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KempeGowda bus terminal or majestic bus terminal was constructed in the year 1975 and is operated by the Bangalore

metropolitan transport corporation. Located in the city center the terminus is spread Over 9 acres. It is one of the well planned terminals in Karnataka. Both the intra and intercity terminals Have been planned side by side. And have been connected well through ramps and bridges. The Bangalore central railways station has been located across the road and has been connected through a subway. The city bus terminus had about 20 platforms that run different services in Bangalore. These platforms are semicircular in planning with platforms - bay configuration .comfortable turning radius for the buses has been provided for all the platforms. The entry and exit of the buses of the city bus terminus is one way. The commercial activities are spread through the bus terminus along the length of the platforms. The office space can be accessed through a common over bridge for the pedestrians. The most important design feature of this terminus is the segregation of the vehicular and the pedestrian traffic. Each platform is connected by an access ramp that in turn connects the over bridge. Roof over each platform is about 3m and provides shade for most of the the central bay the buses stop on the wrong side with the driver s door facing the platforms and the passenger's door facing the other side so people have been to come around the bus every time they get down. There is no parking facility for any private vehicles within the city bus terminal. During the peak hours the toilets are overcrowded. The commercial activity that has boomed due to the presence of this terminus has been phenomenal. With hotels, lodges, shops, malls, food joints, mushrooming every day, the human activity has vastly multiplied. The central foot over bridge that leads into a subway connects the city railway station opposite to the bus terminus. However it is highly inconvenient especially for the senior citizens and people with luggage, as it is more than half a kilometer to walk with numerous steps to climb The intra city bus terminus is situated right in front of the semicircular city bus terminal and is connected through the large over bridge. The original bus terminal had about 10 platforms. Now due to more demand for the intracity buses this part of the bus stand over grown and needs attention.

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