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1) Which was the first "Personalized" Portal ? ## MyYahoo! from first started it in 1998...........

now u can find some element of personalization in almost all well known websites......... 2) Who first conceptualized the idea of "fuzzy logic"? ## Lotfi Zadeh an engineer and Professor at the University of california at Berkley in 1968.Fuzzy Logic provides a method of reducing as well as explaining system complexity 3) What is the difference between a hit, a page view and an impression ? ## Every single HTTP request constitutes a hit........... A page view can have many hits.............every embedded object in a page like images will contribute to a a hit is a highly misleading figure and nowadays most of the websites talk about page views.........A study of page views also tells site owners about the kind of people coming to their sites and their tastes. Impression is the number of times an ad was viewed in other words it is the sum total of hit counts of your advertisement......... 4) What was the Tally Solutions earlier known as ? ## Peutronics India Pvt Ltd..............Tally was their flagship accounting software..... 5) Whose product is "Talisma" The CRM suite? ## Aditi Technologies 6) What do the terms D2D, B2S and B2D stand for (in e-biz jargon)? ## D2D : Developer to Developer Terms B2S and B2D were coined by Consultants PriceWaterhouseCoopers B2S: Build to scale B2D: Build to Destroy 7) What is the 80/20 rule of "firing" the customers?Who devised/stated it? ## 80% of a companies revenues come from only 20% of the customers.Hence Richard Koche said companies should cultivate these 20 % and discourage the other 80%. 8) Who coined the term ECR? ##Efficient Customer Response (ECR) was coined by Kurt Salmon Associates who did initial work on the subject in US.It is a process by which companies can increase efficiency of the supply chains and making them more responsive to customer needs.

9) Which Internet Guru and also Business Week's 25 most influencial people in E-Business has predicted that all Indian B2C sites will fail ? ## Almost all got this.Mohanbir Sawhney 10) Who is the richest American under 40 year old ? ## Again a sitter.Michael Dell 11) Which is slated to be the next acquisition of Sify ? ## ( promoted by geet sethi) 12) Which Business School has become the first in country to have an on-line application form ? ## SP Jain Institute Of Management and Research , Mumbai 13) What is "C #" ? ## C Hash from Microsoft as a direct competitor to JAVA.Its based purely on object oriented concepts and claims to have the same features as supported by JAVA.

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