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ASSIGNMENT: Know the history and epistemology of your name

and state your reaction after knowing it. 

Growing up is the process of being curious about the things that are
associated to us. One of it is being curious of where our names came from and
what does it mean. Getting older, I once believed that my name was derived or
came from my grandparents because simple, we both have the same name. I
once asked my mother about my name and the memories of that is now vivid.
And now, with the help of this assignment I came to know once again what my
name’s history and etymology is. According to her, my name came from the
Mexican actor “Carlos Jose”. Way back September 2003, my mother gave
birth to me and that time, they were watching a Television Series from Mexico
and she really idolized that actor because of his dedication and unconditional
to his girlfriend. The name of the Television Series is “Alondra” and because
of that Television Series, I was named after that actor, “Carlos Jose”. My
mother and father agreed both on that name. 

To further expound my knowledge about my name. According to my research

in different websites, the history of my first name, “Carlos”, is commonly used
by royalties. Experts noted that the name “Carlos” is a “Germanic” meaning
it originate from a branch of Indo-European language family. Moreover, it
was also stated that the name “Carlos” is once derived from “Karl” in the late
centuries. The etymology of “Carlos” is “The man who is free” which is also
associated to “Karl” which means “Free man”. Going with my second name,
“Jose”. It is widely known as the transliteration of the Hebrew and Aramaic
name “Yose”, which is associated with “Yosef” or “Joseph”. The etymology of
“Jose” is “he shall add” that pertains to the bible. 

Knowing the truth of everything is no doubt shocking at first but afterwards,

you will get used to it. Just like me, at first, I was in shocked after knowing the
truth behind my name because in my childhood, whenever there are people
who ask about the history of my name, I used to say that it came from my
grandfather whose name is “Jose”. 

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