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This chapter is the summary of all our findings gathered

from the previous chapters and this summary is also from our

own project. It also contains the recommendations and the

conclusions of our group based on the study conducted. This

presents our realizations.


Based on the previous chapter, when water dispenser’s, or

anything that holds liquid, is exposed to the sun for so

long, it will not cause dangerous chemicals to break down in

the water. Though it will still affect the integrity of the

water dispenser and the taste of the water. If the water

dispenser is exposed to the sun for five days, it may change

temperature and taste. If it is outside for five days then

the water might have tiny dirt particles in it or some

particles of dust. If the water is hot then it is best to

put it inside the fridge. Change the water if it is not used

for so long because it might be contaminated. Leaving the

water dispenser for a day might cause the water to change

quality. You should change the water because it is for your

safety. If it is exposed to the sun and you check it for

every thirty minutes, nothing will change. Just the taste

and temperature and you will sometimes notice there is some

dust particles.


We realized that if we expose it to the sun, some changes

might occur such as change of taste, change of temperature

and physical change. Even though there is no experiment that

was conducted, we made a big guess that if we do not change

the water in the water dispenser then our stomach might

hurt. In real life, we experience this when we left our

water jugs in the classroom. And because of this, we were

able to make a guess even though there is no experiment

conducted. And we realized that in the future, this project

will help us improve in doing other investigatory projects.

Our researchers also found out that it is better to use a

jar glass because it is safer but it will break easily so

you can also use plastic jars in making this project because

it is stronger because it will not break easily.


In conclusion, water dispensers are very helpful and

useful because it keeps water fresh for days. We conclude

that water dispensers are very helpful to the environment

because when you will make a water dispenser, you will use
recycled materials and if you use recycled materials then

you are helping in reducing the trash that destroys our

planet which is earth. We do not regret doing this project

because we are able to give a little bit of help in reducing

trash. After all, this project is useful and is also



If there would be other things that will improve our topic

more then adding some filter to it will be one. Adding some

water filter to it will make the water in the water

dispenser safer because with the water filter, it will make

the water filtered and cleaned. So if we add some filter

into our water dispenser then it will be safer to drink. If

you would also do your own water dispenser then we recommend

you to put some water filter into it so you can make sure

that the water you are drinking is safe and clean.

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