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"The Necklace" (French: La Parure) is a short story by French writer Guy de

Maupassant. It is known for its twist ending (ironic ending), which was a hallmark of de
Maupassant's style.
His 300 stories were written in the naturalist style and often described the life of the
lower and middle classes.
The Necklace is a fictional short story in the genre of Realism.
Mathilde Loisel- the story's main character. Although Mathilde has been blessed with
physical beauty, she lacks the luxurious lifestyle she longs for and is extremely unhappy
with her lot in life. She borrows a diamond necklace from her friend Madame Forestier
as she gets ready for a fancy party, but when she loses it, she has to work for ten years
to pay for a replacement. Any possibility of future happiness for her and Monsieur Loisel
was destroyed by her one radiant night.
Monsieur Loisel- He is Mathilde’s husband.   Although Monsieur Loisel is content with
the little things in life, he tries his best to satisfy Mathilde's requests and find ways to
resolve her complaints. He cares deeply for Mathilde, but he doesn't really know her,
and he seems to underestimate the depth of her misery. Monsieur Loisel gives up his
future to help Mathilde pay off the debt after she loses the necklace. He pays a high
price for something he never really wanted.
Madame Forestier- The wealthy friend of Mathilde. Madame Forestier is kind to
Mathilde, but Mathilde is hurt by the kindness because she is so strongly envious of
Madame Forestier's wealth. For the party, Madame Forestier lends Mathilde the
necklace, and when Mathilde returns it, she doesn't give the look for it. She is horrified
to learn that Mathilde spent her entire life trying to save money for a replacement
necklace when the original necklace had actually been worthless.
Story takes place in France, during the 1800s and focuses on the lives of the Loisel
family. During that time, life was hard for many people, who lived primarily in working-
class households.

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