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Hi, I'm Karma. Would you like to go on a quest with me?

I love going on quests and this one is going to be amazing.

I love unicorns. I have them all over my room. Can you point to where the unicorns are in my
Yesterday, I asked my parents for a new stuffed unicorn.
They said, "If I wanted another stuffed animal then maybe it was time to learn about saving

Karma wonders about saving money. She didn't know how. "What is money," Karma thought to
herself. What does it look like? Can you help Karma identify the money below?
(Pictures of each denomination of paper money and each coins)
$1, 5, 10, 20 and pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters

My parents sat on my bed with me and explained it.

Money is any object that is generally accepted as payment for goods and or services (one
picture of each)


Credit Cards

Certificate of Deposit

Now Karma knows about money and what it looks like. She wondered where she could find it.
Now the real quest begins.

Karma began her quest in her room. Karma looked under the bed. There were some dust
bunnies under there.
Karma also found 5 pennies. A penny is worth one cent.

Next, Karma checked the couch cushions.

Karma found one nickel and two dimes. A nickel is worth five cents. A dime is worth ten cent.

Karma continued her quest to the laundry room.

First, Karma carefully checked around the washer.
Second, Karma carefully checked around the dryer.
Lastly, Karma looked in the laundry basket.
And at the bottom of the basket there was a shiny round circle. This coin was bigger than the
other. It was a quarter. A quarter is worth twenty-five cents.

Karma checked her brother's room and found Kingston counting some money.

Karma asked Kingston to count the money again so she could see.

"Sure Karma", Kingston said.

“Kingston had a lot of money”, Karma thought. He had one - twenty dollar bill, two - ten dollar
bills, three - five dollar bills and five - one dollar bills.

'Wow Kingston!" You are really good at saving money, Karma said.

"How did you get so much money?"

I’ve been saving it. I've been doing chores at Ms. Henley's house.

Ms. Henley was the elderly lady down the street.

Kingston had been mowing her lawn and taking out the trash each week.

Ms. Henley paid Kingston 10 dollars per week.

Kingston told Karma he was saving money to buy a new video game.

Kingston shows Karma the homemade bank he uses to keep his money safe.

(looks like a pringles can or coffee canister)

"Wow! This bank is so cool!" beamed Karma.

"Can you help me make a bank too, Kingston?" asked Karma.

Of course, Karma all we need are

● Empty food container with a lid

● Construction paper
● Colored Pencils/Markers
● Double sided tape
● Scissors

Oh, thank you Kingston! The bank looks so great. I can't wait to put my money in my new bank!

Well here is one dollar to put in your new bank.

Karma put the five pennies, two dimes, one nickel found in the couch cushions in the bank.
Along with the quarter she found in the dryer and the dollar Kingston gave her.

Karma counted the money she found around the house as she put it in the bank.

Karma had one dollar and fifty-five cents.

Karma grabbed her bank and ran to her parent's room to show them what she had
accomplished on her Savings Quest.

They were amazed at all Karma had learned today. They all shared a great big hug.

"Maybe my next quest will be a lemonade stand!"

Copyright 2021.

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