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Name: Lanz Rienian B.

Dino Grade & Section: 10-Obusan Date: 06/20/21

Science Q4 Week 7
1. Which nail is rusted? _____ (IDENTIFICATION)
- The nail that got rusted the most is the nail that isn’t covered with oil (nail 2).
2. What was the purpose of the oil coating in nail number 1? (ANALYSIS)
- The purpose of the oil coating in nail number 1 is that the nail will not get rusted in just
a few minutes and it slowly becomes rusty in a few hours.
3. How was the rusting reaction delayed? (COMPREHENSION)
- The rusting reaction is delayed in the nail 1 because of the oil and it consists of
formation of hydrated oxide Fe(OH)3 that’s why it’s a slow process.
4. Site an example of a situation at home wherein grease, paint or oils is used to stop the
rusting process. (ANALYSIS)
- There’s someone here in our house that paints the door knobs with silver paint so that it
will slow the rusting process.
5. What factor affected the rate of rusting of the nail? (RECALL)
- It’s the cause of corrosion, corrosion is caused by the presence of water and oxygen.
6. How will these factors the affect the rates of chemical processes affect our daily lives like the
ripening of fruits and spoiling fish? (COMPREHENSION)
- These factors affect our daily lives because of the different chemical reactions like
preserving foods, this can help to avoid the spoiling of fruits and other foods. If we don't
preserve foods, this can make our food become spoiled and it’s just a waste of our food.

False 1. Adding vinegar increases pH of food. - Food Preservation
True 2. Enzymes are catalysts. - Food Preservation
False 3. Increased speed of reaction in manufacturing will result in higher Yield. - Pollution
False 4. Oxygen alone can produce fire. - Control of Fire
True 5. Corrosion is a redox reaction. - Corrosion
True 6. Refrigeration is lowering down the temperature of food to slow down the spoiling
process. - Food Preservation
True 7. Heating of bananas increases the ripening process. - Materials Production

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