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Keth Iralex Cabalda BES 043

COC-FA-BSCE2-04 Module #8

Compound Statement and the if-else Statement

Activity 1: What I Know Chart

1. What is a compound statement?

-  It is a sequence of zero or more statements enclosed within curly braces.

2. If there is true in the ‘if’ statement, where is false?

- Else

3. Can a C++ condition have two different result?

- Yes.

Activity 5: Check for understanding

1. True or false
2. Boolean
3. 1
4. Zero
5. True
6. Yes
7a. 4
7b. True
7c. False
7d. True
7e. False
8. The function should return no value
9. Curly braces ( {} )
10. if (test-expression) { True block of statements } Else { False block of statements }

Activity 6: Thinking about Learning

Three things you learned:

1. I learned a little how to write programs with two possible options of the result that depends on the
2. I learned a little to trace C++ statements with the simple if statement
3. I learned how to write programs with condition.

Two things that you’d like to learn more about:

1. More about writing programs (not simple programs)
2. More examples in compound statements.
One question you still have:
1. Is it really necessary to constantly draw the defining diagram before moving on to the program's

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