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oo . 6 WARS IN THE 20TH CENTURY rom Ec abi Ago tos The Sart Tenth Attheend ofthe 19h century. many people were convinced hat war cold no longer te 20 Pe Nil be used ‘oo of diplomacy, yet war would become the dominant th cenury. There were world! wars cah of which killed mils of Ferguson cals Word Wer I (1939-45) the greatest man-made catastrophe of al ine! ‘ting theives of more than 5 million peo Deelaring war on Rui on | August 1 eating Belgian netralisy Invading France | Beingng Briain ito the cont. Austria-Hungary ‘Wis cer that Anstri-Hhngary wa deters ta espond othe Sarajevo incident, seeing its an opportunity to lininate Serbia ae political factor in the Balkans “The contribution of Austria-Hungary tothe outbreak of war wa that it 4 aggerated the potential threat of Sebi nd was determined to make wat {nye sponding tthe tsnain, which contributed othe development ofthe July Css “+ Desaed war on Serbia on 28 uy, only ve days afer the delivery ofthe ukimatum [which in any case had aime limi of only 48 hous) + Refsed eo hat its itary actions eve though negotiations wih Russa wee schduled for 30 uy. Russia “The Rus Foreign Minster sein the uma to Serbia European Wat: Ses Sneonor was deteined to tke firm stand, ashe believed that the Germans ad een ‘weakest in Russi previous response Ballan css, Although the Tsar wat in nour of ‘arial mobilization, hie general ordered gener] mobilization 083 [uly “The contribution of Rss to the bepnning ofthe war wastat it 1+ Did not try to estrain Serb nationals, eventhough i asi o lea to instability in ‘he Balkans “+ Supported Sri, which deepened the confit and pos caused Sebi to eet the ums 1 Mobile, thus wigeringa general Earopean wat France ‘France government wa estan about geting valved ina war any afer the ‘gominios defeat of 1271, id not want to provokes general war Frances al Rossa mobilized without conakng the French and thea the Germans declared war on Fance on 5 August. France bad aot decid ogo twa itwas rept. ‘Te esponsibiity of ance was hat it gave Rusia asuranees of support before the fly aie Britain ‘Brit ws vided over whether to Sight Germany oe nt. The Foreign Secretary, Edvard (Gey wanted to, and there hasbeen etic of hs nd Ban's ambiguous postion in the fly Cis, Some historians argue tha Britaia soald have made dea to Germany thacit would stad hoor to shoulder withthe French, and this might have deterred the ‘Germans ro parsing the Shfien Plan Yet Grey himuel di ot have a mandate to ‘take is postion clear de tothe mised opinions of palament ‘The ilaton of the neutrality of Begum ed to some popular demand fr war with {Gang and pve the British overament grounds, based onthe teat of 1890 dere ‘eae Theresponsbility of Britain forthe tar ofthe war was hat it should have made ts postion clearer uring the uly Ces John Lowe io makes the Following pint ‘he mot serious hare aint Bin, however that her maa swith Ruslan 194 “winced the German chanel thatthe ing of eileen around her was now complet ‘Gay fle dil of hse secret tals abo dreds cred as.a madara German sin the hy cri rom Robert ere and ob ows Rayan contrat lain 1670-1914 201 Historiography: the causes of the Great War cartoon analysis whats ie message of ths acon whch nas pushed on 26 Aust 914 folowing Geman ran lg? re tnamenetcaees ‘THE CAUSES OF WORLD WAR | —____ Responsibility fr causing World War I wa placed onthe Central Powers bythe Verses setementin 1919. tn the war guilt clause ofthe Treaty of Verses with Germany (Article 231), Germany had to acrpt esponsibility sone ofthe gyresos (This dscussed in more detain Chapter 4) While the Trestyof Verses was being drawn up by te ‘ctorous powers, the German Freiga Ofc was already preparing documents fom their {chives attempting to prove that al eligerent states were to ble, To tis end between 1922 an 1927 the Germans produced 4 volumes of documents backing up his clin, ‘ther govemment fl the ned to respond by producing ther own volumes of archives. Briain pblsed 11 volumes between 1926 nd 1938, Frances own version of vets in 1936, Asta produced # volumes in 1930 and he Soviet Union broupt out justsicatory publications in 1931 and 1934. Germany's argument gained international sympathy in the 1920s and 19304, There was growing sentiment tat the ward been used bythe fall of international lations ater tha the specif actions of ne county. Loyd {George writing inhi nenoies inthe 1930s, cxplaine tha the nations slithered ver the brink into the Boling carom of wa SB Fay and HLE Barnes were wo Americas historians who, to some extent, supported the revisionist aguments pat wad by Germany regarding the causes of Worl War Barnes argue in his 1927 book, The Genes of he War tha Serbia, France and Rusia were rectly responsible fo easing the way, that Austro-Hungarian responsi was far es. and tht est responsible were Germany apd rit, He supported tis view by ‘suing thatthe Franco Russian lance became offensive fom 1912, and ter joint plans intended to manipulate any criiin the Baans to provoke a European wat Bath countries decide that Serbia would be central totheir war plans ad early in 1914 officers inthe Serbian General Sta pote the assinaton of Franz Ferdinand. The Ruslan and French ‘motives for starting European wat were oan hei ey objectives the eine ofthe ardane Susi etse of Ale Loraine hich oul only be alized through ‘An sian historian, Lig Alberti wrotea thorough and coherent esponse tthe revisions argument in the 1980s Albertini argument focused onthe responsibly of ‘Aust Hungary and Germany in the ediat tem: Asta er the ulkmatum to Seri tnd Germany fr itary in demanding localized wa. Over Germany wasn his ‘ew fandamentlly obama was clear thi rit coald not have remained eutra in ‘ar raging onthe cominnt Fritz Fischer In 1961, historian Fit Fischer published Germany Alms the First Word War this was later eansnted into English, Father argument focused responsiblity back on Germany Fe disconered document called the September Programm’ writen by he German Chancel, Bethmann- Hollweg This memorandum, which was dated 9 September 1914 (afer war ad started), set ut Geomany aims for domination of Europe se Chapter $3 formore dicamion ofthis aspzation) cher chimed tht the document proved tha ‘the ruling elite ad always had expansionist ims and that awa woud allow them to Fall thes War would alo consolidate tee power at home ard dea with the threat of socials, cher wet ont arg in anther book that the War Counc of 1912 proved that Germany planned to lunch continent warn 1914 At this War Council on Malka coramented that 'n my opinion wars inevitable and the sooner the beter | Facer’ argument ie persuasive, hens longer-term polices from 1897 to short-term ‘and immediate ations taken isthe July Criss. In shor, eis able to explain why war began, “Ginn the nso of he wold station i 1914 ~a condition or which Germany word Pest ha aed te dangerous crises [those of 1905, 1906 and 1911), was Fen omall nase responsible ~ any lint or laa warn Barape dec oing ome Pt pwer must eval cary wih tthe inet danger ofa general waz As Germany ‘Te and coveted he Aso Serbian war and, he conden her itary superior, Unibet fc th rik of confit wih Rusia and Proce headers rau et ‘nati hare of he sara respons for he outbreak of general wari 1914 rum ote aches Gory Ait nthe Fr World W167 -cher’anguments have een crv in the olin ways ache argue backwards from the Geman ‘September war sim’ Teri iited idence to prove Germany had specif expansion sins rior to September 1914 «+ The Decerber War Councl isa imited evidence; ts importance debatable a the imperial Chane was not presen ‘Bacher holds the domestic cesiin Germany as cental to why war was triggered in 1914, However Bethmann- Hollweg dnmined war ar soltion to there of soi. + onal beargued that German policy lacked coherency inthe decade before 1914 {che focus too much on Germanys thi prioity eds to an emphasis on German ction and he nels terol lye hy other powers After Fischer Since Fecher' thee on German guilt historians hee continued to debate the dere of German esponsibility, Conservative German historians sich a Gerhard Riter rected Fecher view in he 1960s although Immanuel Geis defended Biche ypublahing 2 ‘book of German documents undermining the arguments ofthe revisions ofthe 19205 However, the majority of historian around the wold now ze that Germany psjed a sot le inthe events tat eto war trough their policy of Welplik and thee ole inthe Jay Crisis though this was no necessary apart of ay sepa a Fscer had srgued'Itas Been widely asserted that German policy held th ey tothe station nthe samme of 1914 and that twas the German deseo peat diplomatically and multay foam the criss which widened the crs from an Ease Euopeen one toa continental and sword wa’ (Rath Henig, The Origins fe First Word War, 1993) Other hitrins hae stresed diferent issues in exliing the outrek of war, however, John Keegan May horn John Keegan face onthe vents of hel Crs He sugges tht though thee were longterm and shor erm eons in Europe war sin tnt ine oac wr wwllly Goh ierependenc snd cooper cory forth Earopenn coon, pa oa nll ad lig links between the naons ‘The ey to Keegan's theory the lack of communication during the July Crisis He highligh the act tht the Kaiser a 50 people advising him ~ most independent nd jealous of one another: "The Kaiser. in he css of 1914. found tat he id not ‘understand the machinery he was suppose o cont panicked and lea ioe of paper ‘eernine event’ Kegan sags tht had Asta Hungay ate immediate the war tight hae been ined oa oa alle, was Austa- Hungary luctance tact lone, nd itsllance with Germany. that edo the escalation. ‘No county used the communications vale at he tine such 8 ado Information ves asving Silly and was ava incomplete. The criss that allowed she expiration of | ‘he limatum to Serbia was not one that he European powers had expected and the key problem wa that ach nation fed to communicate ts sims daring the crisis = | ‘THE CAUSES OF WORLD WAR | 1+ Avstri-Hangay ba wane to pi Seri, bu lacked the courage to at lone. They ‘id aot wan general European wa ‘Germany had wanted a diplomatic sce that woud lee its Asto-Hung stronger in Buropean eyes It didnot wana general European wat, “+ Ross didnot want a pneral European war but had not calculated tht support far Serbia would edge the danger of war dose. 1 France ad not mobilized, twas increasingly word that Germany woud mobile sein “+ Britain ony awoke to the el danger ofthe ers on Saturday 25 Jy and still hop ‘98 Thurdsy 30 uly that Rusia would tolerate he punishment of Serbia It would not, wove, eve France in danget. None ofthe European powers had communicted thr objectives eal the aly Cris “Ther, for Kegan twas the events of 3 aly that were the tuning point The news| of Russ general mobilization and the German ulimatum to Rasa and France made the sou oe of peace or wa. The Great Powers could tp ack fom the brink but a ‘withraval would not be compatible wth the stu ofeach ra Great owe. The Serbs | ‘seo the cris theft place, had bee forgotten. James Joll Jotartemsto ink impersonal forces factors beond the spec cotrl or inuence of ‘mindivdal leader, ime or gvernment—to personal or Man-made forces. He wees "natmosphere of intense tension war created by impersonal oer the long and sort terms and personal decisions made ia the July Cris ed to wall explains the outbreak ‘of war in terms ofthe decison ake by the poli leaders in 1914, but argues that these decisions were shaped bythe impersonal factors, which meant that the nders had only Timed options ope other inthe Sal day of he ally rn intone Mars hintorians ave focused on the ale of capitalism and imperialism asthe key causes ‘of Wold Wat | but initation wth focusing on mpersanal ctor isthat they do at ‘certo exlin why the war brake out when it did ols argument inks the impersonal factors tothe personal decon-making aking place ring the aly Ces ands, apparently overcomes this problem, Niall Ferguson In The Py of War (2006), Nal Ferguson sugges that Germany was moving avay fom 4 muita otiook prior wo Woe War and highlights the increasing inenc ofthe Sscial Democrat arty there. The German Soil Democrat Paty was founded sa socialist arty with ada agends for Germany. By 1912 they had gained the mos votes inthe Reicha and ther inisence ncesingly alarmed he Kaiser regime, Ferguson ses Brain evicted inthe cases of war, particular Sir Edward Grey Bis misinterpreted German ambition nd decided to eto inpede German expusinisn Ferguson doesnot sce war a inevitable in 114, derpite the fore f mitre, imperial and secre diplomacy. ES Review activity ‘iow up ag sumac he ew fhe yh thot you hae ead aboin ch chagter Ako inde he ews of esters nthe Student Secton blow Document analysts as Stuy the sources tow As youre ede wat factor ach hintaan s sressngas heey coset Docsment A Thefn Wr er nas note Aide eno undead hung aos ‘nafoed he bclour the Cis Sepa een sea thence ‘rumors ftecrss ios backend mapas rd pes unin way Ege snc onde ming emo oe de re ad raceantaatheinon alg eres contonatens at made arma and aie ovo Eaope had ‘acest wearer amber a toms theca poste ances nent ge ‘her pars we Woy bang sed ond edn nee) cmap sae ‘apne acs Farkas. mth Acc nthe eStoranan wed hon unset ‘hess fees hata han he orion Se Te Fn We os | ‘efnlano} ough thease fe rer anor tarp ou 0s Pe ee ees -— esioondhe ates sade ahem, em Geen Martel Thera oe is Wena 1987 Document (ramon .wa seed oe san tbh meio ern ata ‘Ana arwa cute ade appear oa secrse he pesto -atawa ego Fast fassomost cen wut ev tae soca ens mich bt Teecarbe ‘dot tot Geran kates we pesado wa 9 rete the an Taidtobing abet taste Goma zug once pow so Bam ar ane ‘o19htoconon tty means recente co beauedtha Goh ponent toy rover blac fone aoce anes nna wor bcs hy eee tthe colachne moh mr thay ‘lara rearoton and hot he sod tata ea pone wos be gay fees From Aun nie Oighse het Wes Mo 183, | Gociment | used be atta tem fatness stunt eatin forte cua of a tha heey enn wo canes ade wr ner a hs peat | fa: formo neon anovesinte apreciated aac te ftp he | sma purport te arcs na Serie. Sand hwo that ota ke Boe -ieroeno tea atoarane Tere owe 0 WS Which the alone carat oso cent ote gon escn nEunpeinne dd bee 914 ey pred Inks ac whch cies coa easton pepe ase Neth Ace and he Bobs ‘tera paes thee Namah danger ond te cone ct bce te Mra 06and 91 wee alowed cut tthe eqn fewer Sargeostowed nyo care mens ented wry acca sored ‘oa center ean heats ada dec aby cn therm aceon the eve tity sched Fem Stephen 1 ee Aspe af pen My 1789-98) 1988 ueton 1 Fess oecunents A Band ey sna the pits mde n ech cue. Compre ant nus hee auents wth fhe he halons dscsed on p32 34 «= ee | ‘THE CAUSES OF WORLD WAR | ss ontoggusines say Frames The causes of World ar itera veston Grae casectoeavtr ‘puta eae as Germany tober ana ona? Spencers scowianesortonetahdyustucvejou sore Asyousewngyouani, Pennoni One leeprderinghscrothe How Sle shiney’ Sapam Cectatyaunow maw ‘Greed bps el ons yoann Induct Set the gtston acre They rai acc he Vr Guit lise Arce 21 when teers foreaing Nor Wah Germano ating aes Sone rans however ages htroonecauniyeanbehasrsgoncietr — Q) Seoutrk of war Ait 4 Set down urine amar Men OKeP a ‘gorithm dona steret cre sel oferta ages a iobel {reds yo gure Wl ck Spar oper eee ‘ope etree ran meses, do nserrsrn Part: nays del th he issue arena the gustan fist Th mets a ow Geman an te Hare. aes you conde + Longe vets causing tens 9 to and spat on neratora ons ‘Senter an ‘+ Germany’ ein the evens ading upto wateg the Wa Count 1912 Se a a Via oe tester 1 iy iss median cheque chen Plan espero sion mobi, Tranter rravascape? Part: Hereyou needa ge an trate gure. the at that a poms bee ome ‘eporabiyYou cone tonal ie leer ave so choos two Oe epn how hye ceasng tenons tht hp way a he ps aceite iy Cin Factor you coud ecm rata cna ie he aac ane alare tems Concuso: ake ue tht you cae bck othe st auton don he wg ofenderceon exh de fhe werent concise wheter German hous be hel Feyponbe er evsng es Ma say questions Nowplan ou te folowng ey auestonsin pan Ue he enon above os guide ow aro you age tht Wor Wana caved cll ais) asthe oubresk ofa geeranain 1914 neuter the sssintion of Ache Fane Fearon? "280 196

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