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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

8 January 2023 SOLEMNITY OF THE EPIPHANY Year Year A A

Homage to the Savior of All Nations

E piphany is the manifestation/revelation of Jesus as the King/
Savior not only of the Jews, but of all human beings. Today’s
feast reminds us that God loves all nations of the earth, and
that He communicates with us not only through His word, but also
in many, often unforeseen ways: through internal inspirations,
through external events, and through people . . . . Many times these
factors are combined in an interplay that becomes clear only in hind-
sight. The challenge is for us to “decipher” God’s message and re-
spond to it with faith, persevering generosity and courage, just as
the Magi did.
As we are about to start the Eucharistic celebration, let us in-
clude in our intentions all the peoples of the world and all those who
are working hard to bring about harmony and cooperation among
all human beings.

P –Lord Jesus, you came tto est,

t and on earth peace to people
gather the nations into the of good will. We praise you,
peace of God’s Kingdom. we bless you, we adore you, we
Lord, have mercy! glorify you, we give you thanks
Entrance Antiphon All – Lord, have mercy! for your great glory, Lord God,
(To be recited only when no Entrance heavenly King, O God, almighty
Hymn is sung.) P –Lord Jesus, your presence Father.
filled the hearts of the Magi Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
Behold, the Lord, the
with great joy. Christ, have gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
Mighty One, has come; and
kingship is in his grasp, and mercy! God, Son of the Father, you take
power and dominion. All –Christ, have mercy! away the sins of the world, have
P –Lord Jesus, you come to mercy on us; you take away the
Greeting bring light to our darkened sins of the world, receive our
P –Blessed be God who sent His world with the splendor prayer; you are seated at the
Son to save all peoples. May His of your grace. Lord, have right hand of the Father, have
grace and peace be with you all! mercy! mercy on us. For you alone are
All – And with your spirit! All – Lord, have mercy! the Holy One, you alone are the
Lord, you alone are the Most
Penitential Act P –May almighty God have High, Jesus Christ, with the
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, Holy Spirit, in the glory of God
P –Coming together as God’s and bring us to everlasting life. the Father. Amen!
family on this Feast of the Epiph- All – Amen!
any, with confidence let us ask the
Lord’s forgiveness, that we may Collect (Opening Prayer)
worship him with a purified heart.
Gloria P –O God, who on this day re-
(Pause) All –Glory to God in the high- vealed your Only Begotten Son

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to the nations by the guidance of F We saw his star at its ris-
a star, grant in your mercy that       ing and have come to do
we, who know you already by him homage.
faith, may be brought to behold will a-dore you! Alleluia! Alleluia!
the beauty of your sublime glory. * O God, with your judg-
Through our Lord Jesus ment endow the king, and with Gospel Mt 2:1-12
Christ, your Son, who lives and your justice, the king’s son. He The Magi are champions of
reigns with you in the unity of the shall govern your people with faith and perseverance in a good
Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. justice and your afflicted ones enterprise. They are our models
All – Amen! with judgment. R. in following the star of God’s
inspiration and the guidance
* Justice shall flower in his contained in His Word.
days, and profound peace, till
the moon be no more. May P –The Lord be with you!
1st Reading Is 60:1-6
he rule from sea to sea, and All – And with your spirit!
from the River to the ends of the
The prophet Isaiah spoke
earth. R. P –A proclamation from the
poetically of the glorious future holy Gospel according to
which God had in store for Jeru- * The kings of Tarshish and Matthew
salem. The Church applies this the Isles shall offer gifts; the All – Glory to you, O Lord!
eschatological vision to herself, kings of Arabia and Seba shall
the “New Jerusalem,” blessed bring tribute. All kings shall When Jesus was born in
by the special presence of the pay him homage, all nations Bethlehem of Judea, in the
incarnate Son of God. shall serve him. R. days of King Herod, behold,
Magi from the east arrived in
R – A proclamation from the * For he shall rescue the Jerusalem, saying, “Where is
Book of the Prophet Isaiah poor man when he cries out, the newborn king of the Jews?
Rise up in splendor, Jeru- and the afflicted when he has We saw his star at its rising and
salem! Your light has come, the no one to help him. He shall have come to do him homage.”
glory of the Lord shines upon have pity for the lowly and the When King Herod heard
you. See, darkness covers the poor; the lives of the poor he this, he was greatly troubled,
earth, and thick clouds cover shall save. R. and all Jerusalem with him.
the peoples; but upon you the Assembling all the chief
Lord shines, and over you ap- 2nd Reading Eph 3:2-3.5-6 priests and the scribes of the
pears his glory. Nations shall Today, St. Paul reminds people, he inquired of them
walk by your light, and kings us that the barrier of estrange- where the Christ was to be
by your shining radiance. ment between the Jews and the born. They said to him, “In
Raise your eyes and look Gentiles was shattered by Jesus Bethlehem of Judea, for thus
about; they all gather and come Christ. All are invited to form it has been written through
to you: your sons come from one single “People of God” un- the prophet: ‘And you, Beth-
afar, and your daughters in the der his headship. lehem, land of Judah, are by
arms of their nurses. Then you R –A proclamation from the no means least among the rul-
shall be radiant at what you Letter of Paul to the Ephe- ers of Judah, since from you
see, your heart shall throb and sians shall come a ruler, who is to
overflow, for the riches of the shepherd my people Israel.’ ”
sea shall be emptied out before Brothers and sisters:
You have heard of the stew- Then Herod called the
you, the wealth of nations shall Magi secretly and ascertained
be brought to you. Caravans of ardship of God’s grace that
was given to me for your ben- from them the time of the star’s
camels shall fill you, dromedar- appearance. He sent them to
ies from Midian and Ephah; all efit, namely, that the mystery
was made known to me by rev- Bethlehem and said, “Go and
from Sheba shall come bear- search diligently for the child.
ing gold and frankincense, and elation. It was not made known
to people in other generations When you have found him,
proclaiming the praises of the bring me word, that I too may
Lord. as it has now been revealed to
his holy apostles and prophets go and do him homage.”
The Word of the Lord! by the Spirit: that the Gentiles After their audience with
All – Thanks be to God! are co-heirs, members of the the king, the Magi set out.
same body, and co-partners And behold, the star that they
Responsorial Psalm Ps 72 in the promise in Christ Jesus, had seen at its rising preceded
R –Lord, every nation on earth through the Gospel. them, until it came and stopped
will adore you! R. M. Velez over the place where the child
The Word of the Lord! was. The Magi were overjoyed
F C Bb All – Thanks be to God!

at seeing the star, and on en-
      Gospel Acclamation Mt 2:2
tering the house, they saw the
child with Mary his mother.
Lord, eve-ry na-tion on earth All – Alleluia! Alleluia! They prostrated themselves
8 January 2023
and did him homage. Then C –For the Church, the new Je- Preface of Epiphany
they opened their treasures rusalem to which the Lord calls P –The Lord be with you!
and offered him gifts of gold, all the peoples of the world: May All –And with your spirit!
frankincense, and myrrh. she always be a resplendent sign
And having been warned of God’s universal love. Let us P –Lift up your hearts!
in a dream not to return to pray! R. All –We lift them up to the
Herod, they departed for their Lord!
C –For the Holy Father and all P –Let us give thanks to the
country by another way. other spiritual leaders: May their Lord our God!
The Gospel of the Lord! teaching and example be like All –It is right and just!
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus bright stars that lead people to P –It is truly right and just,
Christ! Jesus. Let us pray! R. our duty and our salvation, al-
C –For our missionaries: May ways and everywhere to give
Homily they succeed in integrating the you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
Gospel values with the local cul- almighty and eternal God.
Profession of Faith tures. Let us pray! R. For today you have revealed
(Nicene Creed) the mystery of our salvation
C –For the members of the
All –I believe in one God, the Christian denominations and in Christ as a light for the na-
Father almighty, maker of heaven the followers of all religious and tions, and, when he appeared
and earth, of all things visible and cultures: May they participate in in our mortal nature, you made
invisible. respectful dialogue and for the us new by the glory of his im-
I believe in one Lord Jesus creation of a peaceful and just mortal nature.
Christ, the Only Begotten Son society. Let us pray! R. And so, with Angels and
of God, born of the Father be- Archangels, with thrones and
fore all ages. God from God, C –For each one of us gath- Dominions, and with all the
Light from Light, true God from ered here: May we always follow hosts and Powers of heaven, we
true God, begotten, not made, the guidance of God’s Word as sing the hymn of your glory, as
consubstantial with the Father; presented by the Church. Let us without end we acclaim:
through him all things were pray! R. All – Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
made. For us men and for our C –Let us pray in silence for our of hosts. Heaven and earth are
salvation he came down from personal intentions. (Pause) full of your glory. Hosanna in
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy Let us pray! R. the highest!
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- Blessed is he who comes in
P –Lord Jesus, like Jerusalem, the name of the Lord. Hosanna
gin Mary, and became man.* we rise up in splendor because
For our sake he was crucified in the highest!
your light has come. May our
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- behavior become like a star that
fered death and was buried, and leads others to you who live and Memorial Acclamation
rose again on the third day in shine for ever and ever. P –The mystery of faith!
accordance with the Scriptures. All – Amen! All –When we eat this Bread
He ascended into heaven and is and drink this Cup, we
seated at the right hand of the proclaim your Death,
Father. He will come again in O Lord, until you come
glory to judge the living and the again!
dead and his kingdom will have
no end. Preparation of the Gifts
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the giver of life, who P –Pray, brethren . . .
proceeds from the Father and the All –May the Lord accept the
Son, who with the Father and the sacrifice at your hands, for the
praise and glory of his name, All – Our Father . . .
Son is adored and glorified, who P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
has spoken through the prophets. for our good and the good of all
his holy Church. All –For the kingdom, the
I believe in one, holy, catholic power, and the glory are
and apostolic Church. I confess yours, now and for ever.
one Baptism for the forgiveness Prayer over the Offerings
of sins and I look forward to the P –Look with favor, Lord,
we pray, on these gifts of your Sign of Peace
resurrection of the dead and the
life of the world to come. Amen! Church, in which are offered Breaking of the Bread
now not gold or frankincense
Prayer of the Faithful or myrrh, but he who by them All – Lamb of God, you take
is proclaimed, sacrificed and away the sins of the world: have
P –Encouraged by the example
received, Jesus Christ. mercy on us. (2×)
of the Magi, we present our gifts
Who lives and reigns for ever Lamb of God, you take
and petitions to the Lord saying:
and ever. away the sins of the world:
All –Lord, hear our prayer! All – Amen! grant us peace.

Solemnity of the Epiphany

Communion light, O Lord, always and every- P –The Wise Men followed the
P –This is the Lord Jesus, the where, that we may perceive with star and found Christ who is
light of all peoples, the Lamb of clear sight and revere with true light from light. As follow-
God who takes away the sins of affection the mystery in which ers of Christ, may he make
the world. Happy are those who you have willed us to participate. you a light to everyone.
are invited to the Banquet of the Through Christ our Lord. All – Amen!
Kingdom. All – Amen! P –May you have the perse-
All – Lord, I am not worthy vering faith and generos-
that you should enter under my ity of the Wise Men and be
roof, but only say the word and rewarded with the Lord’s
my soul shall be healed. presence.
P –The Lord be with you. All – Amen!
Communion Antiphon All – And with your spirit!
(To be recited only when no P –May almighty God bless
P –Bow your heads and pray you: the Father, and the
Communion Hymn is sung.) for God’s blessing. (Pause) Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We have seen his star in the – God has called you out of All – Amen!
East, and have come with gifts darkness, into His wonder-
ful light. May you experi- P –Go in peace to share the
to adore the Lord. Lord’s light with love.
ence His kindness, and be
All – Thanks be to God!
strong in faith, hope, and
Prayer after Communion love.
P –Go before us with heavenly All – Amen!
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of vision, courage, and faith. Lighting a star Makati,
It shines brightly in their sky is not for us to do. Shopee:
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shakes, or crumbles, and out of the dark chaos order,
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or vanishes into nothing. and light brought forth,
He can fill our sky and lives
But even stars with countless stars.
do disappear some nights, Only He, whose badge is LOVE of a star-less world,
behind the black curtain and whose endless domain is feel our wounds heal,
of stormy clouds. LIGHT. under the soothing radiance
And so, for us, And out of love, of our new-found star.
one day (one night!) may come He can dispel the dark Then, shall we be
when all the sky will grow dark, that chokes us. like the Wise Men of old
and we feel lost, He alone is our light. who, for a while,
wandering aimlessly He’s our salvation. had lost sight of their bright guide,
in an aimless life. He can re-light in us the star see the light again and rejoice.
Nor can we say how far down of our vision, courage, and faith, Then will our hearts
we shall keep tumbling and draw us out again throb with joy like theirs,
from fall to fall – from death to life. upon seeing again,
from sin to sin . . .
This, He alone can do. bright in the sky,
So far from the pearly sky
This will He do, for sure, the friendly light
lighting the peaks
for He loves us leading them and us
that used to be our home . . . .
and then shall we, to the brightest star of all –
Who can remove for us frail, bruised children, Jesus, the STAR of life.
the dark cloud that hides our star? lost in the desert – Jess P. Balon

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Postal Address: P.O. Box 1820, MCPO, 1258 Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
WORD & LIFE Tel. Nos. 8894-5401; 8894-5241; 8475-8945 • Website:
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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, C. Valmonte, Fr. B. Nolasco, M. Vibiesca, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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