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Iron Chlorosis

PVV Prasad and M Djanaguiraman, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article is a revision of the previous edition article by P.V.V. Prasad, volume 2, pp. 649–656, Ó 2003, Elsevier Ltd.

Adsorption Accumulation of ions on solid surface caused Gene A segment of the DNA double helix that acts as
by ion exchange or other reactions. a template for the production of the specific ribonucleic
C3 plants Plants in which the first product of carbon acid and governs hereditary characteristics of an organism.
dioxide fixation (photosynthetic pathway) is a three- Monocotyledons A class of angiosperms characterized by
carbon compound. one cotyledon, and usually with parallel venation.
Chelate Complex organic molecules that can combine with Nitrogen fixation Process in which gaseous nitrogen is
ions to supply nutrients to plants at slow and steady rates. converted into nitrogenous compounds.
Chlorophyll The green pigment in chloroplasts that Nodule Enlargements or swelling on roots which contain
absorbs radiant energy and transforms it into chemical bacteria that fix nitrogen.
energy. Photosynthesis Process by which plants convert light
Chloroplast A membrane-bound cell organelle which energy into chemical energy (carbohydrates).
contains photosynthetic enzymes and structures. Respiration Process by which plants convert carbohydrates
Chlorosis Yellowing of leaves due to lack of chlorophyll. into energy.
Dicotyledons A class of angiosperms characterized by two Rhizobia Bacteria of the genus Rhizobium, which are
cotyledons, and usually with net (reticulate) venation on associated with roots of leguminous plants and help in
the leaves. nitrogen fixation.
DNA Dioxyribose nucleic acid. Translocation Movement of dissolved materials from one
Ferredoxin An electron transferring, Fe-containing protein plant organ or tissue to another.
that functions in photosynthesis.

Introduction Location and Function

Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient belonging to group VIII in Iron was among the first micronutrient elements to be discov-
the periodic table. Iron is the fourth most abundant element and ered to be essential for plant life. Essential nutrients are those
second most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust constituting without which plants cannot complete their life cycle; they
about 5% of the lithosphere; it occurs in both ferrous (Fe2þ) are irreplaceable by other elements and directly involved in
and ferric (Fe3þ) forms. Most Fe in the earth’s crust is in the plant metabolism. Almost all Fe in the plant system is located
form of ferromagnesium silicate. In soils, the predominant in the chloroplasts, the organelles that are responsible for
iron oxides are hematite, goethite, lepidocrocite, magnetite, photosynthesis. It is also distributed in the cytoplasm and other
and ferrihydrite. Iron is also a structural component of silicates cell organelles, which contain additional heme and/or iron
and other primary or secondary minerals (e.g., pyroxenes, sulfur proteins.
amphiboles, pyrite, and siderite). The concentration of Fe in In plants, Fe is involved in chlorophyll synthesis, and it is
agricultural soils ranges from 7000 to 500 000 parts per million essential for the maintenance of chloroplast structure and func-
(mean of 38 000 ppm or 3.8%). Although the concentration of tion, photosynthesis, respiration, and nitrogen fixation and is
Fe is high in soil, it is classified as a micronutrient because the involved in enzyme activation and electron transfer. Iron
requirement by plants is low. Although most of the Fe on the acts as an enzyme activator or cofactor in chlorophyll
earth crust is in the form of Fe3þ, the Fe2þ form is physiologi- synthesis and activates several other enzymes including cata-
cally more significant for plants. This form is relatively soluble, lase, peroxidase, nitrate reductases, and nitrogenase. Iron plays
but is readily oxidized to Fe3þ, which forms precipitates. The an important role in protein synthesis and in a series of meta-
Fe3þ is insoluble in neutral and alkaline pH (>7) and calcareous bolic activities in respiratory enzymes and photosynthetic reac-
soils. Iron deficiency in plants generally occurs not because of tions. Iron is critical in DNA synthesis through the action of the
low Fe in soil, but because of various soil, plant, and climatic ribonucleotide reductase. Iron is also an active cofactor of
factors that affect Fe availability, uptake, or metabolic use. many enzymes that are necessary for plant hormone synthesis,
Iron deficiency in plants is one of the major nutritional disorders such as ethylene, lipoxygenase, 1-aminocyclopropane acid-1-
prevalent on calcareous and sandy soils in arid and semiarid carboxylic oxidase, or abscisic acid. Iron is a constituent of all
regions of the world. It has been estimated that about one- redox systems, the best known examples are enzyme systems
third of the world’s soils are calcareous and have a high potential (heme iron structure), including prosthetic groups such as cyto-
for Fe deficiency. It is becoming a major problem worldwide, chromes. The best-known functions of cytochromes are elec-
causing economic yield loss in numerous crops. tron transport and the involvement of cytochrome oxidase in

246 Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences, 2nd edition, Volume 1

Plant Nutrition j Iron Chlorosis 247

the terminal step in the respiration chain. Iron also interacts spp.), corn (Zea mays; maize), barley (Hordeum vulgare), oats
with nonheme proteins as an iron–sulfur protein (e.g., ferre- (Avena sativa), and other grasses. A strong, positive correlation
doxin, superoxide dismutase). Iron is an important nutrient between the amount of phytosiderophores released and the
for legumes for nodulation and nitrogen fixation. It is required resistance of plants to Fe deficiency is observed in strategy II
in large amounts by both the legume hosts and rhizobia. plants. It is also possible that Fe chelated by microbial sidero-
Failure of infecting rhizobia to obtain adequate amounts of phores might be acquired by grasses. However, the amounts
Fe from the plant results in arrested nodule development and of microbial siderophores that are produced in the rhizosphere
failure of the host plant to fix nitrogen in adequate amounts. are probably too low to be of major significance for plant Fe
nutrition. Approximately 500 microorganisms have been
found to produce siderophores structures. Huge numbers of
Uptake and Translocation siderophores have been purified and characterized chemically.
Based on their structural features and types of ligands, there are
Although Fe is one of the most abundant elements in the four main classes of bacterial siderophores (phenol catecho-
earth’s crust, its uptake and subsequent utilization by plants lates, hydroxamates, carboxylate, and pyoverdines) and three
depend on the efficiency of its transport across the plasma classes of fungal siderophores (rhodotorulic acid, ferrichromes,
membrane of root cells. Typical iron concentrations in plant and ferrichromes). Siderophores are subject to degradation
tissues range from 10 to 100 mM. Free iron is able to generate after their addition to soil, and almost all of the studies on
toxic hydroxyl radicals in Fenton reactions, which can damage plant use of microbial siderophores have relied on hydroponic
cellular components, including DNA and proteins. Therefore, experiments in which radiolabeled siderophores were added to
Fe uptake, distribution, and storage are tightly regulated in nutrient solutions. Iron provided by microbial siderophores is
plants. If the soil has high Fe content, then plants tend to use often found to be associated with the root tissues, which may
low-affinity Fe transport systems to take up sufficient Fe to be explained in part by uptake of Fe by microorganisms that
prevent Fe toxicity. In contrast, Fe deficiency in plants usually are associated with the root surface.
results in the induction of high-affinity Fe transport systems.
Iron has low mobility in the plant because it is strongly bound
within plant cells. Iron is not transferred from older to younger Mechanisms of Fe Transport and Storage in Plants
leaves; therefore, its deficiency first occurs in young leaves.
Transport of Fe in the plant is complex and involves many steps.
Initially, Fe is acquired by the roots and transported symplasti-
Strategies of Fe Uptake cally to the pericycle cells then to the vascular bundle and into
the xylem stream. However, little is known about transporters
Plant species and genotypes differ in their ability to acquire Fe that load Fe into the xylem. In the xylem, the majority of Fe is
from the soil. There are two specific mechanisms, strategy I and complexed with aliphatic hydroxy acids (such as malic or citric
strategy II, for increasing the solubility of Fe in the rhizosphere acid), phenols, thiols, polysaccharides, and amino acids and
and its rate of uptake by plant roots. Both of these mechanisms transported to the shoot. Inside the plant, Fe can move in the
are present in apical parts of the roots and respond when Fe apoplast. After uptake from the apoplast across the plasma
deficiency occurs. membrane of root cells, the radial transport of Fe to the xylem
Strategy I is mostly exhibited by dicotyledons and nongra- takes place as a Fe2þ complex with nicotianamine, a phytosider-
minaceous monocotyledons. The main mechanisms are (1) ophore-like chelator with high affinity for Fe. The mechanisms
release of protons into the soil to lower the pH, favoring forma- of Fe unloading of the xylem are not clearly understood. This
tion of Fe2þ, (2) induction of Fe3þ chelate reductase activity to process includes parenchyma cells and/or passive diffusion in
reduce Fe3þ to the more soluble Fe2þ form, (3) release of chem- the apoplast as a result of transpirational water flows. The sym-
icals capable of reducing Fe3þ to Fe2þ and organic acids, partic- plastic pathways include transporters that are localized in cells
ularly citrate, that chelate Fe in the rhizosphere, (4) induction within the vascular cylinders. Changes in the morphology of
of an increased Fe2þ transport capacity, and (5) physiological chlorotic leaves influence unloading of Fe through symplastic
adaptation, such as root hair proliferation and root transfer or apoplastic pathways. Although Fe is relatively immobile, Fe
cell development. Examples of crops exhibiting strategy I are complexes can be transported in the phloem.
soybean (Glycine max), peanut (Arachis hypogaea), sunflower Chlorotic symptoms can be observed, even under sufficient
(Helianthus spp.), pea (Pisum sativum), tomato (Lycopersicon Fe supply, if plants lack ferric reductase oxidase (FRO2; encodes
esculentum), and other dicotyledons. root ferric chelate reductase) or Fe(II) transporter (IRT1; encodes
Strategy II is adopted by graminaceous monocotyledons a ferrous Fe transporter). FRO2 and IRT1 genes are induced by Fe
and is characterized by the production and release of low deficiency in Arabidopsis. Their expression is dependent on the
molecular weight compounds termed phytosiderophores, regulator gene FRU (¼ FER-like regulator of iron uptake). The
from their roots in response to Fe deficiency. These phytosider- IRT1 transporter moves Fe2þ across the plasma membrane of
ophores solubilize Fe by binding to Fe3þ. The Fe3þ-phytosider- root epidermal cells. IRT1 is the major Fe transporter responsible
ophore complex is then taken up by the plant via a high-affinity for Fe uptake from the soil, and it also transports manganese,
transport system in the plasma membrane of root cells. This zinc, and cadmium. The expression of FRO2 and IRT1 is depen-
mechanism is referred as strategy II. The release of phytosider- dent on the regulator gene FRU (¼ FER-like regulator of iron
ophores is not affected by external pH. Examples of crops uptake), encoding a basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH)-type tran-
exhibiting strategy II are rice (Oryza sativa), wheat (Triticum scription factor. This bHLH gene was identified as an iron
248 Plant Nutrition j Iron Chlorosis

regulator and named FIT1 (¼ Fe deficiency–induced transcrip- Diagnosis of Fe Deficiency

tion factor 1). In tomato, a homologous system exists including
LeIRT1, LeFRO1, and the bHLH factor LeFER. Phytosiderophores Diagnosis of a nutrient deficiency is usually demonstrated by
are chemically distinct from bacterial and fungal one or more of three methods: visual observation of deficiency
siderophores and belong to the mugineic acids (MAs) class of symptoms, soil analysis, and plant analysis. Integration of all
compounds. The biosynthesis of MAs starts from the condensa- three methods is essential for accurate diagnosis of Fe
tion of three S-adenosyl methionine molecules to form the deficiency.
precursor, nicotianamine, by the enzyme nicotianamine
synthase (NAS) which is then converted to a 30 -keto
Visual Symptoms
intermediate by NA aminotransferase (NAAT), and this
intermediate is then reduced to produce deoxymugineic acid In most plant species, Fe deficiency is characterized by intervei-
by the action of deoxymugineic acid synthase. This nal chlorosis with fine reticulate patterns observed in newly
deoxymugineic acid is then released into the rhizosphere formed leaves. The dark green veins are clearly visible against
through the MAs1 transporter. The genes of the MA a yellow background (Figure 1) as shown in common bean.
biosynthetic pathway have been cloned and characterized in In severe cases, the youngest leaves are completely white and
barley, rice, maize, and wheat. The expression of these genes is devoid of chlorophyll or develop necrotic spots, which can
upregulated by iron deficiency through transcriptional look like a fungal infection, on the affected leaves. Over time,
regulation that is mediated by various combinations of cis- plants which remain untreated will start to senesce, become
acting elements and trans-acting factors. Iron deficiency unsightly in appearance, and may eventually die. Iron defi-
responsive elements 1 and 2 (IDE1 and IDE2, respectively) ciency can easily be mistaken for nitrogen or magnesium defi-
were the first identified cis-acting elements controlling gene ciency; however, Fe deficiency affects the young emerging
expression in response to micronutrient deficiencies. The Fe3þ- leaves, whereas nitrogen deficiency affects old leaves. This is
phytosiderophore uptake transporter is called yellow stripe 1 because Fe is relatively immobile in the phloem compared
(YS1). The YS1 proteins are distantly related to the with nitrogen or magnesium.
oligopeptide transporter family of transporters, and it is
a proton-coupled symporter of Fe3þ-phytosiderophore
Soil Analysis
Members of the ZIP transporter family are involved in Fe Soil analysis is often used to determine whether the supply of
transport within the plant. This family is divided into four a particular nutrient might limit plant growth. However, soil
subgroups based on amino acid sequence similarity: subfamily analysis for predicting Fe deficiency in plants cannot be recom-
I, subfamily II, LIV-1, and gufA (gene of unknown function). mended. Soil analysis to determine Fe availability is
ZIP proteins transport metal ions from the cell exterior or confounded by soil environmental factors such as pH, mois-
lumen of intracellular organelles into the cytoplasm. Arabidop- ture content, temperature, and bicarbonate concentration,
sis is predicted to have 15 ZIP genes belonging to subfamily I, and the genetic variability within and between plant species
and these ZIP genes are involved in metal transport from the with respect to Fe uptake. Several methods have been devised
soil into root cells and across both cellular and organelle to extract Fe from soil, the most commonly used being the
membranes. Different ZIP transporters function in different diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) extraction method.
tissues and with different substrate affinities and specificities The critical range for Fe for this test is 2.5–4.5 ppm. If the soil
to affect particular transport functions. contains less than 2.5 ppm, it is considered deficient in Fe.
Iron is immobilized in plant tissues, particularly in the However, even if soils are sufficient in Fe, this does not mean
leaf, making it unavailable for physiological and biochemical that the plant will not suffer Fe chlorosis. The uptake of Fe by
functions. It has been observed that Fe is commonly immobi- plants depends on many other factors besides extractable Fe
lized close to vascular systems in Fe-deficient leaves. Iron- in the soil. These factors are discussed below.
deficient leaves accumulate more Fe in the midrib and veins,
and concentrations of Fe in the mesophyll are lower than in
Plant Analysis
Fe-replete plants. The forms of accumulation of Fe are not
clearly known. There are indications that Fe can be stored The prediction of micronutrient deficiencies based on tissue
temporarily in plant tissues with ferritins (Fe storage proteins analysis has been successfully used for all micronutrients
located in the plastids) or other proteins that can be remobi- except Fe. The total Fe concentration in plant tissues does
lized within the plant to support critical functions, such as not correlate well with the occurrence of Fe chlorosis. This is
photosynthesis and respiration, and cellular organelles such mainly because only 10–20% of the total Fe in plants is ‘phys-
as chloroplasts and mitochondria. The Fe storage protein iologically active’ or ‘available Fe.’ Several techniques based
ferritin accumulates mainly in nongreen plastids, such as etio- on plant tissue analysis have been proposed for diagnosis of
plasts or amyloplasts, while low concentrations of this protein Fe deficiency in plants. Various extractants such as water,
are found in mature chloroplasts where the photosynthetic dilute acids (hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid, and
process is active. Iron can also be stored in apoplasmic space, citric acid), dilute NaOH, chelating agents such as ethylene-
between the plasma membrane and the cell wall of plant cells, diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), DTPA, tartaric acid, and
and perhaps in the vacuoles, where low pH and high organic some organic solvents including 2,20 -dipyridyl and its deriva-
acid concentrations represent optimal conditions for Fe tives, and o-phenanthroline have been proposed to extract the
deposition. fraction of total Fe which is metabolically active. Results
Plant Nutrition j Iron Chlorosis 249

Figure 1 Typical progressive symptoms of Fe deficiency in common bean. Reproduced with permission from the American Phytopathological
Society Press from Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities of Plants – Digital Image Collection CD Rom, 2000. APS Press, Minnesota.

indicate that the o-phenanthroline-extractable Fe of fresh leaf Lime Content

tissue is a better index of plant Fe status than total Fe content. Iron availability is low in calcareous soils, which contain a high
Another quantitative measure for diagnosing Fe deficiency is concentration of lime (calcium carbonate). In the presence of
the estimation of chlorophyll content, but this should be water and carbon dioxide, lime decomposes, resulting in accu-
used with caution as chlorophyll deficiency can be caused mulation of bicarbonates and calcium, as shown in eqn. [1],
by the deficiency of other nutrients (for example, N, S, Mg, which in turn increases pH:
and Mn) as well.
CaCO3 þ CO2 þ H2 O / Ca2þ þ 2HCO3  [1]
Severe Fe chlorosis occurs in soils that have 420% total CaCO3
Causes of Fe Deficiency and/or 410% active lime. Chlorosis caused by lime is often
termed lime-induced chlorosis. Studies have shown that leaves
Various factors related to soil, climate, and plant genotype that suffering from lime-induced chlorosis often have a high
can contribute to Fe chlorosis are summarized below. concentration of total Fe similar to or even greater than that of
green leaves, indicating a physiological inactivation of Fe in the
leaf apoplast due to the alkalization process. Furthermore, it was
Soil Factors observed that the severe symptoms of lime-induced chlorosis are
often correlated not only with greater total Fe concentrations in
The availability of Fe to plants largely depends on the amount
leaves (on a dry weight basis), but also with severe inhibition of
of Fe in the rocks from which the soil parent material was
leaf growth and chloroplast development.
derived. In addition, high pH, high clay content (<10–15%
clay), high Ca content, high carbonate content, wet conditions,
high P content, high heavy metal content, low or high temper- Bicarbonate Content
atures, high light intensities, high nitrate–nitrogen content, Bicarbonates (HCO3  ) in soil and water are an important cause
poor aeration, and low organic matter in soil can all contribute of Fe chlorosis. Bicarbonate ions can be formed in calcareous
to reduced Fe uptake and Fe deficiency in plants. soils by the reaction of CO2 and water on calcite. Many alkaline
soils also have high bicarbonate concentration, which can
inhibit Fe uptake. Poor soil moisture, accumulation of CO2
Soil pH
produced by roots, and microbial respiration under high soil
The availability and uptake of nutrients by plants are highly
moisture conditions can increase the accumulation of HCO3
dependent on pH. Iron chlorosis is common in alkaline soils
in the rhizosphere up to 400–500 ppm. High HCO3 concentra-
(pH greater than 7.0). The solubility of Fe is highly pH depen-
tion inhibits root growth, thus decreasing the rate of cytokinin
dent, and the activities of Fe3þ and Fe2þ decrease by 1000-fold
export to the shoot, which is necessary for protein synthesis
and 100-fold, respectively, for each unit increase in pH. At
and chloroplast development, resulting in chlorosis.
acidic pH values, phosphate ions react with aluminum and
iron to form less soluble compounds. Under alkaline condi-
tions, Fe2þ is oxidized to Fe3þ, which is relatively unavailable Organic Matter
to plants because it precipitates as ferric oxide, which has Available Fe in soils is primarily present as organic complexes.
extremely low solubility. Organic matter in soils thus exerts a pronounced effect on Fe
250 Plant Nutrition j Iron Chlorosis

availability. The formation of soluble Fe complexes by natu- many of the smaller roots and reduce the uptake capacity of
rally occurring chelates may enhance the solubility of Fe. the whole root system, which may induce Fe chlorosis.
However, heavy manuring in alkaline soils decreases Fe avail- However, in waterlogged soils (especially in paddy rice
ability as it is strongly adsorbed on the surface of organic fields), Fe3þ compounds, particularly the amorphous forms,
matter; however, on decomposing, Fe is slowly supplied to are reduced to Fe2þ by anaerobic bacteria that use Fe3þ as an
plants. electron acceptor during respiration (Eqn. [2]). This results in
a high solubility of Fe in flooded soils, leading to toxic levels
Nutrient Interactions of Fe (450 mg kg1).
Iron deficiency can be induced by the interactions of Fe with Fe(OH)3 þ 3Hþ þ e / Fe2þ þ 3H2O (2)
various other nutrients, for example, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and
Zn. The form of nitrogen applied may affect the availability
of Fe. Increased uptake of NO3-N (nitrate–nitrogen) may Plant Factors
cause an imbalance in the cation/anion ratio, resulting in alka-
linization of the rhizosphere with a subsequent decrease in Fe Different species and even cultivars within the same species
uptake. Nitrate uptake also leads to alkalization of the root vary in their susceptibility to Fe deficiency. Variation in the
zone, which can lower Fe solubility and availability for uptake ability to acquire and translocate Fe within the plant has
by roots. In contrast, NH4-N (ammonical nitrogen) fertilizers been observed in many species. Some species or cultivars
acidify the soil and can improve Fe acquisition by roots. High respond to Fe deficiency by inducing biochemical and physio-
P concentrations in soils decrease Fe availability to plants due logical responses that make Fe more available for uptake by the
to formation of insoluble Fe phosphates. Similarly, high P roots. These plants are classified as Fe efficient. Plants that are
concentrations in plant tissues may also induce Fe chlorosis unable to develop such mechanisms are classified as Fe ineffi-
due to the immobilization of Fe in the veins of the leaves. cient. Fe-efficient species have a greater tendency to lower the
Studies have shown that certain Fe-efficient plants are pH of the rhizosphere. These responses enable Fe-efficient
unable to respond to Fe deficiency stress in the absence of species to acquire more Fe. Some species are also stimulated
potassium (K). Potassium seems to play a very specific role in to form more root hairs and develop cells that increase the
plants for maximum utilization of Fe. This might be due to capacity to reduce Fe3þ in roots.
its role in the production and release of protons and
Effects of Fe Deficiency on Plants
Environmental Factors About 9% of total leaf Fe is found in leaves as heme iron.
Climatic factors greatly influence the occurrence of Fe defi- Nonheme iron proteins contain about 19% of the total Fe,
ciency in plants under field conditions, the most important and they are found in ferredoxin, thylakoid complexes, mito-
being temperature and moisture content. chondrial complexes, aconitase, nitrite reductase, and sulfite
reductase. Most of the remainder of the Fe is found as ferritin
Temperature (35%). Thus, Fe proteins contain about 63% of the total Fe
Since Fe uptake by roots and translocation from roots to shoots in leaves.
is an active process, temperature influences the occurrence of Fe
deficiency. Temperature could influence the severity of Fe defi-
Nodule Development
ciency in plants in the following ways: (1) low soil temperature
reduces root growth and metabolic activity, thus reducing Fe Severe Fe deficiency decreases root growth and elongation. In
uptake; (2) low soil temperature could reduce the production most legumes, early nodule development after nodule initia-
of phytosiderophores, and the resultant mobilization and tion is most sensitive to Fe deficiency. For example, in peanut,
uptake of soil Fe; (3) low soil temperature could increase Fe deficiency decreased the number of excisable nodules,
HCO3 levels in the soil and severity of chlorosis by increasing nodule mass, number of bacteroids and concentrations of
the solubility of CO2 in soils; (4) high soil temperature decreases leghemoglobin, nitrogenase activity, and nitrogen fixing ability
Fe uptake by increasing microbial decomposition of phytosider- (Table 1). Iron deficiency did not limit the growth or soil and
ophores; and (5) high soil temperature could increase HCO3 rhizosphere populations of peanut Bradyrhizobium, and there
levels and Fe chlorosis by stimulating microbial activity and was no effect on root infection processes or nodule initiation.
CO2 production.
Photosynthesis and Electron Transfer
Soil Moisture
A high soil moisture level has a strong effect on the appearance Current knowledge tends to support the hypothesis that Fe is
of Fe chlorosis through its effect on plant metabolism. Many involved in 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthesis. The ALA,
studies have indicated that excess irrigation or prolonged wet a precursor of chlorophyll formation, is formed primarily via
periods in calcareous soils result in Fe chlorosis because of a five-carbon pathway, using glutamate or a-ketoglutarate. Fe
HCO3 buildup. Increased Fe chlorosis in plants subsequent chlorosis decreases the level of chlorophyll, membrane protein,
to irrigation is sometimes due to high levels of HCO3 in irriga- and other carotenoids in all plant species, e.g., in grape (Vitis
tion water. In addition, high HCO3, high pH, and low Fe spp.; Table 2). As chlorophyll is essential for photosynthesis,
content in poorly aerated soils caused by excess water destroy Fe deficiency leads to decreased photosynthesis. The net
Plant Nutrition j Iron Chlorosis 251

Table 1 Effect of Fe deficiency on different aspects of nodulation in Table 3 Effect of Fe chlorosis on growth and
peanut yield of peanut

Trait Fe þFe Trait Fe þFe

Number of nodule initials (plant1) 55 52 Leaf area (cm2) 429 562

Number of nodules on tap root 11 32 Leaf dry weight (g plant1) 4.0 4.9
Nodule mass (mg plant1) 15 60 Stem dry weight (g plant1) 4.2 4.9
Leghemoglobin concentrations (nmol g1 fresh 6 86 Root dry weight (g plant1) 0.41 0.48
weight nodule) Pod dry weight (g plant1) 1340 1660
Bacteriod content (106 plant1) 2 430
Bacteriod concentration (106 fresh weight nodule) 170 7300 Treated plants received foliar application on 0.5% (w/c)
FeSO4 at 40, 60, and 90 days after sowing.
Acetylene reduction activity (pmol min1 plant1) 3 35

Adapted with permission from O’Hara, et al., 1988. New Phytol. 108, 51–57. Treated
plants received foliar application of 0.5% FeSO4 in 0.75% Tween-80 on day-10. Iron Deficiency in Field Crops
Nodules were harvested from plants on day-15 for analysis.

Iron deficiencies occur in many crops and different geograph-

Table 2 Effect of different phases of Fe deficiency on ical regions. The relative sensitivity or tolerance of crops to
photosynthetic pigments and components that can influence low soil available Fe is shown in Table 4. Iron deficiency is
photosynthesis most common in sensitive crop species grown in arid and
semiarid regions with calcareous soils. Iron deficiency is
Trait Control Mild chlorosis Severe chlorosis widely reported in soybean, peanut, dry bean, sorghum,
Chlorophyll (a þ b) 2.25 1.30 0.36 and rice. Although not common, Fe deficiency can also occur
Carotenoids 0.85 0.56 0.20 under particular conditions in corn, wheat, oat, and other
Electron transport chain 149 97 50 minor crops. Among the various field crops, the response
Photosystem I 368 351 324 of soybean to Fe deficiency has been studied in most detail.
Photosystem II 240 119 48 Iron deficiency can cause a significant reduction in yield
Rubisco activity 56 33 15 of soybean. The acreage experiencing Fe deficiency has
Proteins 49 37 23 increased significantly in the last three decades, causing
significant yield losses. A wide genetic variability exists
Adapted with permission from Bertamini, et al., 2001. Photosynthetica 39, 59–65.
among soybean varieties for susceptibility to Fe deficiency.
Roots of highly resistant (Fe-efficient) cultivars have been
reduction in photosynthesis associated with Fe deficiency shown to reduce Fe3þ to Fe2þ more actively than those of
might arise from reduction in absorbed light due to decreased highly susceptible genotypes under Fe deficiency stress.
pigments and/or reduction in porphyrin components of the Peanut is another dicotyledonous species sensitive to Fe defi-
light harvesting apparatus. Among the various processes of ciency. In peanut grown as a monocrop on calcareous soil, Fe
photosynthesis, photosystem II is more sensitive to Fe chlorosis deficiency is a major crop production constraint. However,
than photosystem I. Fe chlorosis decreases all components of when peanut is intercropped with maize, the occurrence of
the electron transport chain. Owing to the direct involvement Fe deficiency is relatively low. The mechanism associated
of Fe in protein synthesis, Fe deficiency decreases the amounts with improved Fe uptake is complex and not well under-
of many proteins, including ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate stood. Iron deficiency is also a problem in dry bean.
(rubisco), which plays an important role in the carbon cycle However, similar to soybean, there exists large genetic vari-
of C3 plants. ability among the varieties of dry bean in their susceptibility
to Fe deficiency. The most tolerant cultivars remain green all
season with normal yields, and the sensitive cultivars suffer
Growth and Yield
severe yield loss.
Iron deficiency can decrease the growth and yield of crops Sorghum releases naturally occurring chelates (phytosi-
significantly. For example, in peanuts grown in calcareous soils, derophores) in response to Fe deficiency, but the magnitude
Fe deficiency decreased leaf area and dry matter production of of phytosiderophore release is less than more tolerant crops
leaves, stems, and root, leading to yield losses of 20% (Table 3). such as corn and wheat. Iron deficiency symptoms in
Yield losses to the extent of 25% due to Fe deficiency are re- sorghum are typically expressed in young plants, but become
ported for several other crops such as cereals (rice, wheat, obvious at later growth stages resulting in significant yield
corn, and sorghum), legumes (soybean, dry bean, mung bean decrease. Fe deficiency at early stages causes uneven flower-
(Vigna spp.), and lupin (Lupinus albus)), vegetables (tomato, ing and delayed grain ripening. In severe cases, Fe deficiency
capsicum (Capsicum spp.), potato (Solanum tuberosum), and can cause a total crop failure. Rice is moderately sensitive to
spinach (Spinacia oleracea)), and several fruit crops (citrus Fe deficiency; however, the problem is relatively rare. Rice is
(Citrus spp.), grape (Vitus vinifera), pears (Pyrus communis), generally grown under flooded condition; under these condi-
and apple (Malus pumila)). Similarly, the growth and value of tions, soil Fe is reduced to the more soluble Fe2þ forms, even
commercial ornamental crops, such as rose (Rosa spp.), chry- in calcareous soils. Like sorghum, rice is also very sensitive to
santhemum (Chrysanthemum spp.), and tulips (Tulipa spp.), iron deficiency at early stages resulting in reduced yields.
are reduced by Fe deficiency. Iron deficiency in rice depends on irrigation and flooding
252 Plant Nutrition j Iron Chlorosis

Table 4 Relative sensitivity of various plants to Fe deficiency

Susceptible Moderately susceptible Relatively tolerant

Field bean (Vicia faba) Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Barley (Hordeum vulgare)
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) Corn or maize (Zea mays) Millets (Pennisetum spp.)
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Cotton (Gossypium spp.) Oat (Avena sativa)
Soybean (Glycine max) Field pea (Pisum sativum subsp. arvense) Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
Sudangrass (Sorghum  drummondii) Forage legumes Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris)
Upland rice (Oryza sativa) Wheat (Triticum spp.)
Dry (common) bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Rye (Secale cereale)
Grape (Vitis spp.) Sunflower (Helianthus spp.)
Maple (Acer spp.) Amaranthus spp.
Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

practices. Maize is moderately sensitive to Fe deficiency. The Inorganic Fe Compounds

symptoms are frequent in soils with high pH and sodium The most common inorganic source of Fe is FeSO4. Soil appli-
content. Iron deficiency in sodic soils suggests that the Fe cation of inorganic FeSO4 can alleviate Fe chlorosis when soils
uptake mechanisms are impaired as a result of salinity stress. are deficient in Fe. Soil applications of inorganic Fe sources are
Wheat and oat are tolerant to Fe deficiency, even when usually not very effective in supplying Fe for crops unless
grown in soils where Fe deficiency may be a problem with applied in high doses, which is rarely economical for field
other crops. Grazing or clipping is known to intensify Fe crops. Inorganic Fe sources, when applied to soil, are rapidly
chlorosis. The relatively tolerant nature of these crops may converted into forms of Fe that are not available to plants, espe-
be due to release of adequate phytosiderophore for Fe cially in calcareous soils.
Iron Chelates
The term ‘chelate’ refers to a chemical that forms complexes
Management of Fe Deficiency with certain micronutrients, protecting them from becoming
unavailable. The effectiveness of Fe chelates depends princi-
Some of the important practices adopted to alleviate Fe chlo- pally on their reactivity. The mechanism of chelate-assisted Fe
rosis are soil amendments, foliar application of Fe compounds, uptake by roots may be described in four steps: (1) Fe3þ
genotypic selection, and agronomic crop management prac- must be released from the Fe chelate, so that the plant can
tices. Further research is required on novel methods of applica- reduce it and take up Fe2þ, leaving the free chelating agent in
tion of Fe compounds, use of adjuvants, and also analyses of Fe the soil, (2) the free chelating agent moves from the root
compound sin various sources. surface into soil by diffusion, (3) the chelating agent dissolves
the native Fe in the soil, and (4) the Fe chelate returns to root
surface by mass flow or diffusion. The Fe that reaches the plant
Soil Additives
is the amount added minus the amount precipitated. Soil
Soil additives for control of Fe chlorosis are mainly categorized applications of chelated compounds are more effective than
into inorganic Fe salts, Fe chelates, and other organic and acid- inorganic iron salts in correcting Fe chlorosis, but are too
ifying soil amendments. A list of some inorganic and organic Fe expensive for general use, except for commercial crops of
fertilizers is given in Table 5. high value.

Table 5 List of various sources of Fe fertilizer and their Fe content (%)

Fertilizer Formula Fe (%)

Ferrous sulfate FeSO4$7H2O 19
Ferric sulfate Fe2(SO4)3$4H2O 23
Ferrous oxide FeO 77
Ferric oxide Fe2O3 69
Ferrous ammonium sulfate FeSO4$(NH4)2$SO4$6H2O 14
Ferrous ammonium phosphate Fe(NH4)$PO4$H2O 29
Iron ammonium polyphosphate Fe(NH4)$HP2O7 22
Na-Fe ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) 5–4
Na-Fe diethylenetriaminepentaacetate (DTPA) 10
Na-Fe hydroxylethylenediaminetetraacetate (HEDA) 5–9
Na-Fe ethylenediaminedi(o-hydroxylphenol acetate) (EDDHA) 6
Plant Nutrition j Iron Chlorosis 253

Slow Release Iron Fertilizers the plant, the applied Fe does not move readily from sprayed
In recent years there have been significant improvements in parts to other parts of the plant. However, the use of urea
Fe fertilizer formulations that include the development of together with Fe fertilizers has been observed to increase grain
slow release Fe fertilizers and sources that are environmen- Fe concentrations. The rate of translocation of Fe from leaves
tally friendly. The new slow release fertilizers are water insol- varies with crop type but is always less than 50% of applied
uble and contain linear chain polymerized phosphates. Fe to a given leaf or leaflet. Therefore, under field conditions,
These phosphates are solubilized by compounds that have growers must apply foliar sprays of Fe repeatedly to provide
affinity toward Fe such as citrates and DPTA. Thus, these adequate amounts to the developing canopy.
compounds can be solubilized by root exudates and make
the Fe available. There have also been improvements in
Cultivar Selection
developing biodegradable, synthetic chelating agents that
are structurally similar to EDTA or EDDS (ethylenediamine- Certain cultivars are more efficient in utilizing Fe and are less
disuccinic acid). Research is currently underway for testing affected by Fe deficiency. The main mechanisms involved in
these new products in the field. Fe-efficient cultivars of dicotyledons include (1) the ability to
reduce pH due to Hþ efflux from roots; (2) enhanced root-asso-
Other Soil Amendments ciated Fe3þ reduction; (3) secretion of citrate in the roots; (4)
Organic materials such as plant residues, manures, sewage increased root hair development; and (5) greater ability to
sludge, and peat are good carriers of Fe and are effective in alle- form chelates with Fe to improve uptake and translocation.
viating Fe chlorosis. Similarly, the application of farmyard In monocotyledons, it is the ability of a cultivar to produce
manure and green manure to soil has shown improvement of phytosiderophores that correlate with their efficiency in
Fe deficiency. One of the best ways to increase the availability utilizing Fe. Since Fe efficiency is genetically determined, the
of Fe in the soil is to reduce the pH of the soil. Soil amelioration best long-term solution would be the development of cultivars
to prevent Fe chlorosis by acidification of the entire root zone is that are tolerant to Fe deficiency. These could easily be adopted
not practical. Therefore, part of the soil near the root zone is by farmers and would be the most efficient way to alleviate Fe
acidified by the application of sulfur or other acidifying agents. deficiency in crops. Examples of Fe-efficient cultivars of major
The amount of acidifying materials required varies with the food crops are given in Table 6.
amount of CaCO3 present in the soil.

Biofortification of Edible Crops with Fe

Foliar Management
Inorganic and chelated forms of Fe fertilizers are used as foliar Iron deficiency is also a major problem in humans. Iron defi-
fertilizers for correction of Fe deficiency in crop plants. These ciency in humans is widespread in developing countries, where
include FeSO4, FeEDTA, FeDTPA, FeEDDHA, Fe citrate, and it is estimated that 40–45% of school-age children are anemic;
FeIDHA (iminodisuccinic acid). As soil applications of most approximately 50% of this anemia results from Fe deficiency.
Fe fertilizers are generally less effective than foliar applications, In humans, Fe deficiency is mainly the result of plant-based
foliar application is widely used for the correction of Fe chlo- diets, which contain low levels of poorly bioavailable Fe.
rosis. Both inorganic and organic Fe sources are effective as Increasing bioavailable Fe in human diets can ameliorate
foliar sprays. The spraying of FeSO4 solution together with anemia. However, in developing countries, populations are
some surfactant is very effective in correcting Fe chlorosis in more dependent on plant sources, such as cereals, that contain
many crops. However, the effectiveness of Fe compounds in low Fe concentrations and high concentrations of antinutritional
overcoming Fe deficiency chlorosis is highly variable and compounds such as phytates which render Fe unavailable for
depends on their stability, ability to penetrate the leaf cuticle, absorption by the gut. Thus, enhancing Fe concentrations in
and their mobility/translocation following diffusion into leaf edible crops can not only help to increase crop productivity
tissue. Because of the poor translocation of applied Fe within but also remedy anemia in human populations. Traditional

Table 6 Examples of Fe efficient and inefficient cultivars in important field crops

Crops Fe-efficient cultivars Fe inefficient cultivars

Rice ARC 10372, Cauvery, TR 23, TR 25, NC 85021, IET 7972, Pusa 33, Mahsuri, Saket 4
and IET 7973
Wheat N 85021, Aroona, Excaibur, Stiletto, Trident Durati, Yallaroi
Maize WF 9 YS 1
Sorghum QL3, SC 630-11E, SC33-9-8-E4, 80-4124, Kanol 1, K1, K SC 118-15E, SC 369-3-1JB, Redland, TX 2775, TAM 428, KS 56,
8, K 10, K 11, CSV 15, Co 8 80-3653, 80-3707, 80-3782, DMS 652, TNS 597, Co 21, Co 25
Soybean Bragg, Pioneer, A7, Dawson, Kiroyogradskaya4, Throne, Hei Nong No 16, L 117
Veselovskaia 1, VIR 1187
Peanut ICGV 86031, ICGV 06146, 77-234, 71-58, R 9227, R 8808, Dh 2000-1, TMV 2
Mung bean UT1, CN 36, CN 60, CNM1, NM10-12-1 CNM 8509B, Kamphaeng Saen 2
Field bean Santi, Px 95-183-7-1, Px-89-82-1, Px 97-58-1 Parafield, Glenroy, Px 97-9-4, Px 96-83-1-1
254 Plant Nutrition j Iron Chlorosis

strategies to deliver Fe to humans are through supplementation. ascorbic acid, cysteine-containing peptides or hemoglobin,
An alternative solution to increase Fe concentrations in edible into the edible plant tissues.
crops is termed as biofortification and can be achieved by crop In strategy I plants, reduction of Fe3þ to Fe2þ is dependent
management or plant breeding. Research is currently underway on the enzyme ferric reductase; therefore, Fe efficiency of plants
to improve the uptake of Fe by plants from the soil and to can be improved by manipulating expression of this enzyme. It
produce rice plants (and other food crops) that store greater has been established that the FRO2 gene in Arabidopsis
concentrations of Fe in bioavailable forms. encodes expression of ferric chelate reductase and is expressed
Considerable genetic variation in tissue Fe concentrations under Fe deficiency. Similarly, the ferric reductase gene FRE1
exists in crop species, and this can be harnessed for bio- was identified in yeast. Genetically modified lines of tobacco
fortification (Table 6). Varieties with greater mineral concentra- (Nicotiana tabacum) with FRE1 genes showed greater tolerance
tions in their edible portions are already available, and new to Fe deficiency.
genotypes with higher mineral densities are being developed. Ferritin is an iron storage protein capable of binding up to
Screening germplasm collections has indicated a large genetic 4500 Fe atoms per molecule and is a major source of Fe. Ferritin
variation in the Fe concentrations in the edible parts of staple from legumes represents an attractive target protein for
foods (e.g., wheat, bean, cassava, maize, rice, and yam). For improving rice grain Fe concentration. Comparing SferH-1
example, the Fe content of wheat cultivars varied from 25 to and SferH-2 gene, the later forms the stable protein; hence,
56 mg kg1. The Fe content in plants and Fe concentrations in SferH-2 gene was used to transform rice to enrich iron content.
edible parts might be increased by increasing Fe uptake from To increase Fe content in rice seeds, the ferritin gene from Pha-
the soil and Fe storage within the edible parts. Increasing the levels seolus vulgaris was expressed in rice endosperm under the
of siderophores, chelating agents, reducing agents, enzymes, and control of the glutelin promoter, resulting in a more than
transporter proteins in roots could increase Fe uptake. twofold increase in the Fe content. The expression of recombi-
nant human lactoferrin (rHLF) in rice endosperm produced not
only 5 g rHLF per kilogram dehusked rice grains, but simulta-
Engineering Fe-Efficient Crops and Increasing Fe neously increased Fe content about twofold. Similarly, expres-
Content sion of a heat-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus phytase resulted in
increased enzyme activity in the seed, but only a small residual
Another approach to correct Fe deficiency in crops and humans activity was detected after cooking. Phytase degrades phytate,
is to genetically modify Fe acquisition in crops by improving which is a Fe- and Zn-binding antinutritional compound.
their Fe efficiency. In several crops (e.g., oat, chickpea, pepper, In strategy II plants, there is a strong correlation between
sunflower, and rice), the Fe efficiency trait is determined by one the amount of phytosiderophores released and tolerance to
or two genes and is simply inherited. In other crops (e.g., Fe deficiency. Graminaceous plants secrete natural Fe chelator
sorghum, clover, and soybean), Fe efficiency is a complex trait (mugineic acid phytoiderophores, MAs) from their roots to
determined by several genes acting in a quantitative manner. In solubilize Fe in the soil. These MAs are synthesized from L-
some crops (e.g., oat, dry bean, sorghum, and soybean), methionine through nicotianamine. NAS and NAAT are the
breeding methods used successfully to improve Fe efficiency two critical enzymes in the biosynthesis of MAs, and in Fe-
of cultivars include recurrent selection and the backcross and tolerant species, activity of these two enzymes is increased
pedigree methods. In soybean, several different population under Fe deficiency. Among strategy II plants, rice is particu-
development strategies (single crosses, backcrosses, and three- larly sensitive to Fe deficiency when compared with barley.
way crosses and four-way crosses) are used to select high- Recently, barley genomic DNA fragments containing two
yielding cultivars with improved Fe efficiency. Iron content is NAAT genes (NAAT-A and NAAT-B) that encode enzymes
known to vary in wild wheat (25–56 ppm), and Fe is positively involved in the biosynthesis of phytosiderophores were
correlated with Zn content. Synthetic hexaploid wheat lines successfully introduced in rice, using transformation tech-
(Triticum durum  Aegilops tauschii) have also been identified niques. The resultant transgenic rice showed greater tolerance
as valuable sources of germplasm to increase the concentration to Fe deficiency and produced greater grain yields. These
of iron. Thus it is possible to cross wild species with cultured results suggest there are possibilities for genetically engi-
varieties to increase the micronutrient concentrations in grain. neering Fe-efficient plants.
An alternative way to increase the Fe concentrations in
edible parts is through a transgenic approach. It is observed See also: Photosynthesis: C3 Plants. Plant Cells: Leaf
that expressing a yeast ferric reductase gene in transgenic Development. Plant Nutrition: Deficiency Diseases, Principles;
tobacco plants increased leaf Fe concentrations by 50%. Simi- Mineral Uptake; Nitrogen Fixation. Plants and the Environment:
larly, increasing the concentration of the storage proteins phy- The Rhizopshere and Its Microorganisms.
toferritin also increases Fe concentrations. Transgenic rice
expressing the soybean ferritin gene was shown to have signif-
icantly greater grain Fe concentration than the untransformed
control. Cooking and processing of grain can negatively impact Further Reading
Fe availability. It may be possible to introduce heat- and acid-
resistant phytases into cereal grains to withstand cooking and Abadia, J., Vazquez, S., Rellan-Alvarez, R., El-Jendoubi, H., Abadia, A., Alvarez-
Fernandez, A., Lopez-Milan, A.F., 2011. Towards a knowledge-based correction
degrade phytic acid in the gut during digestion, thereby of iron chlorosis. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 49, 471–482.
increasing Fe absorption by humans. Finally, another option Barton, L.L., Abadia, J., 2006. Iron Nutrition in Plants and Rhizospheric Microorgan-
would be to introduce Fe absorption enhancers, such as isms. Springer, Netherlands.
Plant Nutrition j Iron Chlorosis 255

Briat, J.-F., Dubos, C., Gaymard, F., 2014. Iron nutrition, biomass production, and Lopez-Millan, A.-F., Grusak, M.A., Abadia, A., Abadia, J., 2013. Iron deficiency in
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Bot. 103, 1–11. reductase for iron uptake from soils. Nature 397, 694–697.
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Lett. 581, 2273–2280. Arabidopsis roots. New Phytol. 183, 1072–1084.
Kobayashi, T., Nishizawa, N.K., 2012. Iron uptake, translocation, and regulation in White, P.J., Broadley, M.R., 2009. Biofortification of crops with seven mineral
higher plants. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 63, 131–152. elements often lacking in human diets – iron, zinc, copper, calcium, magnesium,
Krohling, C.A., Eutropio, F.J., Bertolazi, A.A., Dobbss, L.B., Campostrini, E., Dias, T., selenium and iodine. New Phytol. 182, 49–84.
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