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An Argumentative Essay on Genetic Engineering

Nelson Ramos – number 18, 11C October 2022

Genetic manipulation has been around since the mid-20 th-century, and has inexorably
had a gargantuan impact on the world. Genetic engineering, in layman’s terms, consists on
altering a small section of our desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and thereafter resequencing it,
using techniques such as CRISPR, effectively altering our genetic information. I deem this
process veritably fructuous, and regard it as of paramount importance that we, communally,
as a society, push for its farther assimilation and evolution, in the contemporary world. I
wonder: do you?
Firstly, genetic modification is lush, indeed, owing to its capability to not only
meliorate the quality of the food we produce, but to, withal, make its production staggeringly
more prolific and effective. During the food crises, in the epilogue of the 20 th century,
scientists exploited this process, so as to change the genetic information of crops, rendering
them able to grow in hitherto incogitable acreage, due to their hostility, saving millions, if not
billions, of human beings. How could this even remotely be surmised as a miscreant deed, I
Moreover, this specific category of bioengineering has aided us in solving some
medical conundrums, inasmuch as it has allowed scientists to, for instance, hinder the
development of genetic disorders, or to abet individuals with hormone imbalances in
producing hormones that they, aliter, could never have dreamt to synthesize.
Notwithstanding, some might preposterously reckon that genetic modification comes at
a price: our moral compass. I personally think that is a Kafkaesque regard to articulate,
insofar as it ambiguously leads to the arise of misunderstandings: nowadays, we have in place
a whole plethora of mechanisms to, precisely, avert the appearance of junctures in which this
sort of engineering might have been misused. Verily, as a matter of fact, a whole myriad of
books on bioethics has been written, and some of its principles were de facto promulgated by
the government.
Finally, unveiling the epilogue of this aphoristic essay, I would appreciably esteem
reiterating how imperative it is that we all come together and fight for humanity, as a whole,
forasmuch as that would squarely be what we would be doing, in contending for the
perseverance of genetic engineering.

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