan M. Ertl received the bachelor’s degree in Lauren Fiedler received the bachelor’s and mas-
nursing from the University of Wisconsin (UW), ter’s degrees in industrial and systems engineering
Madison, WI, USA, and the master’s degree in from the University of Wisconsin (UW), Madison,
nursing administration from Edgewood College, WI, USA.
Madison. She is a Senior Health Systems Engineer with the
She has been with UW Health, Madison, since UW Health, Madison. She has been with UW Health
1995, where she has been leading performance since 2008, where she leads and manages system-
improvement and systems design since 2003. She wide improvement initiatives focused on strategy
is currently the Vice President of Clinical Joint and redesign. She served as a Lead Project Manager
Ventures, UW Health. She has over 25 years of for the design and start-up of the UW Health
ambulatory health care experience which includes Digestive Health Center, Madison, where she is cur-
direct patient care, clinic management and new program, and facility design. rently managing the enterprise-wide redesign of UW Health Behavioral Health
She led the development of the UW Health Digestive Health Center, Services. She has held prior industrial engineering positions in the manu-
Madison, where she currently leads the enterprise-wide redesign of UW Health facturing industry with Nestle, Vevey, Switzerland, and Alcoa, New York,
Behavioral Health Services. NY, USA.
Ms. Fiedler is a member of the Institute of Industrial Engineers.

Carol Hassemer received the B.S. degree in med-

ical microbiology and the M.A. degree in business
of healthcare administration, both from University
of Wisconsin (UW), Madison, WI, USA.
She is the Director of Clinic Operations/Medical
Imaging with the University of Wisconsin Medical
Foundation, Middleton, WI, USA. She is account-
able for all the department’s seven operational pro-
grams, including breast imaging for which over
16 000 screening mammograms are collectively per-
formed annually at five locations. The department
has a commitment to continuous process improvement and being patient
focused, and appreciates the collaboration with the Department of Industrial
Engineering, UW, Madison.

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