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Soc Sci 112 Gender and Society

Education as a Social Institution


1. Who is the father of education?

2. It is defined as engagement with learners to enable their understanding and application of

knowledge, concepts, and processes.

3. The word ‘school’ comes from the Greek ‘schole’, which means _________.

4. What is the first school to be founded?

5. According to him "...the human animal is a learning animal."

6. It is a continuous process and does not end.

7. The school in your community conducted a leadership training for aspiring student-leaders to attend.
What function of education is being showcased?

8. Both graduate and undergraduate individuals applied for a job in a company, but only the one who
graduated passed the qualifications and get hired. What function of education is being showcased?

9. For a culture of innovation to work, it requires the collaboration of Technology, People, Processes,
and _________.

10. Give one latent function of education in the society.


1. Horace Mann
2. Teaching
3. leisure
4. Plato's Academy
5. John Holt
6. Education
7. Socialization
8. Social Placement
9. Data
10. Child Care/Social Network/Marriage Market/Economic/Political
Prepared by: Jhonas Baronda, Arlene Abling, Venus Alcantara

Multiple Choice
11. It means sexual intercourse.
a. coitus
b. sex course
c. coitous
d. caosus

12. It is also known as physiological needs.

a. Biological needs
b. Behavioral needs
c. Emotional needs
d. Biologicality needs

13. In polygamy, there are two most typical forms. What does Polygyny and Polyandry means?
a. Polygyne -- co-wives share a husband
Polyandri -- co-husbands share a wife
b. Both of them are co-wives sharing a wife
c. Polygyny -- co-wives share a husband
Polyandry -- co-husbands share a wife
d. None of the above

14. He regarded sexual satisfaction as the aim of family.

a. Vishnaya
b. Vatsyayan
c. Maslow
d. Manu
15. The _______ are interdependent and continually interact and influence one another in everyday
a. Family and economy
b. Religion and government
c. Family and Education
d. All of the above
16. Institutions satisfy the primary necessities of the society. They establish community patterns and
they define the dominant values such as the 10 commandments. What is wrong with these statements?
a. Institutions do not establish community patterns. The rest are correct.
b. Institutions satisfy the primary needs of the society, not “necessities.” The dominant values are
the constitution of rights.
c. Nothing is wrong with the statements.
d. Institutions establish patterns of social behavior. They define the bill of rights.
17. What is the right (denotative) definition of a family?
a. A family is composed of people who are inlove.
b. A family consists of 5 children and 1 sister.
c. A family is a group based on material relation rights and duties and parenthood,
d. A family is when you are with people who accept you for who you are no matter the age, race,
or color.
18. A kinship group created through the maternal line (mothers and their children).
a. Matrilineal
b. Patrilineal
c. Bilateral
d. Ambilineal
19. A couple lives near or with husband's family of origin.
a. Matrilocal
b. Patrilocal
c. Avunculocal
d. Neolocal

20 .Is one of the most important social institutions. It is considered a "building block" of society because
it is the primary unit through which socialization occurs.
a. Religion
b. Government
c. Family
d. Community
Answer Key:
11. A
12. A
13. C
14. D
15. D
16. D
17. C
18. A
19. B
20. C

Prepared by: Ivan Carl Bognot, Ayzel Bernardo, Arra Mhay Cabase

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