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2. Differentiate open and closed system. Which model is more appropriate? For educational institution?


There are distinct differences between open and closed systems and open systems allow free flow of
communication between the various departments inside an organization. It is a flexible model, offering
quick response in contrast, a closed organizational system allows no communication between
departments. Each department is independent. closed system are efficient in an organization following
stringent procedures requiring no interference from outside influence for example: research centers in
contrast to clothes system.

Open systems allow more interaction with outside Environment element advancing the process of
gaining vast information and knowledge. in connection to this, the open system perspective views an
organization an entity that takes input from the environment, transform then and released them as
outputs in a tandem with reciprocal effects on the organization operates. That is, the organization
becomes part and parcel of the environments in which it is suited. Besides, constant feedback from the
flow of ideas is created between the departments forming the external environment, a ground offering
opinion on areas requiring improvements. Furthermore, the open system perspective doesn't assume
that the environment is static.

in conclusion, clothed system are theoretical systems that do not interact with the environment and are
not influenced by its surroundings while, open system are a real-world systems whose boundaries allow
exchange of energy, materials and information with the large external environment or system in which
thy exist.

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