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English Class

Isadora Couto – MUB 22/23

Teacher Nina Skjelbred

1. What is Camelot?
Camelot is the legendary castle of King Arthur.
2. What is Shalott?
Shalott is an island, which lies further down the river.
3. Where does the lady live?
The lady lives alone in a tower on an island in the middle a river.
4. Who hears her early in the morning?
“Only reapers, reaping early,
In among the bearded barley
Hear a song that echoes cheerly” (…)
5. How is she passing her time?
She weaves images on her loom based on what she sees in the mirror.
6. In stanza 4, what do we learn about the curse that is upon her?
When she breaks the rule and looks out her window on the real world and catches a glimpse
of Lancelot and Camelot, the magic mirror cracks, and she knows she's in trouble.

7. Describe Sir Lancelot.

English Class
Isadora Couto – MUB 22/23
Teacher Nina Skjelbred

8. What does The Lady of Shalott do when she hears him?

9. What happens shortly afterwards?

10. How does she die?

11. What is the mood in the poem when she dies? How is this emphasized (made clear)?

12. How do the citizens behave when the boat floats into Camelot?

13. How do Lancelot and the Lady of Shalott finally meet?

14. Why do you think the lady is not given a name? And why is her non-name repeated
in almost every stanza?

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