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Regular rolls/withering:

1-3 dice +/- small favor/disadvantage.

4+ dice +/- large favor/disadvantage.

4-6 dice of damamge post soak makes for a good back and forth

In general: Always use 0.5 suxx / die, even if they have charms. Dice math
advantage is because of charms, let them have it.

Base accuracy within 3 dice among players makes for reasonable shared encounters,
further apart than that you may want to have specialized challenged for each

Useful quick math at the table: Decisive 0.4 sux/die.

I find this useful to pre-calc rough Init values for accidentally one-shotting PCs.

Withering 13 dice 16 damage 4 overwhelm
Decisive 10 dice
Parry 6 Evasion 3 Soak 8
Join Battle:
13 HL: 32 initiative to kill on average

Join Battle:
Withering 9 dice 15 damage 4 overwhelm
Decisive 6 dice
Parry 4 Evasion 2 Soak 7 (Reinforced Bouyant Buff jacket)
11HL: 28 initiative to kill on average

Join Battle:
??? (not really a melee)
Parry 2 Evasion 4 Soak 8 (chain shirt)
22 HL: 55 initiative to kill on average

Join Battle:
Withering 7/13/11/9/7 dice 13 damage 4 overwhelm
Decisive 8 dice
Parry 2 Dodge 3 Soak 7 (Buff Jacked)
11HL: 28 initiative to kill on average

Charm agnostic combat stat break down, all values respective

Withering strikes: 13, 9, 11, (spells)
Withering damage: 16, 15, 13, x
DV: 6, 4, 3, 4
Soaks: 8, 7, 7, 8

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