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Who was told that she could have " jam tomorrow, jam yesterday but never jam today" ### Alice through the Looking Glass.. 2. Who met whom during a drunken brawl on board the S.S Karaboudjan ? ### Tintin ( & Snowy of course) met Captain Haddock...See the Shooting Star. 3. That tumultous night on which JFK was killed, he commented " That's what hap pens to you if you are famous person. You get shot". Who am I talking about???? ### John Lennon got it from Reader's Digest 4.He was born on the 17th of June 1917 as Dino Crocetti. Who are we talking abou t?? ### Dean Martin ..not many hits.. 5. Brit cops are, as you all know, called Bobbies. I want to know why Bobby and not Dickies or Tommies.. ## Another high scorer.. It was Sir Robert Peel ( 1788-1850) Tory PM 1834-35 & 1 841-46 who established the Metropolitan Police . A few of you said ' peelers ' reffering to the helmets also came from Sir Robert 's( Bobbie) name... 6. Chaplin ate some shoe in his evergreen " The Gold Rush"...While he was starvi ng, he decided to eat some shoes. In real life what did he eat ? ### Liquorice BTW , can someone confirm if the shoe laces which Chaplin ate was spaghetti??? Bharath Epur stirs this doubt in my mind... 7. Who played the original " Saint" in the TV series ? ### Roger Moore.. 8. Expand TARDIS as in the Dr. Who series. ### Time And Relative Dimensions in Space... just 4 hits!!!! 9. . " Elementary, my dear Watson" What's wrong about that statement. The compl ete funda again. ### Holmes NEVER said .." Elementary, my dear Watson" ,,, It was either " Elemen tary " or " My dear Watson" never the two together.. It was Sir Basil Rathbone who first said it in the holmes movies of the 40's. Th is was to downplay the power of Watson's character and boost Holmes'. Since the directors of the movies did not know how to potray Holmes' genius and the compar ative ineptitude of Watson's detective prowess, they put him as portly , bumblin g character through Nigel Bruce when the actual character was described was desc ribed as " Brown as a nut , and as thin as lath" in " Study in Scarlet ". 10. This pub hopping group were known as " The Quarrymen". later as icons in their own right. They had hits such as " us other songs which probably will take me the rest of the o I am talking about. ### Lot of hits too ...unexpectedly. I think " Let It Be " was a dead give away as a few of you AS supposed to be an easy quiz They disbanded years Let it be" and numero day to write down. wh pointed out... this W

11. Who lived in a house called Xanadu? The character has the same name as the p iece of entertainment in which he appears... ### I was looking for Citizen Kane... 12.In the book, whose friends were Mole, Rat and Badger? ### Toad from kenneth Graham's " Wind in the Willows" .

13. " The Misfits " signalled the end of the acting careers of two great film pe rsonalities... Who and who? ### Clarke Gable & Marilyn Monroe..... It was apparently Montgomery Clift's last bow as well 14. Who designed the Volkswagen in 1938? ### Dr. Ferdinand Porsche.

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