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Cheating in Examinations. Why Do Some Students Do It?

Have you ever given serious consideration to the root of exam cheating? More and more

college and university students tend to select the best way to get high grades. Dr. Donald

McCabe asserts that 95% of the students surveyed exhibit some form of academic dishonesty.

The expansion of the Internet is one of the reasons cheating has become so common. A

student can easily find the answers or inspiration for an assignment thanks to the increased

availability of information on websites. Additionally, a smartphone's small and discreet design

makes it simple to use it covertly during exam time to look up answers or communicate with

others. According to studies, technology has made academic fraud easier, more practical, and

more difficult to detect than ever before. For example, "Nowadays, almost all cell phones come

equipped with a camera, making it possible to photograph notes at home for later viewing in the

exam room. Additionally, a student has the option of photographing the question itself and

sending it to a third party, who will reply with the solution via text or image, and so on... "

reported Kevin Curran, University of Ulster, International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education.

The majority of students are thought to cheat because they find the subject pointless and

boring, which is another factor that contributes to student misconduct. Furthermore, several

students attend class regularly but do not learn anything. These individuals frequently choose to

cheat on exams to undermine teachers. Students who are not interested in a particular subject feel

less motivated, according to a 2017 survey by Eric Anderman. They will devote more time to

learning about the subjects that will benefit their future careers.

Pressure from peers is the final contributing factor. Education today places more

emphasis on learning outcomes than on the actual learning process. Students who struggle with
time management and feel anxious when they see their peers succeed in school often experience

stress and anxiety. By receiving a lower grade, they might feel ashamed. Furthermore, decisions

to cheat on an exam are also influenced by peers. According to International Journal for

Educational Integrity ".Students tend to "go with the flow", in that sense, Rettinger and Kramer

(2009) contend that simply being aware of a student's cheating friends, as a result of being

exposed to a "cheating culture," and possibly as a result of "peer pressure," is sufficient to

encourage a student to cheat". That implies that a student may cheat if a classmate does so as


Without a doubt, cheating has developed into a significant issue that directly impacts the

education of young people in today's society. In general, as smart electronic devices have

advanced, some academic subjects are now taught in a dry manner, and peer pressure has

increased exam cheating. I believe there should be some safeguards in place to stop exam

cheating, such as the control and seizure of student electronic devices before the exam even

begins. Additionally, it's critical to enhance the way boring, dry subjects are taught and increase

awareness of their significance in real-world applications.


Curran, K., Middleton, G., & Doherty, C. (2011). cheating in Exams with technology.

Fontaine, S., Frenette, E., & Hébert, M. H. (2020). Exam cheating among Quebec’s preservice

teachers: the influencing factors. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 16(1), 1-18.

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