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TIME DISTRIBUTION [Company |: TAC PERTAMINA-EPEKSINDOTELAGASAI [Contactor _: PT. PATLANGE PUTRA MANDIR: lwetname [arocr [Tipe Devetooment —_|RigName APS [catia _[BaszzeTTTen2365 [Congas | orranavarroee No. Date Operation Proeress Problem Sats 1 ‘Di-ian-22__ | = Safety Meeting and Pre Job Safety Meeting FE idchek rig with Toolpusher i 0,00 Nothing O5:ian-22 = Assesment and chek rg with Tool Pusher ——| __S5-ien22 | =_ Assesment end chek ig with Too! Pusher omy = Cont'd assesment and chek rig with Too! Pusher Nothing 3 O6:ian-22 Safety Meeting and Pre Job Safety Meeting Nothing IE =_ Assesment location and chek rq equipments together with 0.00 ‘Tool Pusher, HSE Office ‘Nothing |wnhiting pregare road to from Eksindo om mud vancto stand pipe re mud pump and anine rig w/in : and tel streture roof on mud tank arec| = Dismantle house HPU drier consule = Dismantie house ar compressor al unit and house hyroulic and fuel ine (O9:an-22 |Whiting prepare road to rigsite_| ing pupm from Eksindo| = Dismantle work way = ismantie waterline 5.00 ~_Dismantle canopy Dismantle HPU. ~_Dismantie vropaler shaps 10-Jan-22 | - safety Meeting and Pre Job Safety Mesting =_Countinue dismante charging pump. Hala ~Geuntinue Dismantle work way = Countinue dismantle waterline —=~=S~*~

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