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Mary Thezynelle B.

Onsiangco August 29,2022

Grade 8-St.Anne Ms.Jhen Coronado

‘’ African Literature’’

1.What made Africa different from other countires?

-Africa is very different in other country because they know very little knowledge about
their country that’s why they called the dark continent.So let’s compare Africa and
Philippines so that we will know what is their differents in our country.First is by
colonization Africa colonized by European countries such us France,Portugal,and United
Kingdom while the Philippines colonized by Spain,United States of America and
Japan.Second is their religion Islam is the largest religion in Africa followed by Christianity
meanwhile in the Philippines Christianity occupies the largest religion and Islam is only
ranked second.Third is all about their animals and Philippines or our animals,Africa wild
animals is roaming the surrounding while Philippines animals is in the zoo or in one
place.Each country has its own distinct characteristic which makes it unique and special.

2.What made Africa struggled compared to other countries?

-Africa is a continent with abundant natural and human resources as well as a wide variety
of cultures,ecosystem, and economies,is still underdeveloped.African people are regularly
blamed for their plight they are persumed to be intolerant of ethnic and religious
differences and unwilling or unable to govern themselves.

3. How can our knowledge about Africa helps us to understand its literature?

-Our knowledge in Africa literature helps them to be better country.Like teaching them
how their country be better and how can they manage the things in their country.Ex:Saying
them your thoughts about the wild animals roaming the surroundings so that the people
want to go there won’t be able to scared to the wild animals because they are in one place
and they are no longer roam the surrondings.We all know each country has different
literature that we need to respect all of that.Let us give them some thoughts how to be
better country so that they are no longer called as a dark continent.

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