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Second Battle of Hoover Dam

Prelude Edit
After the First Battle of Hoover Dam, Mr. House knew that as soon as either the NCR or the Legion became victorious at the Dam, they would turn their attention to New Vegas. In an attempt to stop this and allow the city remain under his control, he had Victor hire a courier to retrieve hisPlatinum Chip, a data storage device capable of upgrading the city's defense systems and activating a massive army of PDQ-88b securitrons, which would give House the ability to single-handedly crush the Legion and intimidate the NCR into a retreat. However, the leader of the Chairmen, Benny, learned of this plan and ambushed House's Courier outside of Goodsprings, shooting them in the head and leaving them for dead in a shallow grave and taking the Platinum Chip, throwing House's plans into disarray. The Courier survived, however, and began a journey to the New Vegas Strip to find Benny and get revenge, in the process learning the true purpose of the Platinum Chip and its power. The Courier was faced with the choice of either giving the Chip to House or destroying the securitron army, or even using it to create an army of their own. The Courier's journey attracted the att ention of the NCR and the Legion, both wanting such an influential individual on their side, although which side (if either) the Courier chose remains lost to history. In preparation, the Courier traveled the land looking for tribes to ally with, but again, which allied with the Courier, which did not, and which were even outright destroyed is unknown.

Battle Edit
Hoover Dam Edit
Your role in the battle depends greatly on which faction you have sided with, each faction has its own final quest. The Independent/Yes Man quest being No Gods, No Masters, All or Nothing being Mr. House's, Eureka! beingNCR's, and Veni, Vidi, Vici being the Legion's. Mr. House's and Yes Man's quests are very similar, having to do that same basic thing - activate the Securitron army. From there, you will have to fight across the dam to the Legion camp on the other side of the dam. The NCR quest will have you do the same basic thing; fi ght through enemy forces to get to the other side of the dam. While traversi ng the dam, you will notice the aid promised by any factions you gathered support from. Once you get across the dam, you will get to Legate's Camp, having to face off with Legate Lanius. You can fight, or pass a series of difficult skill checks and avoid combat. From there, you return to the main gate, where it will be blown down by General Lee Oliver and his men. If fighting for the NCR, he will congratulate you. If fighting for Yes Man/Mr. House, you will have the choice of talkin g him out of a final confrontation, or proceeding with attacking him - with the help of your new shiny Securitron army. Either way, the game ends there. If fighting for the Legion, the battle is similar to the NCR's quest, only in reverse. You start in Legate's camp and fight a cross the dam to the NCR side. The final confrontation is still with General Lee Oliver. If you can pass a high skill check, you can talk him out of fighting, but otherwis e you will have to kill him.

Elsewhere Edit
The details of the battle at Hoover Dam are unclear, however fighting was not just limited to that relatively small location as violence engulfed the entire Mojave Wasteland. The NCR Embassy on the New Vegas Strip was bombed, and the Omertas attempted a coup but were stopped by the Chairmen and the White Glove Society, as well as the securitrons. Rioting broke out in Freeside (although its severity is unclear; if the Courier forged an alliance between the Kings and the NCR the riots are much more tame), and the Fiends attacked Camp McCarran, but again if the Courier killed their leaders, they are easily defeated. Camp Forlorn Hope was attacked by the Legion, and Legion spies made an attempt to bomb the monorail outside McCarran, whether it was successful or not depends on whether the Courier uncovered their plot or not, and at a location known as "Bravo Bravo Charlie", a doctor arrived. The Caesar's Legion also attacked Camp Golf, the attack was easily repulsed if the Courier trained the Misfits. However if the Courier sided with the Legion, Chief Hanlon and other rangers will be crucified.

Aftermath Edit
Main article: Fallout: New Vegas endings

Notes Edit
 Yes Man and Mr. House's participation in this battle are mutually exclusive - if the Courier chose to support an independent Vegas, then (s)he would already have control of the Securitron army and House would be long-dead by the time the battle started.


It is unknown which side the Boomers supported, or whether they were destroyed. It is unknown which side the Great Khans supported, however if the Courier does not intervene, they support the Legion by default. It is unknown whether the Brotherhood of Steel supported the NCR or the Legion (or if they were destroyed), or which side the Enclave Remnants supported (or if they were destroyed).

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