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Questionnaire survey


An assessment and analysis of the impact of climate change on cropping pattern

Part A: General information of the respondent

1. Name of the respondent …………………………………………………...

2. Age: ☐ 20-30 ☐ 30-40 ☐ 40-50 ☐ 50-65 ☐ More

3. Sex:

☐ Male ☐ Female

4. Address of the respondent …………….........................................................

5. Occupation of the respondent:

☐ Farmer ☐ Day labourer ☐ Fisherman ☐ Teacher ☐ NGO worker ☐ Govt. employee

☐ Retailers ☐ Other

6. Agricultural land:

☐ Own land ☐ Lease Land

7. What is your monthly income?

☐ 3000-5000 ☐ 5000-10000 ☐ 10000-20000 ☐ 20000-50000 ☐ More

8. What is your educational background?

☐ Illiterate ☐ Primary ☐ Secondary ☐ Higher secondary ☐ Honors/ degree ☐ More

Part B: Information about the condition of crops during the disaster period

9. What kind of crops do you produce?


10. What type of disasters do you usually face in your locality?

☐ Flood ☐ Drought ☐ Cyclone ☐ Hail storm ☐ River erosion ☐ Other

11. Which disaster mostly affect cropping pattern in your locality?

☐ Flood ☐ Drought ☐ Cyclone ☐ Hail storm ☐ River erosion ☐ Other

12. What kind of crops are usually affected in the disaster period? And why?


Part C: Information about climate change impact

13. Do you know about climate change?

☐ Understand very well ☐ Understand well ☐ Understand but not well ☐ not understand

14. What is the negative impact of climate change on cropping pattern? (In your opinion)


15. How has the seasonal pattern changed in your area?

☐ Huge change ☐ Moderate change ☐ Less change ☐ No change

16. How much affected your agricultural practice by changing seasonal patterns?

☐ Too much affected ☐ Affected ☐ Not much affected ☐ Not affected ☐ I don’t know

17. Crop production reduced due to changes in the seasonal pattern? What do you think?

☐ Yes ☐ No

18. How much crop production has decreased due to changes in seasonal patterns? (If decreased)

☐ Much ☐ Moderate ☐ Less ☐ Not decreased

Part D: Climate factors that are responsible for reducing crop production

19. Do you face any problems with irrigation?

☐ Yes ☐ No

20. Which sources do you use for irrigation?

☐ River ☐ Lake ☐ Rainwater ☐ Groundwater ☐ Other

21. How is the amount of rainfall during the rainy season?

☐ Extreme ☐ Medium ☐ Low

22. What type of rain pattern occurs in your locality?

☐ Regular ☐ Irregular

23. What type of problem do you face with irregular rain pattern? (If face any problem)


24. Do you face waterlogging on your agricultural land?

☐ Yes ☐ No

25. What type of problem do you face with waterlogging? (If face waterlogging)


26. Which temperature is not suitable for your farming?

☐ Very high temperature in summer season ☐ Very low temperature in winter season ☐ Both

☐ Not vary with temperature

27. What type of problem do you face with highly changing in temperature to crop production?


Part E: Adaptation strategy and suggestions (open-ended question)

28. Do you make any changes in cropping patterns due to the impact of climate change?

☐ Change ☐ Some change ☐ Don’t change

29. What do you think? Is the right crop being produced at the right season?


30. What do you do to overcome the problem you face of the impact of climate change on crop

31. What is your suggestion to cope with the impact of climate change on the Agricultural sector?


32. What actions do you believe should be done to increase crop production?


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