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ConvertFrom-StringData @'

res_0000 = Starting perf-counter collection for ( {0} ).\n Results stored in {1}
res_0001 = Waiting for the collectors to complete
res_0002 = Collectors all finished
res_0003 = Importing data from '{0}'
res_0004 = No database availability group matched ( {0} ).
res_0005 = The -ReportPath argument ( {0} ) does not exist or is not a folder.
res_0006 = The -Duration argument must be greater than the -Frequency
res_0007 = The minimum frequency for sampling perf-counters is 1 second
res_0008 = '{0}' is not a suitable property definition
res_0009 = Processing results for day {0}
res_0010 = Processing server {0}
res_0011 = '{0}' didn't match any mailbox servers
res_0012 = Writing the report '{0}'

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