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Fluency Pronunciation

teacher ana
The heat hit 95º F.
She had to leave to live in Florida.
The sick girl seeks for a good doctor.
He wants to sit on that seat.
They still steal a lof of steel from the

STOP TO / INGShe stopped to read / She stopped reading 

He stopped to drink coffee / He stopped drinking coffee.

To communicate
The police officer communicated his orders by radio.
Many couples don't communicate properly.
Deaf people communicate by sign language.

To instruct
They were instructed when to talk.
He has been well instructed.
I will instruct him to come here by 9 o'clock

To discover
Who discovered America?
Scientists have discovered a new type of bacteria.
What else could men still discover?

To invent
Who invented the airplane?
When was the printing press invented?
People have invented new methods of communication.

Vocabulary and Expressions

humanity, to be keen on, discovery, signal, hit, out of order, to put in order,
to cut out, light-year, human being.

Change the phrases in Bold into Negative and Negative Present Perfect.

Humanity is constantly working towards progress.

The instructions were very well detailed.
Reasearches have made new discoveries.
Protests are always a signal of insatisfaction.
Are there intelligent beings on other planets?
It was stupid of him to accept that.
She's not keen on Biology.
We studied ancient civilizations.
This new game has been a hit.
The ATM is out of order.
He's not keen on going alone.
That happened light years ago.
The children should put this mess in order.
They cut out the electricity.

"Keep Moving Forward" -Walt Disney

"I look forward to seeing you again soon"

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