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Answer the following Questions on Pages 24-25 – CLO1 (using the Employee Report Page

generated earlier):

1. How many employees work in department 60? (Use FILTER)

Remove Filter
2. How many employees work in department 60 and have a first name beginning with the letter D.

3. How many employees earn a salary of more than 12000?

4. How many employees earn a salary of more than 12000 and work for department 90?

5. How many employees earn a salary of more than 10,000 and do not earn a commission.
6. Retrieve the record for Michael Hartstein and change the salary to 14000.

Use edit

7. What do you have to do to rollback the changes before a SAVE button is pressed?

8. Display the employee records in the order of their last name.

9. Group the employee records by the Department ID. (Use CONTROL BREAK)
10. What is the total salary of employees in department 90?

(Partial List)
11. Hide the salary column from the report.
12. Add a new Employee Record.

13. What changes would you make to your form to make it easier for the user to input data?

Add Control Items such as:

• Select List (List of Values – LOV)

• Radio Group (Radio Buttons)
• Check Boxes
• Color Picker
• Date Picker
• Additional Plugins such as range selector

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