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The author begins the passage with the mother of the boy who had murdered a white girl lamenting to the
mother of the white girl who had been murdered by her son.√ She admits that her son was the killer and
that the community was blaming her for her son’s actions but she also claimed that she had no control
over her son.√ The mother went on to say that she was not shocked that her son killed the girl,√ she had
already accepted that nothing about her son surprises her anymore ever since a certain incident that had
happened before which totally destroyed her,√ at the same time blaming the white girl for wandering in
the black community where it was not safe for white people√ just because she was helping the community
so she thought no-one would hurt her.√ The boy’s mother suspects that if her son had killed a black
woman there would have been no public outcry. √She argues that the white girl had paid for the sins of
their fathers and mothers who did not do their share of seeing that her son lived a good life√ and now that
he was in jail, he was having things that he never had when he was a free man expressing her anguish to
the government wondering why her son was living a better life if chained?√ Ending the passage by
appealing to God to forgive her son for the sin he had committed.√

Thank you for such a good summary. You have managed to capture all the important aspects of the
passage. This is very good.

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