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CO-102 Programming fundamentals, Mid sem detailed syllabus

Computer Basics, Hardware, Software, Number System and conversions

Algorithm, Flow chart, Computer Languages - M.L., Assembly language, H.L.

Languages, compiler, interpreter .

C Basics, tokens, C statements, data types, qualifiers, constants (integer, floating

point, char, string), Operators, #define, #include, libraries, .h and library files, I/O
statements, Control Statements (loops, branching, switch, break, continue, go to)

Function definition, declaration, prototype, recursion, storage classes(auto, static,

extern) argument type (actual, formal, dummy), call by value and reference.

Array, 1-dim, 2-dim, multi-dim, initialization, passing array, string, passing array to
function, sorting( bubble, selection, insertion), searching ( linear, binary).


1. Programming with C (Schaum's Outlines Series) by Byron

Gottfried Jitender Chhabra (Author), TMH

2. Mastering C by K R Venugopal & Sudeep R Pras, TMH

3. The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis

Ritchie, PHI

4. Programming in ANSI C by Balagurusamy, TMH

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