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May Ziada High School- Lehraouiine- Test number 2

Casablanca. Prof: DARKAOUI Term 1 Level: common core Time: 1 hour

Full name: Remarks:

Grade: /20

Jane lives with her uncle in a small flat in New York City. She is a student at a technical college there.
Her parents, Carlos and Eva, live in a small town fifty miles away. They have got a nice house with a big garden
and a swimming pool.
Carlos is a doctor. He always drives his big new Mercedes to New Haven University Hospital. Eva
doesn’t work. She has two maids. Her husband prefers her to stay at home to supervise the housework. She
likes music, cinema, and swimming. She also practises tennis with her friends on Fridays.
On the weekends Carlos and his wife usually go to New York to visit Jane and do some shopping. But when
Jane is at home, they often go to the cinema.


A- Say whether these statements are true or false:

1- Jane lives with her parents.


2- Carlos and Eva are rich.


3-Carlos and Eva have only got one daughter.


B- Answer the following questions:

1-What does Jane do?


2-Why does Carlos always go to New Haven Hospital?


3-When do Jane’s parents give parties?


C- Complete the following sentences according to the text:

1- Carlos and Eva do some shopping when...............................................................................................

2-In her free time, Eva................................................................................................................................

3-Eva stays at home because......................................................................................................................

D- What do these words refer to in the text? (1.5)

1- She:............... 2- He:............................. 3-They:................................

1-Put the verb “to be” in the correct form:(2.5)

My friend Emma...........nice. She always helps people. She ............. married to a pilot. They ..........very happy together.
They have got two children. Their names..........Sara and Sue. Emma ...........American. She’s from London.

2- Write the correct form of the words between brackets: (1.5pts)

- Jamal is (old)……..…………..……………..…. Kamal.

- Travelling by train is …………..……………………..……. (expensive)travelling by car.

- Living in Kenitra is ……………...................……………… (Good) living in Rabat.

3- Match the following sentences with their right titles. (2pts)

a- How old are you? 1. Asking about occupations.

b- What does your mother do? 2. Talking about daily habits.

c- How often do go jogging? 3. Asking about personal information.

d- I prefer this one here. 4. Expressing preferences.

WRITING: (3.5pts)

Rewrite the following paragraph with correct punctuation and capitalization.

morocco is famous for its delicious cuisine there are many meals in morocco that gain international admiration like
couscous the most popular moroccan dish it is made of various vegetables such as pumpkin tomato courgette and peas
moroccans usually eat it on friday but if they are working they leave it to sunday

All the best of luck ☺

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