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1. Indicate the significance of each of the following abnormal fetal heartrate patterns: fetal
tachychardia, fetal bradychardia, late deceleration, variable deceleration.
FETAL TACHYCHARDIA: Marked fetal tachycardia is a sign of fetal distress; it can be
brought on by medications, fetal arrhythmia, maternal fever, fetal hypoxia, maternal
anemia, or hyperthyroidism.
FETAL BRADYCHARDIA: is a probable indicator of fetal discomfort. A hazardous
symptom of probable hypoxia is marked bradycardia (less than 100 bpm).
LATE DECELERATION: This is a concerning pattern during labor because it might
indicate reduced blood flow through the uterus' intervillous gaps or uteroplacental

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