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1) OK, First Question. There is an apocryphal story about this person's debut......

when he was in the 9th Standard, a schoolmate was taken sick, and as such, he was asked to fill in the slot, as he was the only person available. He stunned everyone with this performance, and from there, there was no looking back for this personality. Identify. Apologies again, and I repeat, this has not been counted. It's Bangalore's favourite son , AVINASH MUDALIAR, member of team Metaquizziks. Cogged from a TOI Interview. Congrats, Banna Sing! Answered by 4% 2) What name is given to a whale's penis? I shall deprive myself of the sheer delight of seeing a hundred messages gleefully proclaiming "Moby Dick", and remove that answer from contention. DORK, answered by 24% 3) From the back cover of which truly superb book have I cogged the following lines? (or as faithful a reproduction as I can type from memory?) " Case was the sharpest data thief in the Matrix, till an ex employer crippled his nervous system. Now, a new employer wants him back for one last chance run against an unbelievably powerful Artificial Intelligence. With a mirror-eyed girl street-samurai riding shotgun(I swear, this is what it says!!), he's ready for the silicon-quick, bleakly prophetic adventure that upped the ante on an entire generation of fiction." Enough clues there...... NEUROMANCER by William Gibson, answered by 36% 4) Nice, workable one. What is the E-Mail address of the Presiddent of the United States? Official one, of course, no "" type answers. PRESIDENT@WHITEHOUSE.GOV. couple of POTUS@etc, but no points. answered by 32% 5) Another sitter. Who was Yuvraj Singh's father, who also played cricket for India? cracked left right and centre. YOGRAJ SINGH answered by 48% 6) What do you need, besides a miracle? my favourite. GUNS, LOTS OF GUNS. Taken from The Matrix, cracked only by Satish and Shardul . Thus, 8% 7) What is the longest word in English that does not have the same letter appearing twice? For example, in the word "evince", the letter "e" appears twice......... no one actually got this, its UNCOPYRIGHTABLES. however, lots of uncopyrightable answers, which I have accepted. 16%

8) A certain film director once finished reading two books, and bought the rights to both. One of the books was a William Burroughs adaptation of an obscure Alan Nourse work, about a futuristic society with a ban on, among other things, medical supplies. The director threw away the book, but kept the title. He filmed the story of the other book, using the title of the first. What was the name of the first book, the one he threw away? BLADE RUNNER. the other book was Philip K Dick's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep". 48% 9) He was born in Lithuania, and had a sister called Misha(I think, something like that, anyway). He styled himself Dr. Fell for some time. Who? HANNIBAL LECTER, taken from "Hannibal" by Thomas Harris. 12% 10) Fred Durst: Hey, man, what name do I call my band? Friend: F***, man, call it anything.I'm like totally stoned right now. My brain feels like a _____ _______. What? LIMP BIZKIT. 28% 11) Who is known as the Mozart of Mayhem? Sitter. JOHN WOO. 32% 12) 5000 men stranded on the island of Kheros. No problem, said the Royal Navy, we'll send them a couple of destroyers. Uh, just a sec. No problem? There was onething that stood between the destroyers and the 5000 British soldiers. Two, in fact. The two Great Big ___ __ _______? GUNS OF NAVARONE. by alistair maclean. The most answered question, 64%.

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