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The void

Void: the absence of matter in a volume.

A vacuum space; without content; an open area that allows movement;
footprint, volume subtraction.

Void: always presupposes a relationship within the categories of full and

empty, and implies the definition of a limit .
Because of the predominance of empty or full, of closed or open, we can
define a void space as an interior or an exterior .
To subtract, to excavate, to remove,
to decrease

To add, to compose, to increment, to

Space is a void, a pocket of air that must be
contained, defining a limit. Its precision
coincides with the indispensable existence
around it, that grants its identity. To design
spaces is to design possibilities of life.

Aires Mateus, Voids, in People meet in architecture, XII Biennale di

Venezia, Marsilio, Venezia 2010, p. 48.
The archetypal void

The house in the afterlife

Tesoro di Atreo, Micene 1330 a.C.

The archetypal void

The urban void

Agorà di Atene, II sec. a. C.

The archetypal void

The universe

Il Pantheon, Roma 115-127.

The archetypal void

The fence // the labyrinth

Palazzo di Cnosso, Creta XVI sec. a. C.

The archetypal void

The glade into the woods – the space of awaiting

Tempio di Ise, 690 a.C.

The archetypal void

The empty space as a space of meanings. The Chinese garden

Giardino del mandarino Yu, Shangai 1577.

The archetypal void

Karesansui – dry landscape

Tempio di Ryoanji, Kyoto 1450 ca.

The archetypal void

The flexible space. The traditional japanese house

Villa imperiale di Katsura, Tokyo XVII sec.

The archetypal void

The ceremony room

Casa del te , Tempio di Koto-in, Kyoto 1601.

The void space
produced by subtraction
is not a residual space,
formless and
indeterminate, but is a
substantial space that
outcome from a design
J. Oteiza, Caja metafisica, 1958.
Void as relationship space

Relation between subject and object. Different kind of perception

A. Kapoor, Untitled (1998), When I Am Pregnant (1998), White Dark III (1995), White Dark V (1995).
Void as relationship space

Relation between different subjects. Working on the public space

I. Chermayeff, C. Alexander, Diagrammi di patterns, 1963

G. Nolli, Pianta di Roma, 1748
Void as relationship space

Relation between void and full. Working on the form of the city

La Casbah, Marrakesh
Void as relationship space

Relation between spaces. Working on object/context, interior/exterior

G. Matta-Clark, Conical intersect, 1975.

L. Fontana, Concetto Spaziale, 1964, ritratto di U. Mulas
Representing the void

R. Whiteread, House, 1993.

La rappresentazione

L. Moretti, Strutture e sequenze di spazi, Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano,

rappresentazione dei volumi interni, in “Spazio”, n. 7, 1953.
La rappresentazione

R. Koolhaas, Modelli di studio per il progetto dell’Ambasciata Olandese, Berlino 1998.

R. Koolhaas, Modello della Casa da Musica, Porto 2005.
La rappresentazione del vuoto

Aires Mateus, Voids, Biennale di Architettura, Venezia 2010, modello casa Cadoços e modello casa a Monsaraz.
Void forms

Cave: carved into the solid mass, uderground spaces

Antri - Cavità

E. Chillida, Montagna Tindaya, Spagna 1996.

Antri - Cavità

L. Kahn, Phillips Exeter Library, New Hempshire, 1967-72.

Antri - Cavità

L. Kahn, Phillips Exeter Library, New Hempshire, 1967-72.

Antri - Cavità

R. Koolhaas, Progetto per la Biblioteca Nazionale di Francia, 1989.

Antri - Cavità

R. Koolhaas, Progetto per la Biblioteca Nazionale di Francia, 1989.

Antri - Cavità

S. Holl, Simmons Hall MIT , Massachussets 1999-2002.

Antri - Cavità

S. Holl, Simmons Hall MIT , Massachussets 1999-2002.

Antri - Cavità

A. Campo Baeza, Caja Granada, 2001.

Antri - Cavità

A. Campo Baeza, Caja Granada, 2001.

Antri - Cavità

T. Ito, A. Branzi, Progetto per il Forum della musica, della danza e della arti visive, Gent 2004.
Antri - Cavità

P. Zumthors, terme di Vals, 1996.

Antri - Cavità

P. Zumthors, terme di Vals, 1996.

La formaVoid
del forms

_ open sky rooms (when concavity is on the upper side)
_ Porous space – Menger Sponge

J. Turrell, Skyspace, Chichu art Museum, Naoshima 2004.


Nieto e Sobeiano, Museo e centro di ricerca Madinat al Zahra, Cordoba 2008.


Nieto e Sobeiano, Museo e centro di ricerca Madinat al Zahra, Cordoba 2008.


SANAA, Rolex Learning Center, Losanna 2010.


SANAA, Rolex Learning Center, Losanna 2010.


A. Van Eyck, Orfanotrofio, Amsterdam 1960.


A. Van Eyck, Orfanotrofio, Amsterdam 1960.


Aires Mateus, Casa (progetto), Alcacer do sal, Portogallo 2003.


Herzog e De Meuron, de Young Museum, San Francisco 2005.


Herzog e De Meuron, de Young Museum, San Francisco 2005.


S. Holl, Bellevue Art Museum, Washington 2001.


S. Holl, Bellevue Art Museum, Washington 2001.

La formaVoid
del forms

Holes/tracks/cuts: mainly defined by a linear form, they are paths that affect the mass, and allow to
cross it and to connect differet kind of space (int/ext, int/int, ext/ext).
Fori - Solchi

Passage Jouffroy e Passage des Princes, Parigi 1850-60 ca.

Fori - Solchi

Le Corbusier, Unité d’Habitation, Marsiglia 1946.

Fori - Solchi

Herzog & De Meuron, Funf Hofe, Monaco 2003.

Fori - Solchi

R. Koolhaas, McCormick Tribune campus center, IIT, Chicago 2003.

Fori - Solchi

R. Koolhaas, McCormick Tribune campus center, IIT, Chicago 2003.

Fori - Solchi

A. Burri, Cretto di Gibellina, 1981.

Fori - Solchi

P. Eisenman, Monumento all’Olocausto, Berlino 2005.

Fori - Solchi

M. Heizer, Double Negative, Mormon Mesa, Nevada 1970.

Fori - Solchi

S. P. Landis, Air Check, Mormon Mesa, Nevada 2003.

Fori - Solchi

D. Perrault, Università femminile di Ewha, Corea 2008.

Fori - Solchi

D. Perrault, Università femminile di Ewha, Corea 2008.

La formaVoid
del forms

_ an horizontal and vertical mass excavation that creates open sky squares
_ an horizontal excavation that creates a covered square

A. Aalto, Municipio di Saynatsalo, 1950.


Le Corbusier, Convento di Saint Marie de La Tourette, Eveux sur Abresle 1957.

- Solchi

Herzog & De Meuron, Progetto Città del Flamenco, Jerez de la Frontera 2008.
- Solchi

Nl Architects, Progetto per il Performing Art Center, Taipei 2008.

- Solchi

Nl Architects, Progetto per il Performing Art Center, Taipei 2008.

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