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“ Saya akui bahawa saya telah membaca karya ini pada pandangan saya karya ini
adalah memadai dari skop dan kualiti untuk tujuan penganugerahan
Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal.”

Tandatangan : ................................................................................
Nama Penyelia : Puan Hafsa Binti Mohammad Noor
Tarikh : .................................................................................




Laporan Projek Ini dikemukakan sebagai memenuhi sebahagian daripada syarat

Penganugerahan Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal



JULY 2022
“Kami akui laporan ini adalah hasil kerja kami sendiri kecuali ringkasan dan petikan
yang setiap satunya telah kami jelaskan sumbernya”

Tandatangan :……………………………………………..
Nama Penulis : Ahmad Syahidi Bin Rosli
Tarikh : 25/7/2022

Tandatangan :……………………………………………..
Nama Penulis : Muhamad Harith Sufian Bin Mohd zulkifli
Tarikh : 25/7/2022

Tandatangan :……………………………………………..
Nama Penulis : Muhamad Amir Aiman Bin Mohd Karim
Tarikh : 25/7/2022


Dedikasi khas ini ditujukan kepada;

Ibu dan Bapa tersayang

Penyelia Projek: Puan Hafsa Binti Mohammad Noor

Rakan-rakan seperjuangan DAM yang dikasihi

Sesi 2021/2022, Semester 2

Terima kasih diatas semua tunjuk ajar yang telah diberikan serta sokongan dan
kepercayaan sepanjang kami melaksanakan projek ini.




Alhamdulillah bersyukur kami kehadrat Illahi kerana dengan limpah kurnia dan
izinNya projek kami, Beach Cleaner Crab telah berjaya dihasilkan dengan jayanya.
Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan diucapkan kepada Penyelia Projek kami, Puan Hafsa
Binti Mohammad Noor kerana banyak memberikan kami tunjuk ajar sepanjang
perlaksanaan projek ini. Dorongan dan tunjuk ajar yang ditunjukkan oleh beliau
membuatkan kami tidak berputus-asa untuk menyempurnakan projek ini walaupun
terdapat beberapa halangan yang kami hadapi. Hasilnya, berkat kesabaran dan
kepercayaan yang diberikan telah memastikan projek ini berjaya dilaksanakan. Tidak
lupa juga jutaan terima kasih diucapkan kepada Penyelaras Projek Diploma
Kejuruteraan ini iaitu Encik Ghazali Bin Kadis diatas panduan dan nasihat beliau
terhadap projek diploma kami ini. Terima kasih juga kepada pensyarah-pensyarah
lain yang turut membantu secara langsung atau tidak langsung bagi menjayakan
projek ini.
Tidak lupa juga jutaan terima kasih kepada ibubapa kami di atas sokongan dan
pembiyaan sepanjang projek ini dijalankan. Selain itu, terima kasih juga untuk semua
rakan-rakan seperjuangan yang turut bersama-sama bertungkus lumus untuk
menjayakan projek masing-masing dimana secara tidak langsung telah memberikan
sedikit sebanyak idea untuk menambahbaik projek ini.
Akhir kata, semoga Allah S.W.T memberkati segala usaha murni semua pihak dalam
menjayakan penghasilan projek ini.


Di Malaysia, masalah pencemaran di pantai ialah terdapat beberapa plastik, botol, dan
seumpamanya di mana pengunjung biasanya meninggalkan makanan, minuman dan
bahan buangan lain di merata tempat yang menyebabkan tempat itu dipandang buruk
kepada orang lain. Kesemua sampah ini, sampah plastik mempunyai potensi terbesar
untuk membahayakan alam sekitar, hidupan liar dan manusia. Ia boleh didapati
terapung di permukaan, terampai dalam lajur air, atau di bahagian bawah hampir
semua badan air. Ia diangkut melalui sungai ke lautan, di mana ia bergerak mengikut
arus, dan sering dimakan oleh burung dan ikan, menumpukan bahan kimia toksik
dalam tisu mereka, dan mengisi perut mereka, menyebabkan mereka kelaparan. Mesin
Beach Cleaner Crab direka untuk mempercepatkan masa mengutip sampah di pantai
dengan menggunakan teknologi lengan jengkaut yang berjaya mengangkat sehingga
1kg sampah setiap lengan. Selain itu, ia boleh mengurangkan kadar pencemaran
sampah di pantai di Malaysia. Jika tidak, ia direka untuk menjadi mesin yang mesra
yang bermaksud ia boleh dikawal pada sebarang umur. Lebih-lebih lagi, mesin ini
menggunakan sistem gear pada tayar hadapan. Ini kerana mesin ini dikendalikan
dengan menggunakan teknik manual dan lebih mesra alam. Akhir sekali, keputusan
menunjukkan bahawa Ketam Pembersih Pantai memerlukan 80% kurang masa dan
tenaga daripada pengambilan manual.


In Malaysia, the problem of pollution at the beach is there are some plastics, bottles,
and similar to that where the visitors commonly leave their food, drinks, and other
waste everywhere which makes the place a bad view to others. All of this trash, plastic
trash has the greatest potential to harm the environment, wildlife, and humans. It can
be found floating at the surface, suspended in the water column, or on the bottom of
almost all water bodies. It is transported by rivers to the ocean, where it moves with
the currents, and is often eaten by birds and fish, concentrating toxic chemicals in their
tissues, and filling their stomachs, causing them to starve. Beach Cleaner Crab
machine was fabricated to speed up the time in collecting the rubbish at the beach by
using excavator arm technology which manages to lift up to 1kg of rubbish per arm.
In addition, it may reduce the rate of garbage pollution at the beach in Malaysia.
Otherwise, it is designed to be a friendly machine which is it can be controlled at any
age. Moreover, this Machine used the gear system at the front tire. This is because this
machine is operated by using manual techniques and is more environmentally friendly.
Last but not least, results showed that Beach Cleaner Crab requires 80 % less time and
energy than a manual pick-up.




1.1 Background of Project 1

1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Objective of Project 4
1.4 Scope and Limitation of Project 4
1.5 Expected Outcomes 5
1.6 Significance Of The Project 5


2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Existing Beach Cleaning Crab In Market 6
2.3 Manual Method 10
2.4 Types Of Technology Used In Beach Cleaning
Machine 11
2.4.1 Raking Technology 11
2.4.2 Sifting Technology 11
2.4.3 Combined Raking And Sifting Technology 12
2.4.4 Sand Sifting By Hand 13
2.5 Simulation Study On Beach Cleaning Machine By
Researcher 14


3.0 Introduction 15
3.1 Flow Chart Of The Project 15
3.2 Concept Design 17
3.2.1 Concept Of Evaluation 20
3.3 Prototype Design And Operation 22
3.4 Component Of Beach Cleaning Crab 23
3.4.1 Rod 23
3.4.2 Excavator Arm 24
3.4.3 Conveyor Chain 24
3.4.4 Aluminium Net 25
3.4.5 Sprocket 25
3.4.6 Bearing 26
3.4.7 Square Pipe 26
3.4.8 Bolt And Nuts 27
3.5 Specification Of Components 28
3.5.1 Material Selection for Product 28
3.5.2 Fabrication Tool and Equipment 28
3.6 Product Testing and Analysis 29
3.6.1 Test 1 : Testing On The Total Load That
Beach Cleaner Crab Can Support 30
3.6.2 Test 2 : To Evaluate The Vibration
Screening Capabality To Screen The Sand 31
3.7 Expected Result 33
3.8 Engineering Calculation 33
3.8.1 Shaft Calculation (Top shaft). 34
3.8.2 Bearing Calculation 35
3.9 Experimental Setup 37
3.9.1 Collecting Ability 37
3.9.2 Size and evaluation of rubbish that can be
Collected by Beach Cleaner Crab 38
3.9.3 Evaluate the Amount of Rubbish that can be
Collected by Beach Cleaner Crab 39


4.0 Introduction 40
4.1 Working Principle Of Beach Cleaner Crab 41
4.2 Analysis Of Collecting Ability 42
4.3 Size Of Rubbish That Can Be Collect By Beach
Cleaner Crab 43
4.4 Evaluate The Amount Of Rubbish That Can Be
Collect By Beach Cleaner Crab 44
4.5 Beach Cleaner Crab Speed 45
4.6 Impact Of Design And Material Used On
Environment And Sustainability 46


5.1 Conclusion 47
5.2 Recommendation 48




2.2 Limitations Existing Product In Market 17

3.3 Concept Design 21
3.3.1 Concept Evaluation 27
3.5 Specification Components 34-35
3.6.4 Cost Affected Components 40
3.9.1 Classification Of Load Ratings 44



1.1 Project Background 1

2.2.1 Product Comparison (Rockland
Beach King-Model II) 8
2.2.2 Product Comparison (Delfino-Self
Propelled) 8
2.2.3 Product Comparison (Rio-
Model Ld-1500) 9
2.3 Manual Method 10
2.4 Types of Technology Used In
Beach Cleaning Machines 11-13
2.5 Simulation Study On Beach Cleaner
Crab 14
3.4 Component of beach cleaning crab 23-27
3.5 Product Testing And Analysis 29-30
3.6.3 Test 2: To evaluate the vibration screening
capability to screen the sand 31


BCC - Beach Cleaner Crab

HPTP - Hab Pendidikan Tinggi Pagoh



1.1 Project background:

Recently, the problem of garbage pollution in the coastal environment in Malaysia is

becoming more and more worrying. This is because areas such as coastal areas need
to be preserved and cared for common use. However, some people always
underestimate the importance. This is because their level of awareness of
environmental care is still low. In addition, this area is also often the focus of tourists
who want to vacation in Malaysia, and can cause Malaysia's good name in the eyes of
the world will be tarnished which is due to the community that does not have this civic
awareness. Based on figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 A beach strewn with plastic debris washed up from the sea [1]

These are the most visible types of beach pollution. Litter such as cigarette
butts, food warppers and plastic bottles can simply be left behind by beachgoes. In
2021, Malaysia is placed 28th top plastic polluter in the world plastic consumption
56 kg/capita/year, therefore data on mismanaged plastic is imperative [1]. Data was
collected on 2018 by Reef check malaysia (RCM). During a clean-up of beaches in
the country earlier this month revealed that most of the waste debris collected
(2700kg) was made from plastic. The items ranged from water bottles to plastic bags.
This is evidence that urgent action is needed to adress plastic pollution in oceans. The
clean-up, organised by RCM, was conducted in 16 locations and involved morethan
500 peoples from 20 organisations. They cleaned up trash along 15 km of coastline.
Filling nearly 400 trash bags.The rubbish collected 15,874 plastic water bottles, 6884
plastic bags, 2368 cigarette butts, and 203 diapers [2]. Most of the rubbish are slow
to degrade.
Various methods to formulate this garbage to be something that can be used.
Possible solutions include: a deposit scheme for plastic drink bottles, improved
recycling schemes, barriers in rivers to stop trash from reaching the ocean, re-
purposing plastic into useful products, and providing revenue to coastal
communities. Communities and volunteers regularly conduct awareness campaigns
on the importance of maintaining cleanliness and doing garbage collection activities.
But the method of collecting garbage still uses ordinary equipment. Some researchers
also began to create tools to facilitate the process of collecting garbage such as beach
cleaner machines. This tool is seen to have the potential to speed up the task of
collecting garbage as well as reduce the rate of injury to tool users when collecting
garbage such as glass fragments.
The main goal of this mechanical design project is to reinvent a product that
currently exists on the market. People use advanced technology to if they have
enough budget or money in order to ease their task or activities whenever they at. For
certain places, they need a machine that helps them to fulfill the task. For our final
year project, it has been chosen to design a simple machine that helps them to clean
the beach.
The beach cleaner machine is the simple machine that is used to clean the
beach from any kind of waste material or similar to that. This machine has been
enhanced from various aspects which is easy for the users to manage or handle the

machine. The machine is equipped with the safety equipment in order to protect any
damages to user while using the machine, where there are safety measures that are
taken to operate the machine. Besides, it is equipped with the suitable equipment to
scoop the crap or trash well which is the type of hook that plays a big role in the
machine in order to operate well. All the reinventing of the machine that has been
stated before has proven that this project has improved in different ways where there
are many advances of the beach cleaner that have been produced.
The main purpose of this project is to fabricate the beach cleaner machine
that can collect the rubbish on the sandy area. This beach cleaner machine uses a roll
picking system and the excavator arm can pick up rubbish buried in the sand. The
arm end effector is designed to filter out sand and transport cans into the reservoir.
These arms can lift up any trash including small things like straw and rubber bands.

1.2 Problem statement:

There are many beautiful places that people want or always visit such as beaches,
mountain areas and others and of course people did not visit these places with their
bare hands, there must be food, drinks or both of it while enjoying the view or
breathtaking scenery. The problem is there are some plastics, bottles and similar to that
where the visitors commonly leave their food, drinks and other waste everywhere
which makes the places a bad view to the others. All of this trash, plastic trash has the
greatest potential to harm the environment, wildlife and humans. It can be found
floating at the surface, suspended in the water column, or on the bottom of almost all
water bodies. It is transported by rivers to the ocean, where it moves with the currents,
and is often eaten by birds and fish, concentrating toxic chemicals in their tissues, and
filling their stomachs, causing them to starve. Plastic aquatic debris is much more than
a mere aesthetic problem.
However, there are many efforts from local governments, communities, and
societies to take the step to solve this problem, such as making a campaign to clear and
restore the beach. These volunteers had to shovel the trash along the beach into bags
instead of picking them up one by one. Besides, it will be hard for the cleaner to clean
the place, especially cleaning a wide beach. Also, we collect a few feedback from the
people’s opinion about the equipment or machine to clean the beach where we should

keep the beach clean for goods that due to the large area and the hardenability to collect
rubbish for the beach cleaner also time to complete the cleaning in a large area.

1.3 Objective:

The objectives of this project are:

i. To fabricate beach cleaner crap with an excavator arm to pick up rubbish that
scattered along sandy areas.
ii. To evaluate the amount of rubbish that can be collected to by Beach Cleaner Crab
around sandy areas.

1.4 Project Scope:

The scope of this study are:

i. The cleaning process is suitable to be done during sunny days but also can be used
in rain.
ii. The maximum capacity of the waste debris can be collected is 5 kg.
iii. The machine can operate for a long time until the battery runs out.This project uses
12 Volts cell battery.
iv. The machine can only be move on the straight path, to change the direction of
Beach Cleaner Crab the user needs to tilt the machine similar to a lawn mower
v. Minimum rubbish size to be collected is similar to a straw, food skewer, bottle cap
and cigerrete butt.
vi. The excavator arm can reach up to 10 cm below the sandy to lift up any debris.

1.5 Expected Outcomes:

i. The High Floatation Tire used by the Beach Cleaner Crab makes it suitable to be
used on the sandy surface.
ii. The minimum size of waste debris that the excavator arms can collect such as the
sizing of straw, food skewer and bottle cap.
iii. This machine can be used for up to 5 hours to reach the maximum waste debris
capacity non-stop running machine and rechargeable.
iv. Beach cleaner crabs can also collect rubbish up to 5 kg.
v. This machine excavator arms have the ability to separate sand on debris when
collected from the ground to the trash bin.

1.6 Significance of the Project

i. Keep nature clean

The simple machine has been designed in this project in order to help the people
to keep the beach clean or the place that has sandy surface from trash or similar
with that which can cause harm to nature and the people surrounding in a certain
ii. Increase efficiency of the work
Our beach cleaner can increase the work efficiency of the workers where this simple
machine helps them to clean the beach in a short time and also can minimize the
possibility of getting injured by using this machine which means they can get injured
while collecting the trash just using their hands.



2.1 Introduction

This literature review is a systematic study and compression of books, academic

papers, and other materials on a certain topic that gives a knowledge foundation on
that issue. The research is also carried out to locate and examine existing knowledge
on the subject in order to justify innovative efforts by finding gaps in present research.
This inquiry should include an overview, summary, and critical assessment of the work
relevant to the project challenge, as well as contribute to overall understanding of the
topic and demonstrate how the project will fit into a bigger study.

2.2 Existing beach cleaning machine in market

There were few commercially available beach cleaning machines in the currentmarket.
Figure 2.2.1 shows The Rockland Beach King-Model II-Beach Cleaning Machine
which was designed by Environmental Industry Companies. This machine isdesigned
with support from tractors where this machine consists of equipment with advanced
technology. There was improved belt action, which is sand that is going to be cleaned
is sifted through a belt that bounces where it keeps the sands out of the bucket that
make it easy to clean the beach and also has a good scoop system to collect

the trash [1].

Figure 2.2.1: Rockland Beach King-Model II [2]
Figure 2.2.2 shows the beach cleaner machine which is smaller than the
machine from Figure 2.2.1 This machine operates with a loading roller where it is
carrying sand and also debris in a sieve, then, the debris collected will drop in the
basket of garbage, the excessive sand drop out from the basket return to the ground.
The machine is designed in a small size which makes it more durable when it comes
to narrow space, which is space among chairs and others [2].

Figure 2.2.2: Delfino-Self Propelled Beach Cleaner [3]

Figure 2.2.3 shows the simple machine which is to operate it by dragging along
the beach where it sifts the rubbish and other matter from the sand continuously. The
spline-mounted pump in the machine allows the beach cleaner to sift a variety of the
trash that can get at the beach. Then, the waste debris is collected and put in the
collecting tank where the collecting tank of the machine is controlled by a hydraulic
drive. Then, the rubbish will be directly tipped to the tractor or the truck. It can be used
at any condition of the beach either in a wet or dry condition [3].

Figure 2.2.3: Rio-Model Ld-1500 – Beach Cleaner [4]

Table 2.2: Limitations of the beach cleaning machines

Limitations Rockland Beach Delfino-Self Rio-Model Ld-1500

King-Model II Propelled

Difficulty level to The machine is hard The machine is The machine is hard
handle the machine to handle because it small and also has a to handle because it
needs to be handled comfortable place has to use a tractor
by the expert that for the users to stand to move this simple
involves the tractor which makes it easy machine and also it
and also to handle to handle. does not have a
the machine itself. roller or any kind of
roller that makes it
hard to move.

Noisiness level of The machine The machine also This machine

the machine produces more noise produces noise with produce less noise
with 92 dBA sound an average of 88 because it did not
level and also a dBA sound level to involve many types
tractor that is the surrounding of equipment that
attached to the where it uses such a produce noise with
machine to move the propelled fan to average in 82 dBA
machine. operate the machine. sound level

Cost buy or The machine costs a The cost to fabricate This machine is
fabricate lot of money it is more costly expensive due to its
because it uses some because there are a complexity in design
equipment with few items in the and also the
advanced machine which equipment that the
technology and next make it expensive at machine uses to
makes it more the market price. make it well
expensive to buy functioned in a
that due to the item sandy condition.

Maintenance The machine Hard to do Hard to do the

produces more noise maintenance maintenance due to
and also a tractor because the machine the compactness of
that is attached to is completely the equipment at the
the machine to move compact with many machine.
the machine. equipments and cost
to buy a spare parts
which is also need a
lot of cost.

However, the available beach cleaning machines in the market have a

limitation in terms of difficulty to handle the machine, the noisiness of the machine
operation, the cost to fabricate the product and others.Table 1 shows the limitations of
Rockland Beach King-Model II, Delfino-Self Propelled, and Rio-Model Ld-1500.

2.3 Manual Method

Figure 2.4 (a) shows volunteers cleaning the beach using tools such as garbage
collectors, rakes and scrapers. They collect garbage and put it in plastic bags while
carrying it around the beach during the garbage collection process. It’s a bit tiring and
unsafe for volunteers. Figure 2.4 (b) shows a tool that can be used by volunteers to
collect garbage on the beach. This device makes it easy for the volunteers to pick up
the garbage without they need to bend their body every time the garbage is collected.
This tool helps the volunteers to do the work without back pain and the work done will
be faster. Figure 2.4 (c) shows a garbage scraper to collect garbage in one place. The
tool will help volunteers to collect trash faster.


(b) (c)

Figure 2.4 : (a) Volunteers clean the beach using cleaning tools manual [5] (b) Picker
Rubbish [6] (c) Rubbish Scrapper [7]

2.4 Types of technology used in beach cleaning machines

2.4.1 Raking Technologies

It works on both dry and wet sand. A spinning conveyor belt with hundreds of tines
combs through the sand and eliminates surface and subsurface trash while leaving the
sand on the beach when this approach is used. Small stones, shards of glass, and
cigarette butts can all be removed using raking devices, as can larger trash like seaweed
and driftwood. Raking machines may go at great speeds by keeping the sand on the
beach and only lifting the debris.

Figure 2.4.1: Raking technology applied in existing product [8]

2.4.2 Sifting Technologies

On dry sand and soft surfaces, it is performed. The sand and garbage are collected onto
a vibrating screening belt by the vehicle's pick-up blade, which leaves the sand behind.
The trash is collected in a collecting pan, which is usually found in the vehicle's back.
Sifters must give time for sand to sift through the screen and back onto the beach
because sand and garbage are lifted onto the screening belt. The hole size in the
installed screen determines the size of the items eliminated.

Figure 2.4.2: Sifting technology [9]
2.4.3 Combined raking and sifting technology

Unlike pure sifters, it scoops sand and debris onto a vibrating screen with spinning
tines rather than depending solely on the pick-up blade. The position of the tines can
be changed to better guide different-sized materials onto the screen. Once on the
screen, integrated rake and sifting machines remove undesired particles from the sand
using the same technology as standard sifters.

Figure 2.4.3: A tractor-pulled beach cleaner [10]

2.4.4 Sand sifting by hand

It's best for limited spaces or sensitive environments. To separate the trash from the
sand, sand and debris are collected in a windrow or mound and physically shoveled
onto screened sifting trays. While successful, it necessitates moving sand to the tray's

location and then redistributing it after sifting. The employment of a screened fork at
the location where the debris is located is a more efficient way. Human agitation of the
sand can be tedious; however, a new battery-powered sand rake combines the spot-
cleaning efficiency of manual screening with the convenience of an auto-sifting hand

Figure 2.4.4: Sand sifting method [11]

2.5 Simulation Study On Beach Cleaning Machine By Researcher

A few Researcher had done a simulation and numerical study on beach cleaner
machine. They study a size of Beach cleaner crab and to study their capability and
endurance of product in figure 2.6 (a) and (b).
The figure 2.6 shows the model that is similar to Beach Cleaner Crab. The
model only can move on beach sand that can pass through the lower basement thanks
to the mechanism, which is placed across the beach and the sea. Waste of debris such
as bottles and plastic cans, includes all types of trash and the like. A lifter connected
to a chain is used to lift it. The sprocket wheel, which is operated by a motor, rotates
with a chain. The motor receives its energy from an electrical source. When the engine
is turned on, the chain starts circulating, causing the lifter to go up. Lift the Hook and
also the waste and put it in the trash bin. Waste is removed from the collection box
when it is full. At the bottom of the package, there is a 45 to 50 degree bend plate
installed. Its main function is to level the beach surface. The material we will use is
M/S Mid-Grade, which is available in the market and cheaper than other options.
The two rollers are separated from one another by a belt drive, on which
perforated buckets are fastened through riveting joints. As soon as the system is

permitted into the drainage, the roller begins to rotate, and the buckets inside the
drainage move up to the material inside the drainage block. The waste and floating
material from the drain block will be collected by the excavator arms. The excavator
arms allow water to flow out through perforations, with just the waist gathered in the
storage collector behind the belt drive.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.5: (a) and (b) are Model of Beach Cleaner Crab from Solidwork design [12]



3.0 Introduction

This chapter will thoroughly explain the project flow, working method, procedure, and
the approach that has to be taken along completing this research. The methodology
could generally be described as a guideline, included with specific methods,
techniques, and tools that are related to the study that was intended to be done. It should
give a clear and understanding on how the study would be conducted, how the data are
collected and so on. Even so, methodology is an important part of a study since it will
determine how the whole research will be conducted.

3.1 Flow chart of project

Figure 3.1 shows the flow chart of the project from the preparation and fabrication of
the Beach Cleaner Crab until the evaluation of the product. The objective of this project
is to fabricate a machine that could clean to improve cleanliness and reduce
environmental pollution at beach. Instantly fill up the pillowcase with the well-
separated kapok. Stage 1 will discuss the prototype of kapok machine development.
Stage 2 will discuss on prototype test run a kapok quality and time taken to fill 5 kg
waste of debris in the bin.In addition, to see how functionally the floating tyre type to
ride on the sandy area

study and

Raking Sifting


Stage 2:

waste debris?


Figure 3.1: Project Flow Chart

3.2 Concept design

Table 3.2: Explaination about concept by each design

Concept Explanation

Concept 1 First concept is to manually push the machine forward,

when the machine is pushed, the aluminium net will
collect the trash onward. It can collect any kind of trash
either in a small size or the big size such as plastic bags,
bottles, cigarettes and many more. The trash is filtered
through the aluminium net to dissipate the sand at trash.
In this concept, the aluminum net works as a scoop which
is positioned at the middle bottom machine as shown a,
the trash will collect flowing aluminium net and it will go
up into storing garbage.
This concept is less efficient and less effective to collect
trash because it will block flow up when the trash is full
in the storage.
The option solution that we chose from this concept is
wheel design because it has a high grip tire and has
medium size which is suitable for use at sandy land or

Concept 2 For the second concept,when the machine is manually

pushed forwards, the plate metal on the edge of the
machine will scoop the trash and then the sand will be
filtered through an aluminium net. The conveyor roller
used in this concept design to run manually the roller
which carries the trash to the rear of storing trash. The
conveyor is provided to reduce friction with the trash, so
that it is easier to carry the trash by using a conveyor
roller. With aluminium net which rolls around and picks
up the waste by digging the sand and filters the sand by

raking principle while the machine is driven forward
As for this concept,it was better compared to concept 1
because it provided a conveyor roller which is more
effective to carry the trash into storing garbage. And it is
also more economical that only pushes towards the
machine to run this machine.
The option solution that we choose from this concept is a
conveyor roller that we consider to be used in our

Concept 3 The principle of a foreign beach cleaning machine was

taken into consideration in this concept. Apart from the
tire and hydraulic hoses, all components of the beach
cleaning trailer were made from steel. This concept design
focuses on stress analysis in the ball bearing housing by
the finite element method. Actual tests have been carried
out in fields. This design aims to report the performance
of the beach cleaning trailer. Stresses in the ball bearing
housing are calculated. Its concept showed that it was very
durable to use. This design also uses a screening belt
conveyor which is a continuous moving strip or surface
that is used in the process of transporting objects from one
part of to another. The conveyor belt basically consists of
a support stand, a drive, one driving pulley and one
extremity pulley. The drive is positioned directly in the
driving pulley. This conveyor belt design has a very
simple construction and has minimal maintenance
requirements. It should be performed to develop and
design a fully mechanized beach cleaning machine. The
designed and developed beach cleaning trailer was quite
appropriate to be used due to utilizing local materials,
with a reel of blade enhancement.

This concept is almost the same as concept 2 but this

machine uses a rotating motor to collect the trash.
The option solution that we choose from this concept is
the frame design that we can consider to produce our
design frame.

Concept 4 For the fourth concept , the beach cleaner's moldboard

levels uneven areas in the sand to ensure an even surface
for cleaning and controls the cleaning depth. It also guides
the machine over large submerged objects, which protects
the conveyor system and promises low-maintenance
operation for the duration of the beach cleaner's life.
Individually replaceable stainless steel tines mounted on
a belt-covered bar flight conveyor then rake debris from
the sand toward the adjustable moldboard deflector plate,
removing surface and submerged debris with ease.
As a result, refuse bounces off the beach cleaner's
deflector moldboard and is deposited on the elevating
portion of the conveyor, which transports the refuse to the
hopper, while residual sand falls through the perforations
in the conveyor. Finally, the trash tank of the beach
cleaner can be hydraulically raised and tripped to dispose
of its contents into a truck or container up to 9 feet high.
The option solution that we choose from this concept is
the hook which is easier to catch the trash.

Concept 5 Here we propose the fifth concept design of a drivevehicle
chassis equipped with a cleaning mechanism anda dirt bag
for Garbage collection. It provided a high efficiency
electrical motor that drives the cleaning mechanism.
Chain and sprocket based systems transmit the power
from the electrical motors to the cleaningmechanism. The
system is driven by a push toward. The lifter mechanism
consists of a chain sprocket arrangement to drive the
garbage lifter. Cleaning mechanism of this cleaner
machine is also equipped with a wire mesh, which
separates the beach sand from the garbage.
This concept is suitable to use because it provides an
electric motor which is economical and provides a means
of storing garbage that is medium quantities to carry the

The option solution that we choose from this concept is

the storage trash, the handler, and the frame design that
we consider.

3.2.1 Concept Evaluation

The cost product must be low based on the concept design so that it can be
manufactured in the simplest and best way. Ease of installation is also the essential
aspect to be taken care of to make this product the best and also about the weight to
ensure that it is not too much. Therefore, the product must be fully functional. This
product must also be easy to use just to make it different from the complex machine
which needs some serious skilled person to handle it.
This product also needs to be completely maintained, since it is a simple
machine that will still be subjected to excess force and dirt in particular. The product
must also be ergonomic and must also ensure that the product is not capable of hurting
users accidentally and unintentionally. The overall size of the product is also not too

large, helping to store them elsewhere. To conclude, the best criteria are chosen to
ensure that we have produced the best clean machine so we have set concept 2 as
Datum. Our project team believes concept 2 is nothing but it can be the initial most
feasible solution. Selecting the appropriate datum is important because every solution
will be evaluated against datum.

Table 3.2: Concept evaluation for each design

Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3 Concept 4 Concept 5

No Design

1. Cost - 0 + + +

2. Ease for - 0 0 - -

3. Weight of + 0 + + +

4. Efficiency + 0 0 + +

5. Ease for use - 0 - - -

6. Ease for - 0 - - -

7. Ergonomic - 0 0 - +

8. Safety - 0 0 -

9. Overall size - 0 + +

10. Complexity 0 0 + +

SUM + 3 0 7 10 13
SUM 0 1 19 8 0 0
SUM - -15 0 -4 -9 -6

-12 0 3 1 7

Table 3.2 shows the evaluation of each concept by using Pugh’s Chart method. Every
criteria is given weight from 1-3, according to the priorities of specifications needed
for the cleaning machine. So in this case the highest sum of positive value we got is
7, which is concept 5. In conclusion, concept 5 is the best choice.

3.3 Prototype design and operation




Figure 3.3: (a) Motor, (b) Conveyor belt, (c) Sprocket, (d) Rod, (e) Hook and net, (f)
Conveyor chain, (g) Battery, (h) Throttle, (i) Trash bin, (j) Tire

Figure 3.1 is a solidwork draws of Beach Cleaner Crab prototype. This machine works
when the motor has been started. The motor will move the conveyor belt and produce
vibrations on the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt will rotate the rod mounted on the

sprocket. The sprocket will help to rotate the conveyor chain and, in turn, move the
hook to transport the waste debris. Users of this beach cleaner crab need to hold the
throttle and push this machine so that it can move. The tyre will spin when this machine
is pushed. The hook on the conveyor chain will pick up the residual debris reached by
the hook. Meanwhile, the motor will generate vibration and, through the conveyor belt,
vibrate the hook while aluminium net will filter the sand when the garbage is collected.
This is to ensure that only garbage is carried by the hook. All rubbish will be collected
in the rubbish bin. Finally, the Beach Cleaner Crab will move along the beach the
system will operate continuously to collect the rubbish until the trash bin full or load
with 5 kg rubbish.

3.4 Component of beach cleaning crab

This section will explain the function of components, their size, number of component
and component material that will be selected.

3.4.1 Rod

Figure 3.4.8 : Rod

The rod on this machine is used to connect the belt to the motor and the hook to the
chain. This rod's dimensions are 2.54 cm x 2.54 cm. Stainless steel was chosen as the
material for this rod. This substance can move the sprocket with a lot of force.

3.4.2 Shaft

Figure 3.4.17 : Shaft

The shaft is important in moving this machine. The shaft will serve to attach the tires
used in the beach cleaner crab. It will further strengthen this machine because it is used
from stainless steel material. The dimensions used are 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm.

3.4.3 Conveyor chain

Figure 3.4.10 : Conveyor Chain

The thinner crab chain used on the beach seeks To connect the hook to the rod and
transfer energy from the engine to the sprocket. It can assist the machine in picking up
garbage on the beach. The chain used has a diameter of 2.85 cm and a thickness of
0.22-0.23 cm. The material chosen is stainless steel, which may be utilised for an
extended period of time.

3.4.4 Excavator Arm

Figure 3.4.2 : Conveyor and Hook

To collect the rubbish at the beach, the excavator arm is built customly and used for
this machine. We made it custom sizing from stainless steel because the material can

withstand rust at a long rate of time as this machine will be used in coastal areas. The
excavator arm is arranged 4 rows on the belt with 20 cm distance between itself. The
excavator arm has five hooks that were affixed on the rod.

Figure 3.4.14 : Square Net

3.4.5 Aluminium net

On the excavator arm, it is attached with a square net to filter out all the rubbish that
is covered with beach sand. This helps to separate the rubbish instead of scooping up
the sand. This net is a type of aluminum and can be replaced in the event of damage or
leakage. the size used was 127 mm x 127 mm.

3.4.6 Sprocket

Figure 3.4.9 : Sprocket

This machine uses a sprocket to move and rotate the conveyor chain. This sprocket is
a type of 18 teeth and measures 3.98 in diameter. The size of this sprocket is strong in
being able to move the chain well. The number of sprockets used is 4.

3.4.7 Bearing

Figure 3.4.13 Bearing

Bearing serves to rotate the wheel handle shaft. The bearing will also reduce the
resistance to the rod being subjected to force by the engine, rotating well. Bearings
used are steel and ceramic and have inside and outside diameters of 20 mm and 47

3.4.8 Square Pipe

Figure 3.4.15 : Square pipe

To design this beach cleaner crab, we use square pipe. This is because the square pipe
which is aluminum type is a strong material and is able to provide durability to the
machine to be used for a long time. The square pipe size used is 5 mm x 8 mm. This
square pipe is also easy to be formed and joined and does not require a high cost to

3.4.9 Bolt and Nuts

Figure 3.4.16 : Bolt and nuts

For small components, this machine uses a lot of bolts and nuts to attach other
components. It is very important to keep this machine strong and not easily unplugged.

Bolts and nuts used are a type of stainless steel that has durability.

3.5 Specification component

The table 3.5 shows the specifications of each component for Beach Cleaner Crab.


1. Rod Stainless steel 2.54 cm x 2.54 2 To attach the belt to

cm the motor and attach
the hook to the chain

2. Sprocket Stainless steel 3.98 Diameter 4 To move and rotate

the conveyor chain

3. Conveyor chain Stainless steel Diameter: 2.85 2 To assemblethe hook

cm. Thickness: by the rod
0.22-0.23 cm.
4. Arms Stainless steel Custom 30 To pick upthe waste

(Cloth Hooker) debris

5. Square pipe Aluminium 5mm x 8 mm 5 To make a body to

Beach Cleaner Crap

6. Bearing Steel & Inside 8 To rotate thewheel

ceramic Diameter handleshaft

: 20mm
7. Tyres Rubber 15-inch x 3 4 To move the Beach

inch Cleaner Crap

8. Plastic net Plastic 127 mm x 127 1 To filter the waste

mm debris and sand

9. Bolt and nuts Stainless steel M6 x 35mm 20 To connect a

10. Shaft Stainless steel 3.98 D x 1m 4 To rotate the tires

11. Hollow Shaft Stainless steel 3.98 D x 3m 2 To rotate excavator

3.6 Product Testing And Analysis

Based on the flow chart in figure 3.1 shows the testing prototype used in the Beach
Cleaner Crab. The machine went through 3 test for experimentation. The test are
general testing, test 1, and test 2. For general testing is a test run the prototype to make
sure all parts of the machine work well on the sandy surface. In test 1, the testing is on
the total loads that Beach Cleaner Crab can support, and test 2 is testing toevaluate the
vibration screening capability to screen the sand.

Figure 3.6.1 : General Test on the beach

In this test, this machine is tested to ensure that the function of this machine
can be used either on wet or dry surfaces. This test depends on the tire used. Beach
cleaner crabs use tires that have flowers already and a strong surface grip on the
ground. Next, this test alsotests the effectiveness of the excavator’s arm and whether it
can pickup debris or not.
The energy is produced by the kinetic energy to rotate the sprocket attached to
the rod. This is because the energy supply from the Gear at the he front tyre, if the
machine is pushing towards, so the front tyre will be rotate as make the excavator arm
also rotate to scope the waste debris from the sand.The excavator arm that relies on the
belt moves according to the force applied to the rod. There was no problem with the
excavator's arm while picking up the rubbish. Garbage collected consists of various
sizes such as empty bottles, empty water boxes, food skewers, straws, and so on. A
square net placed on the excavator's arm can also filter debris well from scooping up
sand on the beach. This clearly shows that the belt and excavator arm components can
work well to pick up the waste of debris on the beach.

3.6.2 Test 1 : Testing on the total load that Beach Cleaner Crab can support


Aluminium net

Figure 3.6.2 : Excavator Arm

Beach Cleaner Crab is a rubbish excavator machine that can accommodate the load of
garbage collected on the beach. Tests are held to determine the amount of garbage that
can be accommodated by this beach cleaner crab. The load imposed on this machine
will affect the movement of this machine on the sandy surface. it proves that the
heavier the machine the harder it is to walk on beach sand. The test is started by placing
a load in a rubbish of 1kg.
As a result, the machine is able to function and move well on the beach. This
test was repeated with loads of 2 kg, 3 kg, 4 kg, and 5 kg.

3.6.3 Test 2: To evaluate the vibration screening capability to screen the sand

Figure 3.6.3: Full body of model Beach Cleaner Crab sketching from

On the Beach Cleaner Crab, a square net to ensure that the sand can be separated
fromthe rubbish when harvested. This test is testing whether the machine wants to
need vibration or not when the rubbish is collected so that the rate of sand that
follows is not much. Based on the study in figure 3.6.3, the motor uses vibration to
keep the sandon the rubbish to falling back. The vibration will be generated from the
motor. Motorpower is 12V will be measured to identify the vibration rate. The sand
on trash bin will be observed. This vibration will isolate between rubbish and sand.
So, the hook will only carry trash and the sand that will be brought into the trash bin
will be reduce Cost analysis

3.6.4 Cost

Table 3.6.4 Cost-affected component



House Bearing 4 RM 15.00/Pieces RM 60.00

High Floatation Tires 4 RM 18.00/Unit RM 62.00

Square Pipe 3 RM 20.00/Kg RM 60.00

Sprocket 4 RM 6.09/Pieces RM 24.36

Chains 2 RM 7.00 Links RM 6.00

Arms 6 RM 4.10/Pieces RM 24.60

(Cloth Hooker)

Plastic Net 1 RM 22.20/Roll RM 22.20

Screw 5 RM 5.85/20 RM 11.70


Bolt & Nut 2 RM 3.00/10 RM 6.00


Shaft 4 RM 23.30/Pieces RM 93.20

Total RM 370.10

3.7 Expected Result

This chapter describes the research methodology used to collect and analyze the
data needed to address the research questions and to test the relationship of the
hypothesesdeveloped in this study. This chapter begins with a discussion of the
study flow chart,followed by the concept for the design for our project. This chapter
then continues witha description of the prototype and overall operation of this
machine and the components used to create to produce a complete Beach Cleaner
Crab machine. Next,the discussion focuses on prototype testing which describes
the method of testing this machine to ensure that this machine can produce an
impact in accordance with the results of the study that has been conducted. Lastly,
a cost analysis has been conducted to ensure that the projects produced are
affordable and do not use high costs. In addition, we expected that the excavator
arm of Beach cleaner crab would manage to lift up all the waste debris from the
beach at the same time only dry sand will fall to the bottom And the probability
of wet sand sticking to the debris is low because ofvibration from the motor of
Beach Cleaner Crab.

3.8 Engineering Calculation

This section is about the calculation for the certain parts which is the critical parts
that have been identified in failure mode and effect analysis. The calculation have
been done by calculating the load applied to the critical parts where this calculation
ensure to make some improvements of the critical parts.

3.8.1 Shaft Calculation (Top shaft).
The shaft calculation for the load that exerted at the both ends of the shaft.

3.8.1Top shaft

P = 20 kW
N = 1200 rpm

= 70 kP

3.8.2 Bearing Calculation

The engineering calculation for the ball bearing to rotate the tire.

Figure 3.8.2: Pillow Block Bearings 0.2 Series 25mm with Inner Ring Rotation

From the design, use bearing that have d= 25mm, 0.2 series, Pillow Block
Bearing, inner ring rotation. This bearing chosen based on catalogue to be used for
light usage at steady load.
Maximum radical load (Fr):
𝐹𝑟 = 30𝑘𝑔 𝑥 9.81𝑚/𝑠 = 294.3𝑁
Equivalent radial load, P
The maximum value of P:
𝑃 = 𝑉𝐹𝑟

Since the bearing is inner rings rotation, assume that V= 2.0

𝑃 = (2.0)(294.3𝑁)
𝑃 = 588.6 𝑁
Median life in revolutions
L10 = (C/P)3 X 106
60 x N

• 0.2 series Pillow Block Bearings have 25mm diameter and deep groove,
C=14.0 (refer table 5.2.1)
• Ball bearings, a=3

Table 3.9.1: Classification of Load Ratings

L10 = (C/P)3 X 106

60 x N
= (14kN/588.6)3 x 106
60 x 5000
= 4, 485,409.3 revolutions
The rating life of the bearings is 4, 485,409.3 revolutions. This makes the hanger
rod can be used many times.
Cite for the source of engineering calculation:

3.9 Experimental Setup

Product manufacturing of the Beach Cleaner Crab Machine is related to the main
objective to collect the rubbish at the beach. For the Beach Cleaner Crab Machine
to work properly, the following procedure must be done. First, we need to put a
plastic bag to fill the rubbish that was collected. Next, we need to ensure that the
chains are on the line and can push this machine easily. Next, we need to push the
machine to make the rotation by gear working well to reel the excavator’s arms.
During this process, there are several objectives that must be done by the Beach
Cleaner Crab machine.

3.9.1 Collecting Ability

In this test, this machine is tested to ensure that the function of this machine can
be used either on wet or dry surfaces. This test depends on the tire used. Beach
cleaner crabs use tires that have flowers already and a strong surface grip on the
ground. It allows this machine to work well on wet or dry surfaces. Next, this test
also tests the effectiveness of the excavator’s arm and belt components and
whether they can pick up debris or not.

The energy is produced by the gear to rotate the sprocket attached to the rod. The
excavator arm that relies on the belt moves according to the force applied to the
rod. There was no problem with the excavator's arm while picking up the rubbish.
Garbage collected consists of various sizes such as empty bottles, empty water
boxes, food skewers, straws, and so on. A square net placed on the excavator's
arm can also filter debris well from scooping up sand on the beach. This clearly
shows that the belt and excavator arm components can work well to pick up the
waste of debris on the beach.

Figure 3.9.1: Beach Cleaner Crab

3.9.2 Size and evaluation of rubbish that can be collected by Beach Cleaner

The Beach Cleaner crab is an environmentally friendly machine with few

restrictions on the rubbish it gathers. This machine can gather several forms of
trash that are commonly seen on the coast. Cigarette butts, plastic and glass
bottles, polystyrene containers, beverage cartons, and straws are among them. On
average, this trash is the result of reckless human behavior on the beach.

This machine's development makes it easy for many individuals to maintain the
beach clean. Rubbish as little as a cigarette butt and as large as a 1.5-liter bottle of
mineral water may be scooped up by the machine's arms, depending on the process
used. The machine's arm can take up trash measuring 1 inch to 20 inches long and
1 inch to 5 inches broad. This demonstrates that the size of the Rubbish that this
machine can gather is large due to the usage of nets on each arm. This net can
assist the machine in collecting small-scale garbage.

Figure 3.9.2: Excavator Arm

3.9.3 Evaluate the Amount of Rubbish that can be Collected by Beach

Cleaner Crab

Beach cleaner crab is a garbage excavator machine that can accommodate the load
of garbage collected on the beach. Tests are held to determine the amount of
garbage that can be accommodated by this beach cleaner crab. The load imposed
on this machine will affect the movement of this machine on the sandy surface. it
proves that the heavier the machine the harder it is to walk on beach sand. The test
is started by placing a load in a trash bin of 1kg.

As a result, the machine is able to function and move well on the beach. This
test was repeated with loads of 2 kg, 3 kg and 5 kg. It still shows the same effect.
After placing a load of 6 kg, the machine looked quite difficult to move because
the load on the beach cleaner crab caused the machine to be difficult to move as
the tires could not run well on the sand. This test shows that this machine is
capable of handling a garbage load of 5 kg at a maximum rate. We justify the use
of this machine to waste 5kg in the trash bin on the beach cleaner crab.

Figure 3.9.3: Rubbish on Excavator Arm



4.0 Introduction

The user will push the Beach Cleaner Crab Machine around the beach to do the
experiment. The first phase of the experiment is the difference in collecting rubbish
either on wet or dry surfaces by using Beach Cleaner Crab Machine. The second phase
is to determine the amount of rubbish that can be accommodated by this beach cleaner
crab. The last phase of the experiment is a square net to ensure that the sand can be
separated from the rubbish when harvested. This test is tested whether the machine
wants to need vibration or not when the rubbish is collected so that the rate of sand
that follows is not much.

4.1 Working Principle of Beach Cleaner Crab Machine

Figure 5 shows the beach cleaner crab machine model. Figure 5 (a) shows the handle
at the very rear of the machine. The handle serves to make it easier for the user to push
the machine while working. The handle can reduce the load on the user and is even
equipped with good safety features such as back protection. The user will start using
the machine by pushing the handle. Figure 5 (b) is the sprocket. The two sprockets
used to lean against each other to function as gear applications. It is intended to use
the force from the rotation of the tire to move the excavators' arms on the conveyor
chain. This section will work once rejected. Figure 5 (c) shows the situation where the
rubbish has been hauled by excavator’s arms on a sandy surface and brought up along
a track on a conveyor chain. Figure 5 (d) shows the excavator arm moving upwards on
its track. Each leg of the arms will be attached to the chain. Lastly, Figure 5 (e) is the
last step that shows the garbage will be put into the garbage plastic available below.

Figure 4.1: Working Principle of Beach Cleaner Crab Machine

4.2 Analysis of Collecting Ability

Based on the observation of the movement of this machine, the excavator arm can
rotate well on its track. Based on the design drawn in Solidworks details, the
distance placed between the arms on the excavator’s arms is 2 feet and has 6 arms
on the chain track on the machine. This matter is a question of many parties because
the distance is too great. When working, the arm can only pick up the rubbish that
is right in front of it when working.

This shows that this machine can not pick up the whole rubbish if it is in a close-
scale distance condition on the coast. Rubbish can be collected if it is more than one
foot away from each other to ensure that rubbish can be picked up by hand.
Improvements need to be made to ensure that the rubbish can be collected properly
regardless of the distance between the rubbish on the beach.

Figure 4.2: Rubbish on the sandy surfaces

4.3 Size of rubbish that can be collected by Beach Cleaning Crab

The Beach Cleaner crab is an environmentally friendly machine and does not have
many specifications on the rubbish it collects. Various types of rubbish that are
often found on the coast can be collected by this machine. Among them are cigarette
butts, plastic and glass bottles, polystyrene containers, beverage boxes, and straws.
This rubbish, on average, stems from irresponsible human attitudes while on the

The production of this machine makes it easier for many people to keep the beach
clean. Based on the procedure carried out, garbage as small as a cigarette butt and
rubbish as big as a 1.5 litre bottle of mineral water can be picked up by the arms on
the machine. Rubbish measuring 1 inch to 20 inches long and 1 inch to 5 inches
wide can be picked up by the arm on the machine. This proves that the size of the
Rubbish that can be collected by this machine is extensive due to the use of nets on
each arm. This net can help the machine collect small-scale rubbish.

Figure 4.3: Excavator Arms collect the rubbish

4.4 Evaluate the amount of rubbish that can be collected by beach Cleaner

The targeted rate for this machine to be able to collect rubbish is as much as 5 kg.
Based on observations, this machine is indeed able to collect 5 kg of rubbish, but
it causes heavy garbage plastic to be dragged on the beach surface under the
machine. If this is ignored, it will cause the rubbish plastic to leak and tear. As a
precautionary measure, improvements need to be made to the site of the plastic
rubbish dump. The machine needs to be placed on a plate that can accommodate
the load of rubbish. This plate must be made of durable and strong material to be
able to withstand a load of 5 kg.

Figure 4.4: Rubbish in Plastic Bag

4.5 Beach Cleaner Crab Speed

The beach cleaner crab machine moves using human energy that pushes the
machine as long as it is on a sandy surface. Initially, the machine was built
according to a design that had a motor that required dry cell energy or an electric
current to propel it. After evaluation and research, this machine has advantages if
modified to a geared system that can prevent any contamination. The machine speed
is set at 5 km/h if using a motor. When using human energy, this machine can move
at a rate of 3–4 km/h on the shore surface.

This machine can also be used well on the beach. The machine was tested by being
pushed on the sand surface. The tres used can grip the sand well and do not sink in
sandy areas. The use of these tyres is desirable, even if they are taken from used
items. The effectiveness of this machine tyre also enables the machine to move well
and fast without any obstacles.

Figure 4.5: Type of tyres that used at this machine

4.6 Impact of Design and Material used on Environmental and

Based on the design that has been made for this machine, it has been modified to
function without the use of materials that can contribute to pollution. For example,
diesel motors that cause air and noise pollution are caused by smoke and motor
noise. To ensure that this machine can prioritize environmental and sustainability
concerns, the available design is changed in accordance with applying the gear
function in moving the excavator arms in this machine. The application of the gear
system can avoid any pollution and waste as it only uses natural energy from
humans to push the machine. When the tyres rotate, the gear system will help the
machine move the excavator arm. In addition, the well-being and sustainability of
this environment can be maintained after all the materials used are safe and non-
polluting. This machine does not emit any waste like dirty oil as it only uses clean
materials. In addition, this machine is also built from reusable materials such as
iron, net sprockets, and so on.

Figure 4.6: System gear on Beach Cleaner Crab


5.0 Conclusion

With features that meet our clients' tastes, our beach litter cleaner designs
successfully help solve beach cleaning challenges. Because we do not utilize high-
speed motors or engines to power the beach waste cleaner, no noise is produced and
no toxic smoke is discharged, making the unit more environmentally friendly than
other beach cleaners. Furthermore, we know from study and research of existing
products that employing stainless steel to make the machine body can keep the
machine from rusting or corroding. As a result, provided sufficient maintenance is
done, the machine can be used for a long time. Furthermore, based on our research,
we discovered that the machine is less expensive than other beach cleaning
equipment on the market. The normal beach cleaning machine costs roughly RM
25,500 per machine, however, ours costs only RM 500. This means that our
machine is more than 20 times cheaper than competing machines. As a result, our
devices are reasonably priced while outperforming the greatest beach cleaners.

Additionally, our final year project makes us learn new things such as:

1. Make a product that is coming out of our own idea

2. Make the first design
3. Point to a new objective
4. Set an objective
5. Brainstorm a new product in a group

We had increased our talents in all of our job by the time the beach rubbish
collector project was completed. This activity also encourages us to be creative.
Furthermore, we create items that employ the gear concept, allowing the excavator
arm to effortlessly rotate when our project is pushed. Furthermore, we were

provided the option to create new equipment while sharing our fantastic ideas and
decided to manufacture our items. To carry out this assignment, we utilized all of
the knowledge we gained at the University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia to create the
topic syllabus. Following that, we will become more adept at designing and
manufacturing products based on our own ideas.
Overall, we all learned a lot from this final year project and worked hard to
complete it. We also learned how to collaborate with one another. As in the project,
we split our divisions to complete the tasks, and cooperation is the most crucial
factor in ensuring that the project runs smoothly and efficiently.

5.1 Recommendation

We want to install a motor to operate the excavator’s arm and use a solar system to
save energy and make the product more ecologically friendly as the next step in
improving the Beach Cleaner Crab. Next, we want to improve product safety by
inserting a tire lock that prevents the tire from moving when not in use. While we
continue to commercialize the product, we will aim to increase its mobility and
durability by converting aluminum to a lighter metal such as duralumin. Next, we
want to improve by placing a board under the garbage plastic so that the board can
withstand the load of garbage placed into the garbage plastic. In addition, the
quantity of arms on the excavator’s arm will be increased and the distance between
the arms on the excavator’s arm will be reduced so that no garbage is left while
being picked up by the excavator’s arm. Finally, we would like to advise that we
improve garbage storage by building strong garbage storage areas so that our
garbage storage areas are stronger and garbage placement is easier.


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9) Rio. Rio - Ld-1500 - Beach Cleaner - Beach Cleaner by Qingzhou Rio
Environment Technology CO., LTD. Published
2022. Accessed January 6, 2022. https://www.environmental- model-ld-1500-beach-cleaner-642000
10) Sukarelawan Skuad Amal Pantai
Sempena Program Jom Selamatkan Pantai Siri 3/2019 Di Pantai Tanjung Balau
- Satu Johor. Satu Johor. Published April 22, 2019. Accessed January 6, 2022.

11) 2020 Hot Product Rubbish Picker Garbage Picker - Buy Garbage Picker,Rubbish
Picker,Cheap Junk Picker Product on Published
2020. Accessed January 6, 2022.
hot- product-rubbish-picker-garbage_1600102775915.html
12) Published 2012. Accessed January 6, 2022.
13) How the Surf Rake Beach Cleaner Works. Published 2022.
Accessed January 6, 2022.
14) Automated beach cleaner finds hidden plastic waste - Springwise. Springwise.
Published August 19, 2021. Accessed January 6, 2022.
15) Sand cleaning machine | Wikiwand. Wikiwand. Published 2018. Accessed
January 6, 2022.
16) Sifting sand experiment with hand shaking colander Free Vector. Freepik.
Published September 6, 2021. Accessed January 6, 2022.


1) Activities during semester

Project Group Member

Beach Cleaner Crab

Discussion with the panel

Beach Cleaner Crab

Test Run Beach

Cleaner Crab

2) Drawing Solidwork

Chain Inner

Outer Chain

Excavator Arm

Full Body BCC



• Technical Report

Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022) 555-564 ©

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Publisher’s Office

Homepage: e-

Beach Cleaner Crab Machine

Muhamad Amir Aiman Bin Mohd Karim1, Ahmad Syahidi
Bin Rosli1, Muhamad Harith Sufian Bin Mohd Zulkifli1,
Hafsa Mohammad Noor1,2*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Centre for Diploma Studies, Universiti
Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (Pagoh Campus), Pagoh Education Hub, KM 1, Jalan
Panchor, 84600 Panchor, Johor, MALAYSIA
Sustainable Product Development (S-ProuD), Centre for Diploma Studies,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (Pagoh Campus), Pagoh Education Hub,
KM 1, Jalan Panchor, 84600 Panchor, Johor, MALAYSIA

*Corresponding Author Designation

Received 30 July 2022; Accepted 30 July 2022; Available online 3 August 2022

Abstract: In Malaysia, the problem of pollution at the beach is there are some
plastics, bottles, and similar to that where the visitors commonly leave their food,
drinks, and other waste everywhere which makes the place a bad view to others. All
of this trash, plastic trash has the greatest potential to harm the environment,
wildlife, and humans. It can be found floating at the surface, suspended in the water
column, or on the bottom of almost all water bodies. It is transported by rivers to
the ocean, where it moves with the currents, and is often eaten by birds and fish,
concentrating toxic chemicals in their tissues, and filling their stomachs, causing
them to starve. Beach Cleaner Crab machine was fabricated to speed up the time in
collecting the rubbish at the beach by using excavator arm technology which
manages to lift up to 1kg of rubbish per arm. In addition, it may reduce the rate of
garbage pollution at the beach in Malaysia. Otherwise, it is designed to be a friendly
machine which is it can be controlled at any age. Moreover, this Machine used the
gear system at the front tire. This is because this machine is operated by using
manual techniques and is more environmentally friendly. Last but not least, results
showed that Beach Cleaner Crab requires 80 % less time and energy than a manual

Keywords: Pollution, Beach, Beach Cleaner Crab, Rubbish, Excavator Arm

*Corresponding author: 2022

UTHM Publisher. All rights reserved.
A.H. Nakharudin et al., Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022) p. 555-564

1.0 Introduction
Recently, the problem of garbage pollution in the coastal environment in Malaysia is
becoming more and more worrying. This is because areas such as coastal areas need to be
preserved and cared for common use. However, some people always underestimate the
importance. This is because their level of awareness of environmental care is still low. In
addition, this area is also often the focus of tourists who want to vacation in Malaysia, and
can cause Malaysia's good name in the eyes of the world will be tarnished which is due to the
community that does not have this civic awareness. Based on figure 1.

These are the most visible types of beach pollution. Litter such as cigarette butts, food
wrappers, and plastic bottles can simply be left behind by beachgoers. In 2021, Malaysia was
placed 28th top plastic polluter in the world with plastic consumption of 56 kg/capita/year,
therefore data on mismanaged plastic is imperative [1]. Data was collected in 2018 by Reef
Check Malaysia (RCM). A clean-up of beaches in the country earlier this month revealed that
most of the waste debris collected (2700kg) was made from plastic. The items ranged from
water bottles to plastic bags. This is evidence that urgent action is needed to address plastic
pollution in oceans. The clean-up, organized by RCM, was conducted in 16 locations and
involved more than 500 people from 20 organizations. They cleaned up trash along 15 km of
coastline. Filling nearly 400 trash bags. The rubbish collected was 15,874 plastic water
bottles, 6884 plastic bags, 2368 cigarette butts, and 203 diapers [2]. Most of the rubbish is
slow to degrade.

(a) (b)

Figure 1: a) A beach strewn with plastic debris washed up from the sea [1] and
b)Statistic Rubbish at the beach in Malaysia [2]

Various methods to formulate this garbage to be something that can be used. Possible
solutions include a deposit scheme for plastic drink bottles, improved recycling schemes,

barriers in rivers to stop rubbish from floating to the ocean, repurposing plastic into useful
products, and providing revenue to coastal communities. Communities and volunteers
regularly conduct awareness campaigns on the importance of maintaining cleanliness and
doing garbage collection activities. But the method of collecting garbage still uses ordinary
equipment. Some researchers also began to create tools to facilitate collecting garbage such
as beach cleaner machines. This tool is seen to hPave the potential to speed up the task of
collecting garbage as well as reduce the rate of injury to tool users when collecting garbage
such as glass fragments.

The main goal of this mechanical design project is to reinvent a product that currently
exists on the market. People use advanced technology if they have enough budget or money
in order to ease their tasks or activities whenever they are at. For certain places, they need a
machine that helps them to fulfill the task. For our final year project, it has been chosen to
design a simple machine that helps them to clean the beach.

A beach cleaner machine is a simple machine that is used to clean the beach from any
kind of waste material or similar to that. This machine has been enhanced in various aspects
which is easy for the users to manage or handle the machine. The machine is equipped with
safety equipment in order to protect against any damage to the user while using the machine,
where there are safety measures that are taken to operate the machine. Besides, it is equipped
with the suitable equipment to scoop the rubbish well which is the type of hook that plays a
big role in the machine in order to operate well. All the reinventing of the machine that has
been stated before has proven that this project has improved in different ways where many
beach cleaner advances have been produced.

The main purpose of this project is to fabricate a beach cleaner machine that can collect
the rubbish in the sandy area. This beach cleaner machine uses a roll picking system and the
excavator arm can pick up rubbish buried in the sand. The arms end effector is designed to
filter out sand and transport cans into the reservoir. These arms can lift up any trash including
small things like straw and rubber bands.

2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Manual method

Normally, volunteers clean the beach using hands and simple tools. This practice risks
injuring the volunteer and is not conducive to good hygiene. Injuries can occur while collecting
sharps waste such as glass pieces and unclean waste such as pampers and stale food containers.
Figure 2(a) shows volunteers cleaning the beach using tools such as garbage collectors, rakes,
and scrapers. They collect garbage and put it in plastic bags while carrying it around the beach
during the garbage collection process. It’s a bit tiring and unsafe for volunteers. Figure 2(b)
shows a tool that can be used by volunteers to collect garbage on the beach. This device makes
it easy for the volunteers to pick up the garbage without the need to bend their body every time
the garbage is collected. This tool helps the volunteers to do the work without back pain and
the work done will be faster. Figure 2(c) shows a garbage scraper to collect garbage in one
place. The tool will help volunteers to collect trash faster.

Figure 2: (a) Volunteers clean the beach using cleaning tools manual [3], (b) Picker Rubbish [4],
and(c) Rubbish Scrapper [5]

2.2 Existing Beach Cleaning Machines In The Market

There were few commercially available beach cleaning machines in the current market.
Figure 2.2.1 shows Rockland Beach King-Model II-Beach Cleaning Machine which was
designed by Environmental Industry Companies. This machine is designed with support from
tractors where this machine consists of equipment with advanced technology. There was
improved belt action, which is sand that is going to be cleaned is sifted through a belt that
bounces where it keeps the sands out of the bucket that makes it easy to clean the beach and
also has a good scoop system to collect the trash [6].

Figure 2.2.1: Rockland Beach King-Model II [6]

Figure 2.2.1 shows the beach cleaner machine which is smaller than the machine in
Figure 2.2.2 This machine operates with a loading roller where it is carrying sand and also
debris in a sieve, then, the debris collected will dropped in the basket of garbage, and the
excessive sand drops out from the basket return to the ground. The machine is designed in a
small size which makes it more durable when it comes to narrow space, which is space among
chairs and others [2].

Figure 2.2.2: Delfino-Self Propelled Beach Cleaner [7]

Figure 2.2.3 shows the simple machine which is operated by dragging along the beach
where it sifts the rubbish and other matter from the sand continuously. The spline-mounted
pump in the machine allows the beach cleaner to sift a variety of the trash that can get at the
beach. Then, the waste debris is collected and put in the collecting tank where the collecting
tank of the machine is controlled by a hydraulic drive. Then, the rubbish will be directly tipped
to the tractor or the truck. It can be used in any condition of the beach either in a wet or dry

Figure 2.2.3: Rio-Model Ld-1500 – Beach Cleaner [8]

Table 1: Limitations of the beach cleaning machines

Limitations Rockland Delfino-Self Rio-Model

Beach King- Propelled Ld-1500
Model II

Difficulty level The machine is The machine is

The machine is
to handle the hard to handle hard to handle
small and also
machine because it because it has
has a
needs to be to use a tractor
handled by the to move this
place for the
expert that simple machine
users to stand
involves the and also it does
which makes it
tractor and also not have a
easy to handle.
to handle the roller or any
machine itself. kind of roller
that makes it
hard to move.

Noisiness level The machine The machine This machine
of the machine produces more also produces produce less
noise with 92 noise with an noise because
dBA sound average of 88 it did not
level and also a dBA sound involve many
tractor that is level to the types of
attached to the surrounding equipment that
machine to where it uses produce noise
move the such a with the
machine. propelled fan average in 82
to operate the dBA sound
machine. level

Cost buy or The machine The cost to This machine

fabricate costs a lot of fabricate it is is expensive
money because more costly due to its
it uses some because there complexity in
equipment with are a few items design and also
advanced in the machine the equipment
technology and which make it that the
next makes it expensive at machine uses
more expensive the market to make it well
to buy that due price. function in a
to the item sandy
used. condition.

Maintenance The machine Hard to do Hard to do the

produces more maintenance maintenance
noise and also because the due to the
a tractor that is machine is compactness of
attached to the completely the equipment
machine to compact with at the machine.
move the many
machine. equipments and
cost to buy a
spare parts

which is also
need a lot of

However, the available beach cleaning machines in the market have a limitation in
terms of difficulty to handle the machine, the noisiness of the machine operation, the cost to
fabricate the product and others. Table 1 shows the limitations of Rockland Beach King-
Model II, Delfino-Self Propelled, and Rio-Model Ld-1500. The limitations of machine are
related about the difficulty level to handle the machine, noisiness level of the machine, cost to
buy or fabricate and its maintenance.

2.3 Common Technology Used by Beach Cleaning Machines

2.3.1 Raking Technologies

Figure 2.3.1: Raking Movement [9]

It works on both dry and wet sand. A spinning conveyor belt with hundreds of tines
combs through the sand and eliminates surface and subsurface trash while leaving the sand on
the beach when this approach is used. Small stones, shards of glass, and cigarette butts can all
be removed using raking devices, as can larger trash like seaweed and driftwood. Raking
machines may go at great speeds by keeping the sand on the beach and only lifting the debris.

2.3.2 Sifting Technologies

Figure 2.3.2: Sifting Method [10]

On dry sand and soft surfaces, it is performed. The sand and garbage are collected
onto a vibrating screening belt by the vehicle's pick-up blade, which leaves the sand behind.
The trash is collected in a collecting pan, which is usually found in the vehicle's back. Sifters
must give time for sand to sift through the screen and back onto the beach because sand and
garbage are lifted onto the screening belt. The hole size in the installed screen determines the
size of the items eliminated.

2.3.3 Combined raking and sifting technology

Figure 2.3.3: Raking and Sifting Method on Mevi Deniz machine [11]

Unlike pure sifters, it scoops sand and debris onto a vibrating screen with spinning
tines rather than depending solely on the pick-up blade. The position of the tines can be
changed to better guide different-sized materials onto the screen. Once on the screen,
integrated rake and sifting machines remove undesired particles from the sand using the same
technology as standard sifters.

2.3.4 Sand sifting by hand

Figure 2.3.4: Sifting by hand to Filter out sand from Rubbish [12]

It's best for limited spaces or sensitive environments. To separate the trash from the
sand, sand and debris are collected in a windrow or mound and physically shoveled onto
screened sifting trays. While successful, it necessitates moving sand to the tray's location and
then redistributing it after sifting. The employment of a screened fork at the location where
the debris is located is a more efficient way. Human agitation of the sand can be tedious;
however, a new battery-powered sand rake combines the spot-cleaning efficiency of manual
screening with the convenience of an auto-sifting hand tool.

3.0 Methodology

The fabrication of the beach cleaner crab machine needs to follow the required process
and fabrication for the project testing. There are several important elements that need to be
studied in designing a product so that the production of products works well and is user-
friendly. Among the elements that need to be studied are the type of materials and
components used, the correct application process, objective analysis products, as well as the
cost of each material and component used. The shuttlecock collector machine is shown in
Figure 4. Gear is used at the shaft where one is used to reel out the sprocket and push another
sprocket to reel the excavator arms chain.

Figure 3.0 : Beach Cleaner Crab Machine Solidworks Drawing

Figure 5 shows an exploded drawing of a Beach Cleaner Crab Machine. Figure 3(a) is
Conveyor and Hook. It is to collect the rubbish at the beach, the excavator’s arm is built
custom and used for this machine. We made it custom sizing from stainless steel because the
material can withstand rust at a long rate of time as this machine will be used in coastal areas.
The excavator’s arm is arranged 4 rows on the belt with a 20 cm distance between itself. The
excavator’s arm has five hooks that were affixed to the rod. Figure 3(b) is Wheel. This
machine is used on a sandy surface. It’s become difficult to pull the machine if you don't use
high-quality tires. The machine uses tires with a thick flower on the tire surfaces. The
dimensions of the tires are 15 in x 3 in. The quantity of tires that are used in this machine is
four. Figure 3(c) is Rod. The rod on this machine is used to connect the belt to the motor and
the hook to the chain. This rod's dimensions are 2.54 cm x 2.54 cm. Stainless steel was
chosen as the material for this rod. This substance can move the sprocket with a lot of force.

Figure 3(d) is Sprocket. This machine uses a sprocket to move and rotate the
conveyor chain. This sprocket is a type of 18 teeth and measures 3.98 in diameter. The size of
this sprocket is strong in being able to move the chain well. The number of sprockets used is
4. Figure 3(e) is the Conveyor Chain. The thinner crab chain used on the beach seeks To
connect the hook to the rod and transfer energy from the engine to the sprocket. It can assist
the machine in picking up garbage on the beach. The chain used has a diameter of 2.85 cm
and a thickness of 0.22-0.23 cm. The material chosen is stainless steel, which may be utilized
for an extended period of time. Figure 3(f) is Trash Bin. On the beach cleaner crabs also use
trash bins. It is intended to accommodate the garbage collected by the excavator’s arm. The
material chosen for the trash bin is plastic. This is to facilitate the cleaning process after
emptying the trash. Its size is 70 cm x 25 cm x 57 cm.

Figure 3(g) is the Bearing to serve to rotate the wheel handle shaft. The bearing will
also reduce the resistance to the rod being subjected to force by the engine, rotating well.
Bearings used are steel and ceramic and have inside and outside diameters of 20 mm and 47
mm. Figure 3(h) is Throttle. It is to make it easier for users to use the beach cleaner crab, this
machine also has a throttle to push the machine. This throttle is a type of rubber that is easy to
install and comfortable to hold. The amount used is two seeds for the left and right-hand
holders. Figure 3(i) is a square net. On the excavator’s arm, it is attached to a square net to
filter out all the rubbish that is covered with beach sand. This helps to separate the rubbish
instead of scooping up the sand. This net is a type of aluminum and can be replaced in the
event of damage or leakage. the size used was 127 mm x 127 mm.

Figure 3(j) is Square Pipe. To design this beach cleaner crab, we use square pipe.
This is because the square pipe which is aluminum type is a strong material and is able to
provide durability to the machine to be used for a long time. The square pipe size used is 5
mm x 8 mm. This square pipe is also easy to be formed and joined and does not require a
high cost to purchase. Figure Bolt and Nut. For small components, this machine uses a lot of
bolts and nuts to attach other components. It is very important to keep this machine strong
and not easily unplugged. Bolts and nuts used are a type of stainless steel that has durability.
Figure 3(k) is the shaft that is important in moving this machine. The shaft will serve to
attach the tires used in the beach cleaner crab. It will further strengthen this machine because
it is used from stainless steel material. The dimensions used are 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm.

Figure 3.1: Components in Beach Cleaner Crab Machine

4.0 Experimental Setup

Product manufacturing of the Beach Cleaner Crab Machine is related to the main
objective to collect the rubbish at the beach. For the Beach Cleaner Crab Machine to work
properly, the following procedure must be done. First, we need to put a plastic bag to fill the
rubbish that was collected. Next, we need to ensure that the chains are on the line and can
push this machine easily. Next, we need to push the machine to make the rotation by gear
working well to reel the excavator’s arms. During this process, there are several objectives
that must be done by the Beach Cleaner Crab machine.

4.1 Collecting Ability

In this test, this machine is tested to ensure that the function of this machine can be
used either on wet or dry surfaces. This test depends on the tire used. Beach cleaner crabs use
tires that have flowers already and a strong surface grip on the ground. It allows this machine
to work well on wet or dry surfaces. Next, this test also tests the effectiveness of the
excavator arm and belt components and whether they can pick up debris or not.

The energy is produced by the gear to rotate the sprocket attached to the rod. The
excavator arm that relies on the belt moves according to the force applied to the rod. There
was no problem with the excavator's arm while picking up the rubbish. Garbage collected
consists of various sizes such as empty bottles, empty water boxes, food skewers, straws, and
so on. A square net placed on the excavator's arm can also filter debris well from scooping up
sand on the beach. This clearly shows that the belt and excavator arm components can work
well to pick up the waste of debris on the beach.

Figure 4.1: Beach Cleaner Crab

4.2 Size and evaluation of Rubbish that can be Collected by Beach Cleaner

.The Beach Cleaner crab is an environmentally friendly machine with few restrictions
on the rubbish it gathers. This machine can gather several forms of trash that are commonly
seen on the coast. Cigarette butts, plastic and glass bottles, polystyrene containers, beverage
cartons, and straws are among them. On average, this trash is the result of reckless human
behavior on the beach.

This machine's development makes it easy for many individuals to maintain the beach
clean. Rubbish as little as a cigarette butt and as large as a 1.5-liter bottle of mineral water
may be scooped up by the machine's arms, depending on the process used. The machine's arm
can take up trash measuring 1 inch to 20 inches long and 1 inch to 5 inches broad. This
demonstrates that the size of the Rubbish that this machine can gather is large due to the
usage of nets on each arm. This net can assist the machine in collecting small-scale garbage.

Figure 4.2: Excavator Arm

4.3 Evaluate the Amount of Rubbish that can be Collected by Beach Cleaner

Beach cleaner crab is a garbage excavator machine that can accommodate the load of
garbage collected on the beach. Tests are held to determine the amount of garbage that can be
accommodated by this beach cleaner crab. The load imposed on this machine will affect the
movement of this machine on the sandy surface. it proves that the heavier the machine the
harder it is to walk on beach sand. The test is started by placing a load in a trash bin of 1kg.

As a result, the machine is able to function and move well on the beach. This test was
repeated with loads of 2 kg, 3 kg and 5 kg. It still shows the same effect. After placing a load
of 6 kg, the machine looked quite difficult to move because the load on the beach cleaner
crab caused the machine to be difficult to move as the tires could not run well on the sand.
This test shows that this machine is capable of handling a garbage load of 5 kg at a maximum
rate. We justify the use of this machine to waste 5kg in the trash bin on the beach cleaner

Figure 4.3: Rubbish on Excavator Arm

5.0 Cost analysis



House Bearing 4 RM 15/Piece RM 60.00

High Floatation Tires 2 RM 50/Set RM 100.00

Square Pipe 5 RM 9.30/KG RM 46.50

Sprocket 4 RM 6.09/Piece RM 24.36

Chains 2 RM 3.00/98 Links RM 6.00

Arms 6 RM 4.10/Piece RM 24.60

(Cloth Hooker)

Plastic Net 1 RM 22.20/Roll RM 22.20

Screw 5 RM 5.85/20 Piece RM 5.85

Bolt & Nut 20 RM 3.00/10 Pieces RM 6.00

Shaft 2 RM 23.30/Pieces RM 93.20

Total RM 388.71

6.0 Result and Discussion

The user will push around the Beach Cleaner Crab Machine around the beach to do the
experiment. The first phase of the experiment is the difference in collecting rubbish either on wet or
dry surfaces by using Beach Cleaner Crab Machine. The second phase is to determine the amount of
rubbish that can be accommodated by this beach cleaner crab. The last phase of the experiment is a
square net to ensure that the sand can be separated from the rubbish when harvested. This test is tested
whether the machine wants to need vibration or not when the rubbish is collected so that the rate of
sand that follows is not much.

6.1 Working Principle of Beach Cleaner Crab Machine

Figure 5 shows the beach cleaner crab machine model. Figure 5 (a) shows the handle at the
very rear of the machine. The handle serves to make it easier for the user to push the machine while
working. The handle can reduce the load on the user and is even equipped with good safety features
such as back protection. The user will start using the machine by pushing the handle. Figure 5 (b) is
the sprocket. The two sprockets used to lean against each other to function as gear applications. It is
intended to use the force from the rotation of the tyre to move the excavators' arms on the conveyor
chain. This section will work once rejected. Figure 5 (c) shows the situation where the rubbish has
been hauled by excavator’s arms on a sandy surface and brought up along a track on a conveyor
chain. Figure 5 (d) shows the excavator arm moving upwards on its track. Each leg of the arms will
be attached to the chain. Lastly, Figure 5 (e) is the last step that shows the garbage will be put into
the garbage plastic available below.

Figure 6.0: Working Principle of Beach Cleaner Crab Machine

6.2 Analysis of Collecting Ability

Based on the observation of the movement of this machine, the excavator arm can rotate well
on its track. Based on the design drawn in Solidworks details, the distance placed between the arms
on the excavator’s arms is 2 feet and has 6 arms on the chain track on the machine. This matter is a
question of many parties because the distance is too great. When working, the arm can only pick up
the rubbish that is right in front of it when working.

This shows that this machine can not pick up the whole rubbish if it is in a close-scale distance
condition on the coast. Rubbish can be collected if it is more than one foot away from each other to
ensure that rubbish can be picked up by hand. Improvements need to be made to ensure that the
rubbish can be collected properly regardless of the distance between the rubbish on the beach.

Figure 6.1: Rubbish on the sandy surfaces

6.3 Size of rubbish that can be collected by Beach Cleaning Crab

The Beach Cleaner crab is an environmentally friendly machine and does not have many
specifications on the rubbish it collects. Various types of rubbish that are often found on the coast
can be collected by this machine. Among them are cigarette butts, plastic and glass bottles,
polystyrene containers, beverage boxes, and straws. This rubbish, on average, stems from
irresponsible human attitudes while on the beach.

The production of this machine makes it easier for many people to keep the beach clean. Based
on the procedure carried out, garbage as small as a cigarette butt and rubbish as big as a 1.5 litre bottle
of mineral water can be picked up by the arms on the machine. Rubbish measuring 1 inch to 20 inches
long and 1 inch to 5 inches wide can be picked up by the arm on the machine. This proves that the
size of the Rubbish that can be collected by this machine is extensive due to the use of nets on each
arm. This net can help the machine collect small-scale rubbish.

Figure 6.2: Excavator Arms collect the rubbish

6.4 Evaluate the amount of rubbish that can be collected by beach Cleaner Crab

The targeted rate for this machine to be able to collect rubbish is as much as 5 kg. Based on
observations, this machine is indeed able to collect 5 kg of rubbish, but it causes heavy garbage plastic
to be dragged on the beach surface under the machine. If this is ignored, it will cause the rubbish
plastic to leak and tear. As a precautionary measure, improvements need to be made to the site of the
plastic rubbish dump. The machine needs to be placed on a plate that can accommodate the load of
rubbish. This plate must be made of durable and strong material to be able to withstand a load of 5

Figure 6.3: Rubbish in Plastic Bag

6.5 Beach Cleaner Crab Speed

The beach cleaner crab machine moves using human energy that pushes the machine as long
as it is on a sandy surface. Initially, the machine was built according to a design that had a motor that
required dry cell energy or an electric current to propel it. After evaluation and research, this machine
has advantages if modified to a geared system that can prevent any contamination. The machine speed
is set at 5 km/h if using a motor. When using human energy, this machine can move at a rate of 3–4
km/h on the shore surface.

This machine can also be used well on the beach. The machine was tested by being pushed
on the sand surface. The tres used can grip the sand well and do not sink in sandy areas. The use of
these tyres is desirable, even if they are taken from used items. The effectiveness of this machine tyre
also enables the machine to move well and fast without any obstacles.

Figure 6.4 : Type of tyres that used at this machine

6.6 Impact of Design and Material used on Environmental and Sustainability

Based on the design that has been made for this machine, it has been modified to function
without the use of materials that can contribute to pollution. For example, diesel motors that cause
air and noise pollution are caused by smoke and motor noise. To ensure that this machine can
prioritize environmental and sustainability concerns, the available design is changed in accordance
with applying the gear function in moving the excavator arms in this machine. The application of the
gear system can avoid any pollution and waste as it only uses natural energy from humans to push
the machine. When the tyres rotate, the gear system will help the machine move the excavator arm.
In addition, the well-being and sustainability of this environment can be maintained after all
the materials used are safe and non-polluting. This machine does not emit any waste like dirty oil as
it only uses clean materials. In addition, this machine is also built from reusable materials such as
iron, net sprockets, and so on.

Figure 6.5: System gear on Beach cleaner crab

7.0 Conclusion

With features that meet our clients' tastes, our beach litter cleaner designs successfully help solve
beach cleaning challenges. Because we do not utilize high-speed motors or engines to power the
beach waste cleaner, no noise is produced and no toxic smoke is discharged, making the unit more
environmentally friendly than other beach cleaners. Furthermore, we know from study and research
of existing products that employing stainless steel to make the machine body can keep the machine
from rusting or corroding. As a result, provided sufficient maintenance is done, the machine can be
used for a long time. Furthermore, based on our research, we discovered that the machine is less
expensive than other beach cleaning equipment on the market. The normal beach cleaning machine
costs roughly RM 25,500 per machine, however, ours costs only RM 500. This means that our
machine is more than 20 times cheaper than competing machines. As a result, our devices are
reasonably priced while outperforming the greatest beach cleaners.

Additionally, our final year project makes us learn new things such as:

1. Make a product that is coming out of our own idea

2. Make the first design
3. Point to a new objective
4. Set an objective
5. Brainstorm a new product in a group

We had increased our talents in all of our job by the time the beach rubbish collector project was
completed. This activity also encourages us to be creative. Furthermore, we create items that employ
the gear concept, allowing the excavator arm to effortlessly rotate when our project is pushed.
Furthermore, we were provided the option to create new equipment while sharing our fantastic ideas
and decided to manufacture our items. To carry out this assignment, we utilized all of the knowledge
we gained at the University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia to create the topic syllabus. Following that,
we will become more adept at designing and manufacturing products based on our own ideas.
Overall, we all learned a lot from this final year project and worked hard to complete it. We
also learned how to collaborate with one another. As in the project, we split our divisions to complete
the tasks, and cooperation is the most crucial factor in ensuring that the project runs smoothly and

8.0 Recommendation

We want to install a motor to operate the excavator’s arm and use a solar system to save energy and
make the product more ecologically friendly as the next step in improving the Beach Cleaner Crab.
Next, we want to improve product safety by inserting a tire lock that prevents the tire from moving
when not in use. While we continue to commercialize the product, we will aim to increase its mobility
and durability by converting aluminum to a lighter metal such as duralumin. Next, we want to
improve by placing a board under the garbage plastic so that the board can withstand the load of
garbage placed into the garbage plastic. In addition, the number of arms on the excavator’s arm will
be increased and the distance between the arms on the excavator’s arm will be reduced so that no
garbage is left while being picked up by the excavator’s arm. Finally, we would like to advise that
we improve garbage storage by building strong garbage storage areas so that our garbage storage
areas are stronger and garbage placement is easier.


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