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1. Name the book written by Charles Lindbergh that won him the Pullitzer in 1954. ##Spirit of St. Louis.

It was the name of the plane in which he crossed the Atlantic 2. Here is something Anand follows like a maniac- women's tennis. Who defeated Gloria Pizzichini in the first round of the 1998 Australian Open and grabbed headlines(atleast of the papers i read)? ##Nirupama Vaidyanathan. Recently in news for losing 6-0, 6-0 in the Olympics doubles partnering Manisha Malhotra 3. This might seem a bit arbit but trust me its not. There is this grand-daughter of Lord Mountbatten whose last name is Hicks. What is her first name? ##India. People tell me there is an Edwina Hicks as well. If tis true,,award yourself an extra point if u said so. 4. A hill in Dordogne, France became famous almost overnight in 1868. Name the hill and you will understand why it became famous. ##Cromagnon. Need I say more? 5. What was the Old English word for 'embrace' or 'outstretched arms'? ##Fathom. 6. Which doctrine or way of governance gets its name from the latin word for 'bundle'? ##Fascism 7. Here's a favourite q of mine. Connect the following 3 and give me the fourth one. a) an abridgement or summary or collection b) a tincture of opium or a name given by Paracelsus to costly medicines. c) artificial pond for keeping fish or plants. ##the three words mean compendium, laudanum, aquarium,,,and the fourth camp in asterix comics(which as anand says COEP loves) is totorum. can anyone tell me what it means? 8. Another favourite one. Fill in the blanks of these lines which are taken from literature, not biology "If the bather should see a loose roundish mass of twany membranes and fibres, something like very large handfuls of _________ _________ and silverpaper, let him beware, for it is the fearful stinger, Cyanea Capilata" ##lion's mane,, from a Sherlock Holmes story. incidentally anand doesnt think sherlock holmes qualifies as literature. so my apologies to those who share his view . 9. Dundreary whiskers are those horrible whiskers you will see on the faces on englishmen of the 19th century. they are whisker which are thick and meet the sideburn, giving an impression that the moustaches are a part of the hair. Well, connect Dundreary whiskers to Abe Lincoln. clue- his whiskers werent dundreary whiskers.

##He died while watching a play called "Our American Cousins" which had the central character Lord Dundreary who gives his name to these whiskers. 10. Connect a fish called "Melanogramus Aeglifinus" to Tintin. ##the biological name for a fish called Haddock

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