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Jovic A.

Raguro CFVE 2 BMLS 1 - 2


(Short Reflection)

Guide for Reflection:

1. Read the passage in Mark 12:30-31.

“30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all
your mind and with all your strength. 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as
yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

2. Write a short reflection focusing on the connection between belief in God

(Loving God) and morality (Loving others)?

The verity of presenting or handing love is so much complicated when it does not
transpire from the Lord our God and cannot be controlled with comfort when it proceeds to
the wrong path. The only track to shape things in a beautiful assemble in regards to loving
God and loving our fellow humans is to completely comprehend the purpose of our Creator
in how He spreads affection and care to all of His design where we are being taught too of
sharing our endearment. Admiring our Lord is effortless as to how we follow His
commandments and our actions will conduct us into the paradise. Being good to others will
grow automatically if we obey the first commandment and sustaining it will be better if what
we put in the center of our living is to love purely without our attachment to sins. God is love
and we only sense this gift if we recognize His presence in us which we will be infused with
virtue that pushes us in grabbing the lifestyle of Jesus Christ. Offering all we have to Him is
to surrender our own perspective and our own selfish decisions and in this manner, we will
be able to multiply His blessings and project them out of ourselves which fulfill prosperity
despite the difficult environment that we face daily. In conclusion, receiving our Lord is to
love and this leads us in creating a warm-hearted community otherwise we will be
disoriented and be full of sins from the evil.

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