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3 Case 4
Note: Mudarib take loan from bank and then contribute in mudarba…

Assumption Capital contribution Capital owner: exposed to loss

Mudarib 100 (bank loan) X (responsible for loss)

Bank 100 X
Partner 0
Third party Mudarib 0
PLS 50/50
Case 4 Calculation Profit Losses
Size of profits/loss 20 -20
1. Return to Mudarib
Total profits due 10
Mudarib’s capital contributions(bank loan) 100
Mudarib’s capital share (%) 50%
Total capital share of profits due 5
Profit share + Capital share 15

2. Return to bank
Banks profit share 5
Bank capital contribution 100
Bank capital share (%) 50%

3. Total capital returned 200 180

Mudarib 100 90
Bank (own capital) 100 90
Bank loan 100 100
owed from capital share 90
owes bank 100
net lose mudarib -10
4. Total return (Capital returned +/– Profits/Losses)
4.1 Profits
Mudarib 15
Bank 205
including return of bank loan
4.2 Losses
Mudarib 90
Bank 190
including return of bank loan

Made by: Abdul Rehman Ejaz

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