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Letter Definition Word Letter Definition Word

A Level of the organisation of the matter Atomic A Energy reserve tissue adipose
Rigid tissue due to the amount of minerals deposited in its
B Bone tissue B The only connective tissue that is liquid blood
C Elemental unit of independent life Cell C Energetic nutrient Carbohydrate
Free passage of small molecules such as oxygen and carbon Digestive
D Diffusion D Prepares ingested food so the cells can use them
dioxide system
E System formed by organs that secrete hormones E They cover the surface of the body Epitelial tissues
Because of cell differentiation cells are programmed to perform Process that starts when the food is produced until it Food supply
F Functions F
different… reaches the consumer chain
a simple sugar which is an important energy source in living CONTAINS Firm and elastic tissue the protects joints of bones and Cartilaginous
G Glucose
organisms G forms the nose tissue
H It is said about the food which is good for you Healthy H Biomolecule released by the endocrine system Hormone
Function performed by nervous, endocrine, skeletal & muscular
I Interaction I Dessert made with cream or milk, sugar and flavouring Ice-cream
J Drink rich in sugars and vitamins, of vegetable origin Juice J a fruit-flavoured dessert rich in sugars Jelly
L Energetic nutrient, not soluble in water Lipids L Cell organelle that performs the cellular digestion Lysosome
M Cell organelle its function is to obtain energy Mitochondria M Inorganic nutrients with many different functions Minerals
Unconscious process by which living things take in and use
N Composed of very specialised cells called neurons Nervous tissue N Nutrition
food material.
Level that includes all the individuals from the same species
P Population level P Structural nutrients Proteins
living in a particular area
Formed by the ensemble of systems that function in a
O Special type of diffusion that consists in the passage of water Osmosis O Organism
coordinated way
It is said of the endoplasmic reticulum that has ribosomes
R Small organelles that synthesize proteins Ribosomes R Rough
added to its membrane
Interaction organs that capture important information
S Organ of the digestive system Stomach S Sense organs
from the environment
Group of cells of the same type and origin, specialised in
T Tissue T Sense organ that allows us to recognise flavours Taste
performing a particular function
group of substances that are essential to the body in small
V Vitamin V Membranous organelle in charge of storing substances Vacuole
Inorganic nutrient that is the most common molecule in our Water-soluble
W Water W It is said about the vitamins that soluble in water
bodies vitamins
Y A prepared food made from milk curdled Yogurt Y Part of the egg rich in lipids Yolk

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