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The Country of the Blind

1. Speak about the society of the blind. What is special about them? What are their views of the world
around them? What impression do they produce? What do you feel towards these people? Can you call
them disabled?

2. Characterize Nunez. What is he like? Why does the author barely describe him at the beginning of the
story? How does he feel among the blind? How does he change through the story? Support your ideas by
examples from the text.

3. What is the role of Medina-Saroté as a character?

4. ‘The Country of the Blind’ is packed full with symbolic meaning. What does or can this story symbolize /
illustrate to you? What concrete examples can you provide?

5. To what extent do you think the proverb “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” (= В чужой
монастырь со своим уставом не ходят) reflects the meaning of this story?

6. Read the following. Which of the two endings do you think is stronger and more meaningful? Explain.

In the revised and expanded 1939 version, Nunez sees from a distance that there is about to be a rock
slide. He attempts to warn the villagers, but again they scoff at his “imagined” sight. He flees the
valley during the slide, taking Medina-Saroté with him.

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