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KARTU KONSULTASI MAHASISWA Nama tenghap Tiara Prisitia Amando Momor inde Mahasivwa 3.2. 101) 700 294 a Fakultas/ Program Stud sire / Sastra (donee Pembimbing Atademik + a Hum u eo Pembanssan Tanda Tagan 1O-10- 2022 [metode Pembeimoran yang efeKrig | 13-10-2072 | membahas mat Kyiah elearning, 1212 = Qom | Pennoidn OKhir Semester L 1S -12- 2022 | mMembonas Menguisry mata Kukah \9K 4 Ketua Program Studi Sastra Indonesia (Aaisbah Priagung Murslin, 5-5. MP4) ‘won 0417019101 UNIVERSITAS PAMULANG KARTU UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER GANJIL 2022/2023 NOMOR UJIAN : 421011003396 FAKULTAS / PRODI : SASTRA / SASTRA INDONESIA SL NAMA MAHASISWA: TIARA PRISILIA AMANDA, NIM :221010700399 SHIFT REGULER Ck No | Hari/ Tanggal ‘Waktu Ruang Kelas Mata Kuliah vat 1 Bop 2225 lo7.40- 09.20 v.517 | o1sibKo01 JPENDIDIKAN PANCASWA iL 2 [Qa 22e5 —lo7.40-09.20| v.s17 | o1si0K001 JPENULISAN KARYA ILMIAH 2 A 3 fams.220%5 — foo20- 12.00] vsi7_ [oxstoxoo: keeuDavaaw nooNeSIA 4 anys 22 Des to9.20- 12.00] v.17 | o15IDKo02 |uuNGuIsTIK UNUM L 5 Iran: il aa J12.00- 13.50] V.517 | O1SIDKOO1 |ILMU SUSASTRA Is 6 [Kamis.22Des —|11.00- 13.50] v.517 _| o1SIDKo01 |SEJARAH SASTRA INDONESIA 6 7 sd oo De /13.50- 15.30] V.517 | O1SIDKOO1 |PENDIDIKAN AGAMA 7 a amis. 220es—|13.50-15.30] v.s17 J orsioxoos fusarar umu }— 9 amis 2202s figoo-17.40] v7 |orsioxoor asic acaoewicencus [o Peraturan dan Tata Tertib Peserta Ujian 1. Peserta ujian harus berpakaian rapi, sopan dan memakai jaket Almamater 2. Peserta ujian sudah berada di ruangan sepuluh menit sebelum ujian dimulai 3. Peserta ujian yang terlambat diperkenankan mengikuti ujian setelah mendapat ijn, tanpa perpanjangan waktu 4, Peserta ujian hanya diperkenankan membawa alat-alat yang ditentukan oleh panitia ujian 5. Peserta ujian dilarang membantu teman, mencontoh dari teman dan tindakan-tindakan lainnya yang mengganggu peserta ujian lain eet : 6. Peserta ujian yang melanggar tata tertib ujian dikenakan sanksi akademik F Tangerang Selatan, 20 Desember 2022 fa] Ketua Panitia Ujian UBAID AL FARUQ, S.Pd., M. Pd NIDN. 0418028702 Nama 2 “Vera Frisia Aranda Nw = 22010906249 Mata kulab * Basic Academic Erguigh - La. the eeu of the. ghdtnts 40k wero Announced through 4 School website. = L.Evtey ctudint, teacher, and stage Oe requested to Come Ondine +0 the School - Somme Of the Whorwation in the Intend ors Fale Each of us Wave ditfertnt favoun'be Colum 4 > 2) ~ Everyone tn the com wore wearing blue jackek> “Mwy student Cpt more than eur years vn Campus +o Het degree - t Everyone Vad great dime tn ) \ook dere 1S an acer Call the police. i> oe's birthday party ent ayor there! Come body had Po 3) a: Vegheday found an Wet ong acucle abon duburwe Com put @ kechnology ~ bo: Beademic Calenoler can be cheked gniine cf Wh Computic analist Or Compuber programmer Prypular - A. the new "Cum puter asalech 2m eemepaber , : Soft Ware Was Come up with diffence kind Appl cartons. ANa- A flock of robins Migrates to Covth bo get warmer weather amd to tnd food - b= Viromin Wa \w proved bone density and ceduces jhe ask oF oste oporosis - Nahtng} museum ot Indonesia Displaying Abou tog - 342 bhjods Of Indonesian cultura] AT The nile aver flowing qver [oo mks trpm South dp Moth through” eastern atnce C) a: pay Vredher why is a luda Of bngprmalics Fngineenha, has Created a high duality aplcaton- |< hag : BD kuch nerar national hee [Sever woe von im (070 = foom £ was - G)_a- Con | _Gme up though o beter Colubion ye wet Thowght the curce was Going dv be boring but 4 hae With je be quite woeful c He tame Inde af the Cafe and Pit On ic trade. a- we have +o Set Out tht final pyar _tonrorrow - Aad x) & Reker He Gurse, (will go + Cinema With mm frrind 5” be She bought Cone looks trom das book sore * i e- phe Shudints Are not Glloweol to use Hie nubile phon? during the Gacy. a. By ey Planing lt nate al Clearly, the avditnee will got athe Pov - tj)ia Bet mw Kelana is onda the (ourse - bb 4 Cintmargraphy, ous nar Nimbpne worn an aword | } | 1 | | ot FE) zo2l CMe Pou was the first dicotor o¢ this istré Ubi was lent OF gaat aaa ‘football player willy realy misses bed Choate | SY a - Suna Warched the deachar Shown into the Clase - bo Visited the tnboratoru begor, [get thy bet Score - Co \nka heord dhe police clot gun - a arrived — oarler chp realized Sol openeo) | Vt Kom J a- He film was warded by dhe Site tars wet will be gn | peek weeks owe - ‘| a Pandang ds Cooked in a wood chore tyro, lang Hime - | re Nndonscitin Cconomy w= were cortreiled by cina - it Corruprirs wart detained tn cpecral Corup kon detenivon) Cottr + Wyo mais Te as good as tuac 1 Prd ts Hie lacaest Market in mobile ele world . C= Cumotta i6 the Gages island in Indonegar jigee ts langeraus than Previgue Vaenty of er a ue t Soe wa 19. 12) A A Pesan whe Ceor —_puily he couse Te aR Sudied ware Ma Che'stions Raralde never ive up on his eet? Pon * be [yore] messi” Jory the world cupeage ey final ime in the most _ Arqmatic way # Possible g n Sunaoy—_* Co tory bf Chrishang ngld ae S andl 4vonel Messi On twerop cup 2022 _ f

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