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Scenario: Set innitial variables

When I get access token as admin
When I get index of random active element from URL
unitType=PROJECT' by the JSON path '<initialBodyOfJsonPath>' and save it to STORY
variable '<numberOfLocationCity>NumberOfLocationName'
When I save JSON element from context by JSON path `<initialBodyOfJsonPath>` to
STORY variable `<numberOfLocationCity>ListOfLocationNames`
When I save a JSON element from '${<numberOfLocationCity>ListOfLocationNames}' by
JSON path '$.[${<numberOfLocationCity>NumberOfLocationName}]' to STORY variable
When I initialize the STORY variable `<numberOfLocationCity>LocationName` with
value `#{removeWrappingDoubleQuotes($
|first |$..values[?(@.label == 'APAC')]..children..children..label
|second |$..values[?(@.label == 'APAC')]..children..children[?(@.label
!= '${firstLocationName}')]..label
|third |$..values[?(@.label == 'APAC')]..children..children[?(@.label
!= '${firstLocationName}' && @.label != '${secondLocationName}')]..label
|fourth |$..values[?(@.label == 'APAC')]..children..children[?(@.label
!= '${firstLocationName}' && @.label != '${secondLocationName}' && @.label != '$
{thirdLocationName}')]..label |
|fifth |$..values[?(@.label == 'APAC')]..children..children[?(@.label
!= '${firstLocationName}' && @.label != '${secondLocationName}' && @.label != '$
{thirdLocationName}' && @.label !='${fourthLocationName}')]..label|

Scenario: Set innitial variables

When I get access token as admin
When I set headers with token
When I issue a HTTP GET request for a resource with the URL
Then the response code is equal to '200'
When I save JSON element from context by JSON path `<initialBodyOfJsonPath>` to
STORY variable `<numberOfLocationCity>ListOfLocationNames`
When I save a JSON element from '${<numberOfLocationCity>ListOfLocationNames}' by
JSON path '$.[<numberOfLocationName>]' to STORY variable
When I initialize the STORY variable `<numberOfLocationCity>LocationName` with
value `#{removeWrappingDoubleQuotes($
|first |$..values[?(@.label == 'WE')]..children..[?(@.label ==
'Spain')]..label |4 |
|second |$..values[?(@.label == 'WE')]..children..[?(@.label ==
'France')]..label |1 |
|third |$..values[?(@.label == 'WE')]..children..[?(@.label ==
'Netherlands')]..label|1 |
|fourth |$..values[?(@.label == 'WE')]..children..[?(@.label ==
'Ireland')]..label |1 |
|fifth |$..values[?(@.label == 'WE')]..children..[?(@.label ==
'Switzerland')]..label|8 |

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